Sep 12, 2022

Sep 12, 2022
Borrowed this from another thread. It encapsulates what is happening now in America. People waking up. Masks coming off. A glorious third term on the horizon.


Who else could possibly draw such huge crowds of patriotic Americans? The people love him. The greatest wartime president in history.

Jul 27, 2023
Daily Reminder 👇 👇 👇

They've broken the veil, and when they break the veil, now I'm allowed to do what I have to do".

-- CIC Donald Trump
Yea yea been waiting years and years for this non sense to show up. You understand Joe you look and are just a big a sheep as those on the left correct? You’re one and the same.

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Lightweight , Witless -

Things are looking better by the day for the useful idiot .

When your policies suck hope for your weaponized to do your dirty work .

If Trump wins, more voters foresee better finances, staying out of war
Sep 12, 2022
Another reason why Tards are so jealous of President Trump. He wins the prize. Salvage has to settle for jerking off to pictures of Liz Cheney.


Actually, Salvage has it better than the other Tards on here. They have to settle for jerking off to pictures of Big Mike.


Nov 11, 2007
Despite all of the noise of late from the diehard Trump supporters in here trying to convince themselves all is well as with Trump as well

as to bash my/our vastly superior opposition in here out of envy/jealousy, our intelligence, education, debating

skills, professional career and successful personal lives, this is the focus of my attention(see attached link).

If Trump is convicted as I am quite confident that it will, then any and all of the polls showing how well Trump is doing re: the

nomination and winning the 2024 election, don't mean a thing except of course to give folks like Lenny et al false hope

and to get through another day, because Trump is not winning!!

I maintain that if Trump is the nominee on Election Day in 2024, no matter what the results of the indictments are, he

is going to take a well to be appropriate, SAVAGE beating that is going to result in the Trump/fascist/neo-Nazi/racist element

being turned away permanently as the Republicans who profess REAL AND TRADITIONAL values take control of

the party and restore the current respect which is so badly missing!!

Back late tonight at the earliest!!

Sep 5, 2010
In case you missed this great read.

Here’s what happens if NY AG’s team goes 'big in the questioning' against Trump: analyst​

I plead the 5th.




Soon, real soon.

This week should be a GREAT week for the ultra low iqanons!!!

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Despite all of the noise of late from the diehard Trump supporters in here trying to convince themselves all is well as with Trump as well

as to bash my/our vastly superior opposition in here out of envy/jealousy, our intelligence, education, debating

skills, professional career and successful personal lives, this is the focus of my attention(see attached link).

If Trump is convicted as I am quite confident that it will, then any and all of the polls showing how well Trump is doing re: the

nomination and winning the 2024 election, don't mean a thing except of course to give folks like Lenny et al false hope

and to get through another day, because Trump is not winning!!

I maintain that if Trump is the nominee on Election Day in 2024, no matter what the results of the indictments are, he

is going to take a well to be appropriate, SAVAGE beating that is going to result in the Trump/fascist/neo-Nazi/racist element

being turned away permanently as the Republicans who profess REAL AND TRADITIONAL values take control of

the party and restore the current respect which is so badly missing!!

Back late tonight at the earliest!!
And straight from horse face’s mouth

Ouch !


Sep 5, 2010
Trump Claims Hungary borders Russia for 3rd Time

Trump Claims Hungary borders Russia for 3rd Time

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Nov 11, 2007

"Speaking to CNN's Jim Acosta on Sunday, Eisen noted that in the past, Trump has struggled with the truth, lying over 30,000 times while serving as president, according to the Washington Post's count."

On my way out of the door for dinner!!

I couldn't resist!!

Back after 11 tonight or tomorrow morning.
Sep 12, 2022
For those with eyes to see:

Already looking ahead to the public unrest his hypothetical re-election could cause, Donald Trump and his allies are reportedly circling an idea to invoke the Insurrection Act on his first day in office, deploying the military to act as domestic law enforcement. The Washington Post reported Sunday that the drafting of such plans has largely been “unofficially outsourced” to a coalition of right-wing think tanks working under the title “Project 2025,” according to one insider and internal communications obtained by the newspaper. In response to questions, Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung said, “President Trump is focused on crushing his opponents in the primary election and then going on to beat Crooked Joe Biden. President Trump has always stood for law and order, and protecting the Constitution.” The Post also reported, citing people who’ve spoken to him, that Trump has remarked in recent private conversations that he’d like to use the Justice Department to go after his enemies, including former members of his administration like Bill Barr and Gen. Mark Milley.

