
Sep 5, 2010
The US government have done the following in the last 5 years alone:

-Created and released a biological weapon that killed 7+ million people.

-Sent $200+ billion to fund the only Nazi military on Earth, and they lost.

-Weaponized media and social media to brainwash and censor the public, to cover up their crimes and attack their political opposition.

-Promoted harmful experimental injections to billions of people, that did not prevent transmission or disease, and harshly discriminated against those who questioned the safety or efficacy.

-Funded both sides of the conflict in the Middle East and influenced the slaughter of thousands upon thousands of innocent civilians on both sides.

-Destroyed every fabric of American society, ruined our cities, ruined our culture, ruined our academics, ruined our quality and way of life.

While the GOP and DNC are arguing over which war to fund next, I’m picking out which suit I’m gonna wear to their international military tribunals.

The People have had enough. Justice is all that matters now.

-- Clandestine

View attachment 77525
We finally agree that the trump administration fucked everything up.

All for personal profit.

Thanks for finally agreeing with the ones with brains in this thread!

(y) (y) (y) (y) (y)

Sep 5, 2010

The headline alone says it all!!
But the ultra low iqanons bury their fat heads in the sand.

🐖 🐖 🐖 🐖 🐖 :popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn:

Nov 11, 2007
But the ultra low iqanons bury their fat heads in the sand.

🐖 🐖 🐖 🐖 🐖 :popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn:
This guy says eloquently what I have said and felt right along!!

The first paragraph says it all, and is what the Trump dreamer/dopes in this thread sweep under the rug!!

"Whenever I look at the latest polls and start to freak out about Donald Trump winning the presidency again, I calm myself by remembering that the guy is very likely going to be an at-least-once convicted felon by next November. While that won’t bother his fans, I still think it will bother enough swing voters that he will lose, and maybe spectacularly."

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Kash Patel just exposed the Jan 6th Unselect Committee as total CORRUPT FRAUDS and LIARS! 👇 👇 👇

Remember tards who actually believed them?

Remember "SteeringWheelGate?" 🤡

Remember some even said, "Liz Cheney is a rising star who will become the GOP nominee for her outstanding work on J6!"???


But but , he must be kicked off the ballot because you know the 14th Amendment . An insurrection charge even JackMeOff wouldn’t touch . Some couldn’t get enough of the SHAM Committee .

Now dumb and dumber are whacking it daily to Fat Bitch Tishs’ case presided over by Judge numb nut .

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

The headline alone says it all!!

Another flipper

🤣 😂 🤣 😂

What’s the upshot? No, Eastman isn’t guilty of anything just yet. But he is now closer to being disbarred, and that could make it more likely that he flips. MSNBC legal analyst Joyce Vance wrote on X: “If John Eastman loses his license in the bar proceeding, it incentiv[iz]es him (or would incentivize a rationale person) to plead & cooperate in the criminal case to avoid prison (since he’s already lost his license).”

Nov 11, 2007

But, but, but... he's going to prison for 717 years!! 🤡 🤡 🤡

I don't give a flying fu k if he is imprisoned at all as long as he never serves again as POTUS, which for me is almost a virtual

lock for lots of well known reasons!!

Nov 11, 2007
This guy says eloquently what I have said and felt right along!!

The first paragraph says it all, and is what the Trump dreamer/dopes in this thread sweep under the rug!!

"Whenever I look at the latest polls and start to freak out about Donald Trump winning the presidency again, I calm myself by remembering that the guy is very likely going to be an at-least-once convicted felon by next November. While that won’t bother his fans, I still think it will bother enough swing voters that he will lose, and maybe spectacularly."
Would anyone care to wager on an agreed upon amount that by Election Day of 2024 Trump will have been convicted in at

least one of the indictments??

The proposed bet is open until this Sunday night at 11:59 PM.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Someone just sent this to me...


Look at the dates.

White Hats were trying to prevent the release of Covid-19 for nearly two years, but as we know, ultimately failed in 2020.

It's a very sobering drop because it demonstrates that not only are these operations not linear and smooth, things DO go wrong (like every war)...but more importantly, it PROVES in black and white that we are indeed at WAR.

