Aug 17, 2019
It's kind of amazing how Patriots on this thread are so up to speed on what's going on in the world, while Tards are so far behind. You wouldn't think such a large discrepancy of intelligence was possible, but there it is, fully documented for everyone and all newcomers to see.

The separation of the wheat from the chaff.

Exactly what the op said would happen at the onset.
Aug 17, 2019

Screen Shot 2023-12-10 at 7.04.04 AM.png

Nov 11, 2007

I see nothing but the same drivel so far today from the Trump fellators born out of desperation that things have

taken a dramatic turn for the worse for their mentor and savior Donald "the Jesus" Trump!!

Therefore my return to this thread unlike that of their predicted and alleged one for Trump which has failed to come true

for almost three years, will be a real one and will occur sometime this afternoon!!

Sep 21, 2004
Movie for Ya all on Netflix now.... Saturday night at the movies

Leave the World Behind

interesting this was filmed in 2020 playing out 4 years later. like is what is happening in the world today scripted? your call
Hope "Ya All" enjoyed :cool: Julia Roberts opening Line was interesting!

Kickoff 3-2-1.......

I see nothing but the same drivel so far today from the Trump fellators born out of desperation that things have

taken a dramatic turn for the worse for their mentor and savior Donald "the Jesus" Trump!!

Therefore my return to this thread unlike that of their predicted and alleged one for Trump which has failed to come true

for almost three years, will be a real one and will occur sometime this afternoon!!
Welcome to the Jungle...
Sep 12, 2022
"I will take 'their IQs simply too low' for $1,000 Alex"
In my study of human nature, I've learned that each of us naturally assumes that others are as smart as we are. For instance, the Patiots who post on this thread have all been blessed with high IQs and a high degree of intelligence. Therefore, they assume that others are as smart as they are. When it becomes apparent that many others DO NOT possess the same degree of intelligence, it can be both frustrating and saddening.

Conversely, the Tards - and I'm basing this off their posts on the old thread - in possession of low IQs and a low level of intelligence, not to mention impaired brain function from taking the fake vaccine and from Trump Derangement Syndrome - automatically assume that everyone else is just as stupid as they are. When they read a piece of Fake News that anyone with above average intelligence can immediately tell is a lie, but which they believe to be true - they become frustrated and irate.

So it becomes a frustrating situation all around, with Patriots doing what they can to educate others, while Tards continue to suffer increasing degrees of impaired brain function, leading to mental illness.

Nov 11, 2007
In my study of human nature, I've learned that each of us naturally assumes that others are as smart as we are. For instance, the Patiots who post on this thread have all been blessed with high IQs and a high degree of intelligence. Therefore, they assume that others are as smart as they are. When it becomes apparent that many others DO NOT possess the same degree of intelligence, it can be both frustrating and saddening.

Conversely, the Tards - and I'm basing this off their posts on the old thread - in possession of low IQs and a low level of intelligence, not to mention impaired brain function from taking the fake vaccine and from Trump Derangement Syndrome - automatically assume that everyone else is just as stupid as they are. When they read a piece of Fake News that anyone with above average intelligence can immediately tell is a lie, but which they believe to be true - they become frustrated and irate.

So it becomes a frustrating situation all around, with Patriots doing what they can to educate others, while Tards continue to suffer increasing degrees of impaired brain function, leading to mental illness.
Several quick thoughts come to mind with this post, which will serve until at least 4:00 today:

1) You didn't write it on your own, and even if you did it is based on nothing but begging the question, poisoning the well,

sweeping generalizations with no factual basis/empiricalevidence and other failures in universal concepts in debating which leave

you at the bottom of the totem poll.

2) No mention of your own massive failure with 99.8% failed predictions(includes your ventriloquists, sheriff joe and sbd),

most notably the 100% failed one you have predicted for over three years on an almost daily basis regarding Trump's

devolution with nothing but at best with weak reasoning, excuses and rationalizations which would be laughed out if any

court of law in the country if you offered them!!

3) Putting me on ignore or most likely pretending to put me on ignore, which makes no sense because if I

am one of the low intelligence quotes, you should be able to both destroy me in any kind of debate and enjoy doing it

at the same time!!

I could go on and will later on but right now it is time for lunch and to watch some football!!

Nov 11, 2007

It looks FINALLY the neo-Nazi/fascist/racist/CRIMINAL/pathological lying AHole smartened up and listened to his legal teams' to STFU

until we tell you it is ok(if ever) to try to defend yourself on your own!!

Sep 21, 2004

It looks FINALLY the neo-Nazi/fascist/racist/CRIMINAL/pathological lying AHole smartened up and listened to his legal teams' to STFU

until we tell you it is ok(if ever) to try to defend yourself on your own!!

Hamas threatens to kill all remaining hostages if demands are not met
By Ronny Reyes


Nov 11, 2007
Several quick thoughts come to mind with this post, which will serve until at least 4:00 today:

1) You didn't write it on your own, and even if you did it is based on nothing but begging the question, poisoning the well,

sweeping generalizations with no factual basis/empiricalevidence and other failures in universal concepts in debating which leave

you at the bottom of the totem poll.

2) No mention of your own massive failure with 99.8% failed predictions(includes your ventriloquists, sheriff joe and sbd),

most notably the 100% failed one you have predicted for over three years on an almost daily basis regarding Trump's

devolution with nothing but at best with weak reasoning, excuses and rationalizations which would be laughed out if any

court of law in the country if you offered them!!

3) Putting me on ignore or most likely pretending to put me on ignore, which makes no sense because if I

am one of the low intelligence quotes, you should be able to both destroy me in any kind of debate and enjoy doing it

at the same time!!

I could go on and will later on but right now it is time for lunch and to watch some football!!
Here is one more thing to consider that I didn't mention above:

Quoting from doctorsuccess and/or whoever wrote it for him or helped him to write it, he says this:

"When they read a piece of Fake News that anyone with above average intelligence can immediately tell is a lie, but which they believe to be true - they become frustrated and irate."

If this isn't MASSIVE begging the question and poisoning the well and making no sense whatsoever, then I don't what is!!

Just two examples are needed here to make my point:

1) Is it "fake news" that after three years of thousands of daily FAILED predictions on their part that Trump's devolution is IMMINENT

that someone of above-average intelligence should believe that the prediction is an accurate one and that it is still going to

come true??

2) Is it fake news that someone of above-average intelligence should believe that not with even the tiniest speck of evidence to

prove it that Trump not on;y won the 2020 Election but won ALL FIFTY STATES AND GARNERED OVER 90 percent

in so doing??

These are just the tip of the iceberg of the kind of questions I would ask them if didn't PRETEND to have me on ignore as an excuse

so as not to have to respond!!

It sure as hell isn't "fake news" that if he dared to respond openly and DIRECTLY to questions like this and tried to defend

it, he would be plastered all over the wall beyond recognition by yours truly in short order!!

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