
Nov 11, 2007
Since I posted this late last night and not everyone may have read it, I am going to repost this as MY OPINION AND ONLY

MY OPINION, rather than the Trump cult members who express everything they do as 'fact," which in FACT amounts to nothing

more than delusions, projections and/or lies which in turn are almost based on begging the question, poisoning the well and

other choice adjectives that simply destroy any credibility on their part!1

Here you go:

"No prediction about Hunter Biden but imo there is a better than 50% chance of any of the three things happening with Trump

for various reasons which would mean he doesn't actually go to prison.

Here they are in no particular order:

1) He doesn't get the nomination and is not convicted because for lack of a better term, no one cares anymore.

2) He does get the nomination but is convicted before the Election and/or signs a plea bargain to drop out.

3) He does get the nomination, is convicted and drops out for some made-up reason such as a fake doctor's excuse

that for health reasons he should not continue because the polling data show he is not going to win.

4) He legitimately gets sick or even dies prior to the Election with or without the nomination.

To summarize, while imo the chances are close to 100% that he will never be elected POTUS, for reasons stated above and probably

a few more, the chances of actual incarceration are a bit less, which frankly;y I don't really call all that much one way or the other."

Sep 5, 2010

The U.S. added 199,000 jobs in November and the unemployment rate fell to 3.7%​

Thanks President Biden.

Did you know that he campaigned from his basement and beat the orange encrusted buffoon by 8 million votes?

The stupid! It burns!

:santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat:

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

The U.S. added 199,000 jobs in November and the unemployment rate fell to 3.7%​

Thanks President Biden.

Did you know that he campaigned from his basement and beat the orange encrusted buffoon by 8 million votes?

The stupid! It burns!

:santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat:

Did you know that 47K of those “added” jobs were…

30k UAW returning to work
17K Hollywood actors returning to work

Perhaps that might get added to what the article labels as a developing story .


You get dumber by the post .

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013


Nov 11, 2007

The U.S. added 199,000 jobs in November and the unemployment rate fell to 3.7%​

Thanks President Biden.

Did you know that he campaigned from his basement and beat the orange encrusted buffoon by 8 million votes?

The stupid! It burns!

:santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat:
Stuff like you posted along with the falling price of gas, improving economy, infuriates Lenny Lenbo because being the

self-serving/repulsive cretin he is, he wants things to get only WORSE for the country so that he can bash Biden.

He doesn't care one iota for folks including fellow Trump supporters and Republicans who are negatively affected when the things

cited above are bad and from his point of view getting worse!!

This manner of thinking is typical of a miserable, failed and wretched human being who wants to take his frustrations and anger

out on one person rather than take a good hard look at himself and the factors which resulted in his plummeting

and languishing to where he is today with no signs that things are going to improve!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Stuff like you posted along with the falling price of gas, etc., infuriates Lenny Lenbo because being the self-serving cretin he

is, he wants things to to get only WORSE for the country so that he can bash Biden.

He doesn't care one iota for folks including fellow Trump supporters and Republicans who are negatively affected when the things

cited above are bad and from his point of view getting worse!!

This manner of thinking is typical of a miserable and failed human being who wants to take his frustrations and anger

out on one person rather than take a good hard look at himself and the factors which made resulted in his plummeting

and languishing to where he is today with no signs that things are going to improve!!

47 K striking workers returned to work

Congrats moron number 2 and tune in to the useful idiot touting those numbers today because Bidenomics is working .


Nov 11, 2007
Stuff like you posted along with the falling price of gas, improving economy, infuriates Lenny Lenbo because being the

self-serving/repulsive cretin he is, he wants things to get only WORSE for the country so that he can bash Biden.

He doesn't care one iota for folks including fellow Trump supporters and Republicans who are negatively affected when the things

cited above are bad and from his point of view getting worse!!

This manner of thinking is typical of a miserable, failed and wretched human being who wants to take his frustrations and anger

out on one person rather than take a good hard look at himself and the factors which resulted in his plummeting

and languishing to where he is today with no signs that things are going to improve!!
I forgot to mention the stock market and the huge spike of late!!

Lots of folks including myself have seen some huge gains in the last five or six weeks in their portfolio especially, but

again for Lenny Lenbo and bitter/nasty/hateful/spiteful and self-serving folks like himself, this is not supposed

to happen while Biden is POTUS, and in any event he deserves no credit, the same as for the plunge in the price

of gas, but only deserves blame when things are going in the other direction!!

This type of thinking on Lenny's part is not surprising at all and is simply an extension of the one-way deified manner

in which he views Donald Trump as well as the one-way manner and one-way criterion that he thinks Trump is going to

breeze to being elected POTUS in 2024!!

Perhaps in honor of this, town or city officials where he resides should pass a bill that renames the street/avenue on which he lives

as "One-way Lenny(Lenbo) Street/Avenue!!" lol

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
I forgot to mention the stock market and the huge spike of late!!

Lots of folks including myself have seen some huge gains in the last five or six weeks in their portfolio especially, but

again for Lenny Lenbo and bitter/nasty/hateful/spiteful and self-serving folks like himself, this is not supposed

to happen while Biden is POTUS, and in any event he deserves no credit, the same as for the plunge in the price

of gas, but only deserves blame when things are going in the other direction!!

This type of thinking on Lenny's part is not surprising at all and is simply an extension of the one-way deified manner

in which he views Donald Trump as well as the one-way manner and one-way criterion that he thinks Trump is going to

breeze to being elected POTUS in 2024!!