"I am a wartime president. This is worse than the 9/11...worse than Pearl Harbor! There's never been an attack like this before!" - CIC Trump

We are quite literally at WAR - the above declaration backed by the current Continuity of Government (Devolution) and all the Emergency Wartime Laws and Orders.

No, NOT against "Putin" 🤡 (what your stupid TV tells you), in fact Putin is working WITH White Hats flushing out all the Deep State biolabs in Ukraine and BRICS (de-dollarization).

Some still have trouble seeing the forest through the trees...


This is not a Republican vs Democrat game.

This is about WHO gets to CHOOSE our government - We The People or the Deep State Cabal.

If Trump is Caesar (as JFK found himself to be) surrounded by Deep State saboteurs and killers, then every action/countermeasure he took/takes MUST be looked at in THAT context. Including every countermeasure against Covid.

JFK never had a chance.

Trump ultimately wins not only because he has the military protecting him, but because White Hats have been planning this massive multi-leveled, global sting operation for a very, VERY long time.

Had Trump gone it alone (like any normal presidential candidate before him), he would have already been politically assassinated...or worse. Just reality.

Trump has the foresight of military intelligence - always three-four-five steps ahead of the enemy.

That's why he's right about everything.

Nov 11, 2007
Someone just sent this to me...

View attachment 77544

Look at the dates.

White Hats were trying to prevent the release of Covid-19 for nearly two years, but as we know, ultimately failed in 2020.

It's a very sobering drop because it demonstrates that not only are these operations not linear and smooth, things DO go wrong (like every war)...but more importantly, it PROVES in black and white that we are indeed at WAR.

"I am a wartime president. This is worse than the 9/11...worse than Pearl Harbor! There's never been an attack like this before!" - CIC Trump

We are quite literally at WAR - the above declaration backed by the current Continuity of Government (Devolution) and all the Emergency Wartime Laws and Orders.

No, NOT against "Putin" 🤡 (what your stupid TV tells you), in fact Putin is working WITH White Hats flushing out all the Deep State biolabs in Ukraine and BRICS (de-dollarization).

Some still have trouble seeing the forest through the trees...


This is not a Republican vs Democrat game.

This is about WHO gets to CHOOSE our government - We The People or the Deep State Cabal.

If Trump is Caesar (as JFK found himself to be) surrounded by Deep State saboteurs and killers, then every action/countermeasure he took/takes MUST be looked at in THAT context. Including every countermeasure against Covid.

JFK never had a chance.

Trump ultimately wins not only because he has the military protecting him, but because White Hats have been planning this massive multi-leveled, global sting operation for a very, VERY long time.

Had Trump gone it alone (like any normal presidential candidate before him), he would have already been politically assassinated...or worse. Just reality.

Trump has the foresight of military intelligence - always three-four-five steps ahead of the enemy.

That's why he's right about everything.
The military protecting him must be his own because the REAL one wants no part of that AHole after he said so many

bad things about them and especially their leaders!!

Take me up the wager I just proposed if you really believe in what you say!!

Also, the final war between good and evil according to sbd and yourself in March of 3/20 was IMMINENT back in 3/20

when this thread was started!!

What happened, perhaps some kind of extended rain delay or because of some kind of conditions beyond your control,

the same as your failed predictions that Trump's devolution was/is imminent beginning right after Biden's Inauguration

in January of 2021!! lol
Oct 30, 2006
ps I stand by what I say about Lara, an intelligent person who could have married a much more distinguished person than the

moronic jackass she did, which she did only oi capitalize on the name to advance her own political career and hopefully to pick

up a nice chunk of change when Donny croaks!!
Way off…
Sep 12, 2022
Someone just sent this to me...

View attachment 77544

Look at the dates.

White Hats were trying to prevent the release of Covid-19 for nearly two years, but as we know, ultimately failed in 2020.

It's a very sobering drop because it demonstrates that not only are these operations not linear and smooth, things DO go wrong (like every war)...but more importantly, it PROVES in black and white that we are indeed at WAR.

"I am a wartime president. This is worse than the 9/11...worse than Pearl Harbor! There's never been an attack like this before!" - CIC Trump

We are quite literally at WAR - the above declaration backed by the current Continuity of Government (Devolution) and all the Emergency Wartime Laws and Orders.

No, NOT against "Putin" 🤡 (what your stupid TV tells you), in fact Putin is working WITH White Hats flushing out all the Deep State biolabs in Ukraine and BRICS (de-dollarization).

