
Nov 11, 2007
Whistleblower drops deeply disturbing report showing the CIA was paid to mislead the public on COVID

👇 👇 👇

Excuse me, joey, but it has been DOCUMENTED by Bob Woodward in his interview with Trump that it was Trump who

deliberately lied to the American public when Covid first started to take its toll by telling them to not worry and that it

would simply disappear soon on its own!!

God knows how many people contracted Covid and even died because of this because the self-centered lying AHole was

worried that he would lose some votes in the upcoming 2020 Election if he told the truth!!

And now, folks, you the rest of the story!!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

Gaza’s Tunnels Loom Large for Israel’s Ground Forces * The Israel-Hamas Tunnel War Will Be Like No Other * Israeli Army Shows Tunnel Destruction​

Rebuttal By​

By now, everyone in "conspiracy theory ™ land has heard about DUMBs -- the acronym for Deep Underground Military Bases. It has been said (by "anons," not Q himself) that this network of tunnels and bases, located around the world, are the "bugout" destinations for the "elite" and their connected minions in the event of World War III cataclysm of their creation.

Until that day, the world beneath the world is currently being used to store / breed children for purposes of rape, torture, adrenochrome production, organ harvesting, Satanic rituals etc.

It has further been claimed that the ongoing worldwide military offensives against the Deep State involve intense battles being waged down below. Although the "Editorial Board" of The Anti-New York Times has long been intrigued by this highly plausible assertion and some of the very interesting data points surrounding it, we have still refrained from commenting on this supposed invisible subterranean war because ---- well, even the inferences were a bit too invisible for our standards.

However, the spike in recent stories about the sub-Gaza "tunnel warfare" now raging between the "Israelis" and "Hamas" perked St. Sugar's ears up, and really does "fit" the claims of the "tunnel theorists." You see, given that we have unwaveringly maintained, from Day 1, that the Hamas vs Israel "war" is a fictional "crisis actor" movie along the lines of "Wag the Dog" -- the critical thinker is compelled to ask: "Who is really fighting in these tunnels we keep hearing about?"

There is a massive parallel world beneath us. Do we know, or can we even imagine, the full extent of it and what goes on "down there?"

When utilizing the Mike's 95%-accurate "Rule of Reversal" the highly defamatory Anti-Defamation League --(a high-pressure group established after a wealthy Atlanta Jew was lynched for raping and murdering a little girl) -- ironically and unintentionally, makes a very strong case to support the "tunnel conspiracy theorists."

From the ADL's own website: "DUMBs, short for Deep Underground Military Bases, refers to a conspiracy theory that children being trafficked by the Deep State are being held in secret military bases underground. Conspiracy theorists believe earthquakes are caused by members of the military freeing children from these bases and arresting members of the Deep State." (here)

Methinks (((they))) do protest too much about the "tunnel conspiracy theorists." Other data points -- when assembled together in one place -- begin to form a pattern of facts which bring us to the conclusion that, in all probability, something wild is going on in the world below.

Consider: * 1. We have known for years that vast underground and secretive facilities do indeed exist. It's what one might describe as an "open secret." (here) *

2. One of evil Elon Musk's companies -- (the real Musk, the Globalist arch-villain --- not the White Hat imposter that has replaced him) -- is the Boring Company, which specializes in building deep tunnels.(here) *

3. The U.S. Army has recently invested heavily in conducting extensive training in tunnel warfare. (here) *

4. Given that we know that the "elites" were planning a global conflagration between Russia and China on one side, and NATO on the other -- they would have to have safe, well-stocked comfortable places to escape the destruction and fallout until the genocide party was over. *

5. Trafficking huge numbers of children is very challenging. By the most elemental logical inference, we know, for example, from the Epstein-Maxwell Mossad operation that submarines were utilized for this nefarious purpose (the cover story being an environmental protection project).

Tunnels for storing and smuggling children, arms, secret armies etc. would therefore make perfect sense. * Something has been going on "down there" worldwide -- and in this latest subterranean clean-up operation, we do not believe that the combatants are Israel and Hamas.
Under Commander Trump, the Army suddenly began investing lots of money and time preparing soldiers for tunnel warfare.

The well-connected / well-to-do would sit out World War III in subterranean luxury -- which explains why they are not afraid of provoking Russia & China.

The complete picture would put 99% of Americans (the World) in a HOSPITAL.POTUS is our savior.Pray. Operators are active. We are at war. Q Post 111 11-05-2017

We are saving Israel for last. Very specific reason not mentioned. Q Post 916 03-10-2018
Ah yes...DUMBs.

Just like when the US military flooded all the DC tunnels, the Global Mil Alliance is currently in the process pumping sea water into all the secret underground tunnels beneath Israel - 400+ miles of underground networks, some connecting from Jerusalem to as far away as the Vatican. No, they're not "Hamas" tunnels which is the FAKE "news" cover story.

The military has been training for subterranean warfare for almost 2 decades now.

Honestly, I'm not sure even readers glued to THIS thread are ready to hear about DUMBs and underground cities.. are you?


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Ho, ho, ho! Merry Christmas!

Santa Joe has a very special gift for all the good patient Patriots tired of "waiting for something to happen"

Wanna see arrests?