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Despite all of the noise of late from the diehard Trump supporters in here trying to convince themselves all is well as with Trump as well

as to bash my/our vastly superior opposition in here out of envy/jealousy, our intelligence, education, debating

skills, professional career and successful personal lives, this is the focus of my attention(see attached link).

If Trump is convicted as I am quite confident that it will, then any and all of the polls showing how well Trump is doing re: the

nomination and winning the 2024 election, don't mean a thing except of course to give folks like Lenny et al false hope

and to get through another day, because Trump is not winning!!

I maintain that if Trump is the nominee on Election Day in 2024, no matter what the results of the indictments are, he

is going to take a well to be appropriate, SAVAGE beating that is going to result in the Trump/fascist/neo-Nazi/racist element

being turned away permanently as the Republicans who profess REAL AND TRADITIONAL values take control of

the party and restore the current respect which is so badly missing!!

Back late tonight at the earliest!!

Hardly anybody wants the useful idiot who had the most ballots in history collected for him in 2020 to run again and he’s stil the best you’ve got .


Oct 30, 2006

"Speaking to CNN's Jim Acosta on Sunday, Eisen noted that in the past, Trump has struggled with the truth, lying over 30,000 times while serving as president, according to the Washington Post's count."

On my way out of the door for dinner!!

I couldn't resist!!

Back after 11 tonight or tomorrow morning.
May be an image of text that says 'ANYTHING ELSE?'

Nov 11, 2007
Actually, there is something else.

I am curious what time your day starts and ends with sniffing Trump's ass, following him around like a puppy dog and

seeing what is doing every second of the time, which includes, what time he gets up, brushes his teeth, pees, takes a dump,

what he eats for each meal, what he watches on TV, what time he tweets something from his fascist network and what he says,

whom your "deity" bashes and what he says, and of course what you post in the adulation of him in this forum and/or how many

threads you start to tell all of us what a "wonderful, loving, honest, compassionate and overall exemplary" human being he is!!

I hope that answers you question!! lol

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Blowing hot air like Trump may pacify the AHoles who support him but will not deter Jack Smith and the legal system from

bringing justice to this criminal/neo-Nazi/fascist/tyrannical/lying and racist pig!!

registering 22 percent support for Black voters in these states for Mr. Trump, a level unseen in presidential politics for a Republican in modern times.”

He’s a raaaacist ! Lol

You and the borderline retard who gave your post a thumbs up are so dumb it’s comical .

Read the comment underneath by Nina and learn something you silly fool .


Nov 11, 2007
registering 22 percent support for Black voters in these states for Mr. Trump, a level unseen in presidential politics for a Republican in modern times.”

He’s a raaaacist ! Lol

You and the borderline retard who gave your post a thumbs up are so dumb it’s comical .

Read the comment underneath by Nina and learn something you silly fool .

I think this is around the fifth post I have made directly to you since I made the promise about a month ago to limit my posts to you

to a maximum of one a day and have kept it and then some!!

Anyways this will be the one and only one for today and is actually simply a repetition of one to you.

I will be short and sweet:

In short, you continue to deny and/or not mention in all your posts that there is such a thing as CONVICTION of Trump in one or more

of the indictments and what kind of effect it will have directly on him and most importantly how it will affect his perception

in the eyes of the American Public!!

You are free to post and believe as many polls as you wish and wash away/sweep under the rug anything that doesn't agree

with your preconceived notions!!

I in turn will hold to my beliefs which are:

1) He will be convicted prior to the Election in at least one of the indictments.

2) As polling data indicates, 30% of the voting public will not vote for him if he is convicted.

This will result in giving him ZERO chance of being elected POTUS if he is in fact the nominee on Election Day.

3) Even if he is not convicted, The American Public will NEVER elect a criminal traitor and a tyrant to be POTUS, I don't care if

it is by Electoral College Vote or many!!

4) Not until, if/when you show some balance in your posts when it comes to Trump's electability and at least consider/

mention these in your posts, for me you are essentially a waste of time and why I have imposed a limit of one post max

a day to you!!


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