
RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Moscow Maddow , one of the biggest propogators of the Russia hoax wants you to know that MSDNC and other “news” outlets are interested in telling you what is and what isn’t the truth .

Their meltdown this time around is gonna be twice as enjoyable .


Rachel Maddow defends MSNBC's refusal to air Trump's Iowa victory speech: ‘Not out of spite’

At this point in the evening the projected winner of the Iowa caucuses has just started giving his victory speech," Maddow said, without directly mentioning Trump by name. "We will keep an eye on that as it happens. We will let you know if there is any news made in that speech, if there is anything noteworthy, something substantive and important."
Sep 12, 2022

Sep 21, 2004
Nikki’s money from wherever will start to become less after last night's showing in Iowa! Only chance of her getting near White House is if Trump asks her to come... Tick-Tock-Tick-Tock…. 2 minute warning….

Appropiate….. Prince “Epstein“ William County….. LOL

Election officials in Virginia’s Prince William County have acknowledged roughly 4,000 votes were misreported in former President Trump’s favor during the 2020 presidential election, when President Joe Biden went on to win the state.

Nov 11, 2007
Testing me as a little kid does with his parents I see, Dr/ Josef Menegel/doctorsuccess to see how much you can get away with!!

To be honest, I almost pulled the trigger but decided it was borderline.

One more post, of this nature and expect to see what you saw earlier in the way of an appropriate response,

which is contained within the laws of our buddy Isaac Newton:

The third law of motion is commonly known as the law of action and reaction. It states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This means that when an object exerts a force on another object, the second object exerts an equal and opposite force on the first object. These forces are always present in pairs and act on different objects.

If your ventriloquists, sheriff joe and sbd, want to turn this thread even more into an unstrctured free-for-all than it already is, I am game!!

Sep 12, 2022
The White Hat coalition has confirmed that the criminal Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin was killed in Ukraine on January 3 by a Russian cruise missile strike that annihilated a command post where Austin and a high-ranking Ukrainian military commander, Lieutenant General Valerii Zaluzhnyi, were scheming to overthrow Vladimir Putin.

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu sent Gen. Smith’s office a digital copy of Austin’s fingerprints, lifted from equipment he had touched in the Kyiv bunker. The prints were a 14-point match, more significant than the 10–12-point match used by courts of law to prove a person’s identity. Shoigu also sent surveillance photographs of Austin and Zaluzhnyi lingering outside the bunker a day before the strike. Our source said that Marine Corps Forces Cyberspace Command experts authenticated the prints and images.

As reported in August, Gen. Smith’s office and Shoigu have had a temperate alliance in their mutual quest to rid Ukraine of Adrenochrome labs and child traffickers, and even formed a joint U.S. Special Forces/Spetznas team to eradicate Deep Staters in the blighted country and employ all resources available to rescue kidnapped children from pedophiles. Our source said the team’s successes have created a conduit of conversation between Gen. Smith and his Russian counterpart.

Our source in Gen. Smith’s office said, “We’re satisfied he’s dead, and we’ve scratched his name off our list.”

Nov 11, 2007
The White Hat coalition has confirmed that the criminal Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin was killed in Ukraine on January 3 by a Russian cruise missile strike that annihilated a command post where Austin and a high-ranking Ukrainian military commander, Lieutenant General Valerii Zaluzhnyi, were scheming to overthrow Vladimir Putin.

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu sent Gen. Smith’s office a digital copy of Austin’s fingerprints, lifted from equipment he had touched in the Kyiv bunker. The prints were a 14-point match, more significant than the 10–12-point match used by courts of law to prove a person’s identity. Shoigu also sent surveillance photographs of Austin and Zaluzhnyi lingering outside the bunker a day before the strike. Our source said that Marine Corps Forces Cyberspace Command experts authenticated the prints and images.

As reported in August, Gen. Smith’s office and Shoigu have had a temperate alliance in their mutual quest to rid Ukraine of Adrenochrome labs and child traffickers, and even formed a joint U.S. Special Forces/Spetznas team to eradicate Deep Staters in the blighted country and employ all resources available to rescue kidnapped children from pedophiles. Our source said the team’s successes have created a conduit of conversation between Gen. Smith and his Russian counterpart.

Our source in Gen. Smith’s office said, “We’re satisfied he’s dead, and we’ve scratched his name off our list.”

Our rating: False​

Austin is alive. His hospitalization since Jan. 1 in Maryland for complications following prostate cancer surgery has been international news corroborated by hospital officials, the Department of Defense and the White House. Austin resumed his full duties as secretary of defense on Jan. 5 and released a statement on Jan. 6. The report comes from a publication that routinely publishes fabricated stories.

Nov 11, 2007

Our rating: False​

Austin is alive. His hospitalization since Jan. 1 in Maryland for complications following prostate cancer surgery has been international news corroborated by hospital officials, the Department of Defense and the White House. Austin resumed his full duties as secretary of defense on Jan. 5 and released a statement on Jan. 6. The report comes from a publication that routinely publishes fabricated stories.

Only a moron and/or a person starved for attention because of his own failings in life as is the case with doctorsuccess would

try to post this as fact!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Nikki’s money from wherever will start to become less after last night's showing in Iowa! Only chance of her getting near White House is if Trump asks her to come... Tick-Tock-Tick-Tock…. 2 minute warning….

