
Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Imagine someone proudly self-identifying as a "conservative" because he watches Con Inc TV.

Then imagine that same person creating a thread entitled "Trump was right about everything!" completely ignorant of the fact "Trump was right about everything" because Trump always has the foresight of military intelligence.

The same military intelligence this same person mocks relentlessly as being an unfounded "Q-TARD conspiracy"

It's not just lefties.

Sadly, the "right" has incredibly stupid people too. Jabbed stupid people to boot still falling for every scam.

Truthfully, these people are even dumber than so-called the "libtards" they mock relentlessly because they obviously should know better. They really should.

Right now there is no "right" and "left".

That old stale political dynamic was shattered into a million pieces by the scamdemic for the simple fact we are indeed at WAR - an Information War - and were attacked like never before.

So there are people who are Awake, and there are those still sound asleep.

There are people who KNOW, and there are people who STILL don't know by way of their own self-inflicted ignorance.

There are people who are part of the solution, and there are those still part of the problem.

There are Voices of Truth in a jungle of lies, and there are morons still wandering aimlessly about setting themselves up as the next victims of the next nefarious psyop.

There are facts backed by receipts, and then there's TV propaganda backed by nothing but hysteria and hyperbole.

Because during an Information War with propaganda flying in every direction, there is no "right" and "left"...

There are only Lions and Sheep.

Yes, even delusional sheep who self-indentify as "conservative"

Nov 11, 2007
Sep 12, 2022
Daily Reminder (for those with eyes to see)

👇 👇 👇

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Remember that unbelievably stupid people still trolling this historic thread believe this man is going to jail or will "plea bargain"

Imagine still being blinded by the Fake News, instead of getting the real FACTS with receipts in epic threads like this one.

Don't you feel sorry for all the brainwashed idiots who STILL don't know the TRUTH?
What beautiful pictures! No wonder why so many boot-licking, vermin Tards hate Trump and are jealous of him. They're despised wherever they go, while Trump is loved by everyone.
Sep 12, 2022

The media is talking about how Donald Trump is beating Joe Biden in most of their rigged polls.

⚠️Change of Batter Incoming⚠️
NBC poll shows Trump beating Biden in 2024.
Biden lost significant ground, amongst young voters especially. The foreign conflicts and corruption have taken their toll.
Now the MSM are setting the stage to introduce a new DNC candidate in 2024.
— Clandestine (@WarClandestine) November 19, 2023
This is an interesting narrative shift.

I think they are most likely doing this to push for Biden to step aside and be replaced by someone else who they say can “win.” The Democrats would probably try to replace him with Gavin Newsom who is basically just a younger version of Biden. Unlike Biden, Newsom can articulate dumb ideas coherently and he isn’t totally senile. He’d be a vastly upgraded puppet leader for them.

This isn’t the first time we’ve seen the media go in this direction. There have been various periods of time where it looked as if there were people pushing different narratives to potentially push Kamala Harris into the presidency. They backtracked on this because as bad as Biden has been, Harris has proven to be exponentially worse.

The Democrats have all sorts of problems though. Their voters are largely opposed to what Israel is doing and they aren’t happy that they are supporting the ongoing Gaza genocide. Plus the economy is in the toilet.

The Democrats might not even be capable of rigging the 2024 election assuming there is one. It also wouldn’t shock me if they tried to cancel the election under the guise of some sort of fake emergency. We’ll just have to see what happens though. This situation is very volatile and there is a great deal that can happen within a year’s worth of time.

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

it looks like the "acting" but POWERLESS CIC faces another dilemma!!


Trump is going to face extreme headwinds if it goes to the Supreme Court .


It’s over dipshit . Cry harder that the Commie tactics aren’t working .

Obama-era acting Solicitor General Neal Katyal and former Watergate prosecutor Jill Wine-Banks have suggested how the decision could actually be seriously bad news for the former president.

“If I were to put the headline on Friday night, as an appeals lawyer, it would be this is the very worst decision Donald Trump could get from the trial court,” the former Department of Justice official told MSNBC’s Jen Psaki on Sunday. “Because it’s going to go on appeal to the Colorado Supreme Court, perhaps the U.S. Supreme Court and there Trump is going to face extreme headwinds.”

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

it looks like the "acting" but POWERLESS CIC faces another dilemma!!

A factual finding that he is an insurrectionist .

Yet even JackMeOff didn’t even try to convict him for it .

🤣 😆 🤣 😂

Of course on the facts she is right, and she made a factual finding that he is insurrectionist,” Wine-Banks added. “And that would bar him if he were an officer. And I believe that any higher court will find that it was the intent to bar such a person from holding the office of president and that he will be barred.”

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

The bad news is that this is terrifying in theory!!

The good news though is that the the scenario will always remain theoretical because the American People in the aggregate

realize that this man is not the person who represents the fine ideals upon which this nation was founded and will never

return him to office based on what is known about him!!


The Atlantic’s John Hendrickson continues from there:

The leader of the Republican Party — and quite likely the 2024 GOP nominee —
Aug 17, 2019
If you know, you KNOW.

And if you STILL don't know, you're not supposed to know.

Anyone still looking at pictures like these in disbelief or asking themselves "how can that be?" when they see Trump's massive motorcade... Simply isn't supposed to know.

That's just the truth.

Some are meant to NOT wake up during this lifetime.

They will eventually but it may still take lifetimes.

We just pray for their souls and send them off to their "transition" with love.
Aug 17, 2019
Imagine someone proudly self-identifying as a "conservative" because he watches Con Inc TV.