Perhaps in honor of this, town or city officials where he resides should pass a bill that renames the street/avenue on which he lives

as "One-way Lenny(Lenbo) Street/Avenue!!" lol

You forgot this as well




Nov 11, 2007
For my one self-imposed max daily limit post to you, I say this:

What you just posted is as usual just focused on one thing and in no way means that people are going to vote for Trump

if he is lucky to get the nomination and is opposed by Trump!!

First of all you leave out so much that I don't know where to begin as to why people WON'T vote for Trump!!

I and others have already enumerated these reasons too many times to count and thus there is no need to repeat!!

Also, you are using polling data today like the Election is tomorrow about where their concerns and do not

even allow for the possibility that things could get better over the next year so that how people heel now doesn't

reflect how they feel next November!!

How you think in general reminds me of hometown baseball fan sitting in the stands at a home game and

going home right after the top of the first inning after the visiting team scores one run figuring the game is over!!

Your overall provincial/narrow/biased/shallow and one-way thinking about Trump and political views in general and refusal

to concede not one solitary thing about Trump including your contention that he did not even tell one lie let alone

30,000 documented ones during his four years as POTUS are for me at least you are a colossal waste of time and why at most

starting around two months ago I decided to limit my posts to you to one a day, a number that I haven't even come close to


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
For my one self-imposed max daily limit post to you, I say this:

What you just posted is as usual just focused on one thing and in no way means that people are going to vote for Trump

if he is lucky to get the nomination and is opposed by Trump!!

First of all you leave out so much that I don't know where to begin as to why people WON'T vote for Trump!!

I and others have already enumerated these reasons too many times to count and thus there is no need to repeat!!

Also, you are using polling data today like the Election is tomorrow about where their concerns and do not

even allow for the possibility that things could get better over the next year so that how people heel now doesn't

reflect how they feel next November!!

How you think in general reminds me of hometown baseball fan sitting in the stands at a home game and

going home right after the top of the first inning after the visiting team scores one run figuring the game is over!!

Your overall provincial/narrow/biased/shallow and one-way thinking about Trump and political views in general and refusal

to concede not one solitary thing about Trump including your contention that he did not even tell one lie let alone

30,000 documented ones during his four years as POTUS are for me at least you are a colossal waste of time and why at most

starting around two months ago I decided to limit my posts to you to one a day, a number that I haven't even come close to


There’s a reason the mainstream media got it’s talking points memo to describe how Trump would run his second term to mental midgets like yourself .

They are terrified of polls like that and what the other senile pants shitter’s policies are doing to the country .
Sep 12, 2022
When you consider the following, the future doesn't just look bright ... but limitless:

👉Elon Musk isn't a self-made billionaire tech genius, but a DoD asset working on behalf of the Sovereign Alliance in furtherance of the Great Awakening now in control of the most powerful info dissemination apparatus in the world.

👉Tesla is being used as a means of soft Disclosure, helping to both undercut the green agenda of the Globalists while fusing Left and Right paradigms.

👉Humans have already invented time travel, albeit not in the way Science Fiction fever dreams would have us believe; we have, rather, distilled the definition of time itself, and turned all past, present and future production into a tradable expression of math that can and is in the process of destroying the enemy's key vector of power projection.

Crazy? You be the judge.

Welcome to the future - so Burning Bright I gotta wear shades!

Every day in every way is looking brighter and better for Patriots, darker and more cringe for Tards!

Nov 11, 2007
Every day in every way is looking brighter and better for Patriots, darker and more cringe for Tards!
The Patriots finally eeked out a W last night but at 3-10 their chances of making the playoffs are about the same as Trump's chances

of winning in 2024, namely ZERO!!
Sep 12, 2022

Now that BTC has landed exactly where the op said it would what can we expect next?

Expect BTC to stay in a very tight range at this new level until March-April.

As we get closet to April, perhaps in March, we should see a 20-30% drop, +/- some.

This equates to roughly 9-13k drop from its current level, perhaps as far back as 28k.

It will be very short lived, perhaps only minutes or hours, before it starts racing to new all-time highs.

If this drop happens as expected it will be the LAST time you will ever be able to buy this low.

I'm putting this out here now so people can plan accordingly to take advantage of this unique opportunity one last time.

That's very charitable of you to give Salvage a way to recoup the $26,000 he lost. He already owes you for saving his life by convincing him not to take the booster shots. Without you, he'd be dead and burning in hell right now.

Nov 11, 2007
That's very charitable of you to give Salvage a way to recoup the $26,000 he lost. He already owes you for saving his life by convincing him not to take the booster shots. Without you, he'd be dead and burning in hell right now.
My average price of entry is around $15 for GBTC, my Bitcoin-related stock as recommended by Paul Mamiplly now selling at around

$35 share!!

Do the math, buddy, an see how much I have "lost!"

You have already declined my offer to bet on who has the larger net worth, you or me, with my spotting you one million dollars!!

Would you care to bet me on by average cost of this stock??

Remember it was Mampily and not I who recommended buying Bitcoin at 50,000 or 60,000 or whatever it was and that it was going

to go to 250,000 over the next few years.

I chose to stand pat with my already very profitable investment!!

Also keep in mind that Mampilly, a multi-millionaire investor who at age 50 just retired about a year ago, recommended buying

Bitcoin, actually GBTC, long before sbd did!!

If your ventriloquists/sheriff joe/snd are around, you might ask them how to respond to this!! lol

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