Wanna see the military stepping in?

Wanna see JUSTICE for the 2020 "stollen" election?

Guess what? It already happened!

Watch this live 16 minute feed of the White House and see what happened the moment those treasonous bastards signed all the criminal paperwork.

👉20,000 National Guard occupying Washington, DC.
👉JAG Officers on scene
👉 Military Tribunals On Site

There is no current legal "official government" until 11.3 verifies as 1st marker - end of belligerent occupation (Law of War manual)

👉👉👉Wartime CIC operating under a COG, aka Devolution

Once you "WATCH THE TRIAL!" in March, you'll understand why it had to be this way.

In the meantime, enjoy the show (with hilarious play-by-play)


Nov 11, 2007

I can't ask for a better way to start the day than what is contained in the two links aboe!!

But to be fair, we don't know for sure yet whether they are yet another part of the fu cking "plan!!" lol

Nov 11, 2007
Earlier today I went back to early 2020 to read some posts when essentially all of this QAnon delusional nonsense got rolling!!

Not surprisingly, I found the same type of tabloid bs and predictions back then as I see now spewed forth, especially by sheriff joe,

and just as is the case now, it was/is all allegedly imminent, and none of it has come even remotely true!!

What we have gotten instead are weak excuses, rationalizations, and laughable moronic alleged reasons for the time delays like it part

of some "fuc king plan" but never/not once an admission that their predictions have simply failed to come true!!

To be fair, they are quite good at moving out the goalposts!! lol

Nov 11, 2007

The beat goes on-perhaps one or more of the Trump fellators in this thread can come forth and defend this piece of gutter scum,

who for me overall is at least as despicable as Trump!!

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Ah yes...DUMBs.

Just like when the US military flooded all the DC tunnels, the Global Mil Alliance is currently in the process pumping sea water into all the secret underground tunnels beneath Israel - 400+ miles of underground networks, some connecting from Jerusalem to as far away as the Vatican. No, they're not "Hamas" tunnels which is the FAKE "news" cover story.

The military has been training for subterranean warfare for almost 2 decades now.

Honestly, I'm not sure even readers glued to THIS thread are ready to hear about DUMBs and underground cities.. are you?

Nothiing gets WHITE CHRISTIANS worked up as much as those "filty" Muslims

Who would have thought their latest propaganda is BS


Sep 5, 2010
A very good read.

CNN’s Kaitlan Collins and Elie Honig Agree — ‘Airtight’ Meadows Denial ‘Very Bad’ For Trump Criminal Immunity Claim​



Soon, real soon.

We have it all.

Get ready for the return.

February 18th


:santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat:

Dec 17, 2004

Sep 5, 2010
Another GREAT read, and not a tweet.

A lie is still a lie': NY judge says expert 'lost all credibility' — tosses Trump’s civil fraud case motion​

Valuing occupied residences as if vacant, valuing restricted land as if unrestricted, valuing an apartment as if it were triple its actual size, valuing property many times the amount of concealed appraisals, valuing planned buildings as if completed and ready to rent, valuing golf courses with brand premium while claiming not to, and valuing restricted funds as cash, are not subjective differences of opinion, they are misstatements at best and fraud at worst.




Soon, real soon.

We have it all.

Get ready for the red tsunami.

February 18th coming soon, real soon.


Nov 11, 2007
I am going on record as saying that if Biden is the Democratic nominee on Election Day of 2024, I will disappear

and NEVER post anything else in this thread for the rest of my life!!

To be fair though, that is the ultimate game plan for me and could happen much sooner if and/when it is a certainty that

Trump is either not the nominee and/or he is convicted!!

Mark this post as I assure you I will honor it if I am wrong!!

ps To be clear, this applies even if Biden is the nominee and wins the Election no matter who his opponent is!!

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
Ho, ho, ho! Merry Christmas!

Santa Joe has a very special gift for all the good patient Patriots tired of "waiting for something to happen"

Wanna see arrests?

Wanna see the military stepping in?

Wanna see JUSTICE for the 2020 "stollen" election?

Guess what? It already happened!

Watch this live 16 minute feed of the White House and see what happened the moment those treasonous bastards signed all the criminal paperwork.

👉20,000 National Guard occupying Washington, DC.
👉JAG Officers on scene
👉 Military Tribunals On Site

There is no current legal "official government" until 11.3 verifies as 1st marker - end of belligerent occupation (Law of War manual)

👉👉👉Wartime CIC operating under a COG, aka Devolution

Once you "WATCH THE TRIAL!" in March, you'll understand why it had to be this way.

In the meantime, enjoy the show (with hilarious play-by-play)

Pretty good stuff . Some here still not convinced.

Nov 11, 2007
Pretty good stuff . Some here still not convinced.
Hmm-you yourself are not convinced, pal-lets tell the entire truth here!!

You have expressed doubts right along when posting to sbd that this devolution, arrests bullshit, etc is true although as as the coward

you are, you have done it by asking him slow-pitch softball questions!!

Get over it, peasant-you are still bitter because you let your emotions take control of your mind in the 2020 Election and bet way

too much on Trump to win!!

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