Then imagine that same person creating a thread entitled "Trump was right about everything!" completely ignorant of the fact "Trump was right about everything" because Trump always has the foresight of military intelligence.

The same military intelligence this same person mocks relentlessly as being an unfounded "Q-TARD conspiracy"

It's not just lefties.

Sadly, the "right" has incredibly stupid people too. Jabbed stupid people to boot still falling for every scam.

Truthfully, these people are even dumber than so-called the "libtards" they mock relentlessly because they obviously should know better. They really should.

Right now there is no "right" and "left".

That old stale political dynamic was shattered into a million pieces by the scamdemic for the simple fact we are indeed at WAR - an Information War - and were attacked like never before.

So there are people who are Awake, and there are those still sound asleep.

There are people who KNOW, and there are people who STILL don't know by way of their own self-inflicted ignorance.

There are people who are part of the solution, and there are those still part of the problem.

There are Voices of Truth in a jungle of lies, and there are morons still wandering aimlessly about setting themselves up as the next victims of the next nefarious psyop.

There are facts backed by receipts, and then there's TV propaganda backed by nothing but hysteria and hyperbole.

Because during an Information War with propaganda flying in every direction, there is no "right" and "left"...

There are only Lions and Sheep.

Yes, even delusional sheep who self-indentify as "conservative"

And the world is being saved from evil and darkness thanks to lions, not sheep!

Nov 11, 2007
A new day, time moves on, and lots of folks including the regulars in this thread continue to not only deny any and all of

the deep shit in which Trump finds himself but just as importantly to exonerate him from even the possibility that he even

considered doing anything criminal intent let alone do it!!

But again, if it makes them feel good to post in this thread that everything is coming up roses for Trump and that that nothing

will come of further investigation, the indictments, and most importantly CONVICTION and its impact, then good for them!!

However when/not if it all comes crashing down on Trump and themselves, which is already on its way to occurring, then it

will simply make their transition back to the REAL reality as opposed to the fantasized one in which they find themselves all

that more difficult!!

Back this afternoon!!
Aug 17, 2019
Imagine dedicating your life to posting links to fake news, fake polls, fake fact checkers, fake narratives and fake science, all while supporting a fake president who worships a fake god and telling your fake wife that you are "hitting HRs" with every post.

Tards are special kind of stupid, indeed.
👆 👆 👆 👆 👆

...and imagine STILL thinking "we got him this time" and "Trump is going to prison.. even facing the death penalty".

Stupid is at an all-time low.

And tards are a very special kind of stupid indeed.

Nov 11, 2007

A panel of federal appeals court judges was highly skeptical of arguments Monday by a lawyer for Donald Trump that the former president is being unconstitutionally silenced by a gag order in his criminal election interference case.

The panel grilled Trump's attorney for more than 75 minutes as it questioned whether Trump was asking to be treated differently than other criminal defendants because of his current status as a 2024 presidential candidate.

Nov 11, 2007
About a year from now, when there is a new President-Elect, which won't be Trump, the racing form type captions of the summary for each
of the possible candidates in retrospect for Trump will say one of three things:
1) Early speed-faded
2) Disqualified
3) Scratched

Nov 11, 2007
About a year from now, when there is a new President-Elect, which won't be Trump, the racing form type captions of the summary for each
of the possible candidates in retrospect for Trump will say one of three things:
1) Early speed-faded
2) Disqualified
3) Scratched
4) non-factor
5) eased

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
About a year from now, when there is a new President-Elect, which won't be Trump, the racing form type captions of the summary for each
of the possible candidates in retrospect for Trump will say one of three things:
1) Early speed-faded
2) Disqualified
3) Scratched

6) Your dark horse never left the starting gate .

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

The media is talking about how Donald Trump is beating Joe Biden in most of their rigged polls.

This is an interesting narrative shift.

I think they are most likely doing this to push for Biden to step aside and be replaced by someone else who they say can “win.” The Democrats would probably try to replace him with Gavin Newsom who is basically just a younger version of Biden. Unlike Biden, Newsom can articulate dumb ideas coherently and he isn’t totally senile. He’d be a vastly upgraded puppet leader for them.

This isn’t the first time we’ve seen the media go in this direction. There have been various periods of time where it looked as if there were people pushing different narratives to potentially push Kamala Harris into the presidency. They backtracked on this because as bad as Biden has been, Harris has proven to be exponentially worse.

The Democrats have all sorts of problems though. Their voters are largely opposed to what Israel is doing and they aren’t happy that they are supporting the ongoing Gaza genocide. Plus the economy is in the toilet.

The Democrats might not even be capable of rigging the 2024 election assuming there is one. It also wouldn’t shock me if they tried to cancel the election under the guise of some sort of fake emergency. We’ll just have to see what happens though. This situation is very volatile and there is a great deal that can happen within a year’s worth of time.
So they're gonna toss a black woman to the curb and replace her with an unpopular white guy? How's that gonna go over with the base?

Big Mike is also warming up in the bullpen, but this too is a can of worms since Patriots are salivating at the opportunity to expose that whole CIA-concocted fairytale.

"Be careful what you wish for" - CIC Trump on "Biden" and the 25th Amendment

Isn't it amazing how Trump always knows.

He's got them trapped - damned if they do, damned if they don't.

If we wargame the current trajectory into 2024, it's not difficult to imagine them staging some "scare event" hoping to cancel elections altogether. Not difficult to see at all.

Yet CIC Trump and the Patriots are ready for that as well.

It really is CHECKMATE for the Deep State cabal as we get closer and closer to the end of this movie.


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