Appropiate….. Prince “Epstein“ William County….. LOL

Election officials in Virginia’s Prince William County have acknowledged roughly 4,000 votes were misreported in former President Trump’s favor during the 2020 presidential election, when President Joe Biden went on to win the state.

She’ll be finished after she gets wiped out in her home state of SC .

Nov 11, 2007

To be fair we Jews have bad apples also, with the person cited above being a prime example of a JINO(Jew In Name Only).
Sep 12, 2022
From Real Raw News

He cannot be stopped. He will not be caged. He conquers all challengers.

President Donald J. Trump last night delivered a mighty blow in the Iowa Caucuses, stomping three rivals and forcing one Deep State plant, Vivek Ramaswamy, to abandon his presidential aspirations.

In a swift victory that took only 31 minutes to declare, President Donald J. Trump, the lawful commander in chief, won the Hawkeye State with 51% of the vote, stunning liberals and conservatives alike, and forcing an admission from the MSM (Axios) that MAGA voices shall not be squelched, will not be silenced, not in a political climate where avaricious, corrupt politicians criminally enrich themselves at the expense of their constituents.

Trump’s resounding victory came even as his challengers tried cheating their way to a win.

As reported yesterday, White Hats in Des Moines detained a Nikki Haley staffer who tried to buy votes with prepaid VISA gift cards. When CID investigators later searched her hotel room, they found 500 more cards, each valued at $1,000. The staffer known only as “Joan” has maintained her innocence, saying she bought them with her own savings and handed the cards to random Iowans because she aimed to spread “love and light” to hardworking people besieged by severe weather, not to influence the state’s caucus. Essentially a political intern, Joan earned barely above minimum wage and worked as a barista before joining the Haley campaign in September. Her median checking and savings over the last five years was approximately $600. Although she has yet to implicate Haley in her “love and light” campaign, White Hats are confident she’ll break.

Elsewhere in Iowa, the White Hat coalition uncovered 27 incidents of election fraud and made nine apprehensions in places ranging from densely populated Des Moines to the charming Luxembourger village of St. Donatus, population 135. Sources haven’t described the nature of the fraud, for doing so would afford Trump’s enemies a chance to adapt their immoral and illegal tactics.

The White Hats who guarded the vote in Iowa will now move to New Hampshire, which holds its primary on January 23.

As a nod to the White Hats guarding the nation and taking down the Deep State, President Trump wore an Iowa Caucus Captain “White Hat” while delivering tasty pizzas to firefighters in Waukee, Iowa, Sunday afternoon.

Nov 11, 2007
From Real Raw News

He cannot be stopped. He will not be caged. He conquers all challengers.

President Donald J. Trump last night delivered a mighty blow in the Iowa Caucuses, stomping three rivals and forcing one Deep State plant, Vivek Ramaswamy, to abandon his presidential aspirations.

In a swift victory that took only 31 minutes to declare, President Donald J. Trump, the lawful commander in chief, won the Hawkeye State with 51% of the vote, stunning liberals and conservatives alike, and forcing an admission from the MSM (Axios) that MAGA voices shall not be squelched, will not be silenced, not in a political climate where avaricious, corrupt politicians criminally enrich themselves at the expense of their constituents.

Trump’s resounding victory came even as his challengers tried cheating their way to a win.

As reported yesterday, White Hats in Des Moines detained a Nikki Haley staffer who tried to buy votes with prepaid VISA gift cards. When CID investigators later searched her hotel room, they found 500 more cards, each valued at $1,000. The staffer known only as “Joan” has maintained her innocence, saying she bought them with her own savings and handed the cards to random Iowans because she aimed to spread “love and light” to hardworking people besieged by severe weather, not to influence the state’s caucus. Essentially a political intern, Joan earned barely above minimum wage and worked as a barista before joining the Haley campaign in September. Her median checking and savings over the last five years was approximately $600. Although she has yet to implicate Haley in her “love and light” campaign, White Hats are confident she’ll break.

Elsewhere in Iowa, the White Hat coalition uncovered 27 incidents of election fraud and made nine apprehensions in places ranging from densely populated Des Moines to the charming Luxembourger village of St. Donatus, population 135. Sources haven’t described the nature of the fraud, for doing so would afford Trump’s enemies a chance to adapt their immoral and illegal tactics.

The White Hats who guarded the vote in Iowa will now move to New Hampshire, which holds its primary on January 23.

As a nod to the White Hats guarding the nation and taking down the Deep State, President Trump wore an Iowa Caucus Captain “White Hat” while delivering tasty pizzas to firefighters in Waukee, Iowa, Sunday afternoon.
Well kudos to reading my previous post regarding Real Raw News and in order to look even more stupid and clueless that you

already do, admitting that they are a satire site only, and good for providing a good chuckle and that's it!!

Nov 11, 2007

This guy is getting what he deserves and imo gets at least an honorable mention for the criminal and lying slime associated

with Trump!!

Sep 21, 2004
if this is the case who/where and how the cards were purchased has a money trail. You know just like if you were making a deposit at A sportsbook!

When CID investigators later searched her hotel room, they found 500 more cards, each valued at $1,000. The staffer known only as “Joan” has maintained her innocence, saying she bought them with her own savings and handed the cards to random Iowans because she aimed to spread “love and light” to hardworking people besieged by severe weather, not to influence the state’s caucus

293 days…..

Sep 5, 2010
Is there any way that someone could post a tweet that they think is a fact?

Maybe something from Newsmax or Realrawnews.

Big Mac.

Burger King.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

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