Some still have trouble seeing the forest through the trees...


This is not a Republican vs Democrat game.

This is about WHO gets to CHOOSE our government - We The People or the Deep State Cabal.

If Trump is Caesar (as JFK found himself to be) surrounded by Deep State saboteurs and killers, then every action/countermeasure he took/takes MUST be looked at in THAT context. Including every countermeasure against Covid.

JFK never had a chance.

Trump ultimately wins not only because he has the military protecting him, but because White Hats have been planning this massive multi-leveled, global sting operation for a very, VERY long time.

Had Trump gone it alone (like any normal presidential candidate before him), he would have already been politically assassinated...or worse. Just reality.

Trump has the foresight of military intelligence - always three-four-five steps ahead of the enemy.

That's why he's right about everything.
THIS is quite insightful.
Sep 12, 2022

The author has gone out of his way to write this article in such simple language that it can be understood by anyone, no matter how dumb, brainwashed, or low their IQ is.

The "Editorial Board" of Real History Chan / Anti-New York Times is often asked to clarify what we mean by the quote marks around "Joe Biden" -- as well as our frequent references to him as an "imposter" and Trump as the true acting president. Others, who understand exactly what we mean, continue to scoff at this theory -- with some having requested removal from the free mailing list over such "craziness." To avoid any further confusion or ambivalence, let us be perfectly candid and clear about the meaning of "Joe Biden."

We believe that the arch-criminal, child rapist and traitor was -- like his good friend and fellow mobster, John McStain -- duly executed at Guantanamo Bay prison and then replaced by an imposter, supplemented by that "Deep Fake" CGI technology that the worried New York Times had previously warned about so often. We further infer from this that the country must be under some sort of emergency military "Continuity of Government" system activated by President Trump and carried out by the military.

Most of the "bad guys" (including the media) are under some degree of cooperative submission.

We have written extensively about Q and "the plan" -- but for this piece, let's keep it simple by focusing only upon certain data points which support the "Joe Biden" hypothesis. Without further ado, RHC presents, in no particular order: The 11 Reasons We Believe Joe Biden is Dead.

. 50-year criminals Biden & McStain -- as thick as thieves -- both executed? // 2. Read about "The Plan."

1. APPEARANCE This is the most compelling data of all. Both facially and physically, he does not look the same. The ears are different; the teeth are not as white; the eye colors and voice have varied; and the limbs seem like those of a younger man. Trump himself -- the master troll artist -- has jokingly pointed this out on several occasions.

"Now, I have to tell you, Biden is a different guy. He looks different than he used to, he acts different than he used to, he’s even slower than he used to be." "What the hell did Biden spend all that money on plastic surgery for if he's going to cover it up with the mask?"

2. INAUGURATION The imposter was inaugurated 13 minutes too early -- at 11:47 on January 20, 2021. That had never happened before --- suggesting that his "presidency" was cut short and that Trump .may have been secretly sworn in at 12:00.

3. TRUMP HONORED AS PRESIDENT When Trump -- who never conceded the election nor attended the very strange and sparsely attended "inauguration" that day -- exited Marine One, he was respected with a red-carpet rollout, a rendition of “Hail to the Chief,” and a 21-gun salute. The official presidential salute battery was at the ceremony. Departing presidents typically are not given such fanfare and honors.

4. POST-INAUGURATION FUNERAL PROCESSION As soon as the fake inauguration -- which Trump did not attend -- was completed, what really looked like a presidential funeral procession left the Capitol for the "Tomb of the Unknown Soldier" at Arlington National Cemetery for a somber wreath-laying ceremony with a black carpet. This visit to a cemetery after an inauguration was as bizarre as it was historically unprecedented.

5. THE PLAYING OF "TAPS" After "Biden" and Vice President "Kamala Harris" placed the wreath, a military bugler played "taps" -- which is for military funerals.

6. WRONG GUNS & WRONG SONG The funeral song was followed by a 13-gun salute. which is for funerals of a “Minister Resident” – a diplomat who takes up temporary residence in a territory (DC is a territory, not a state). The band did not play “hail to the chief.” They played “Honors March One” which would be appropriate for a funeral for a Minister Resident --- that being Joe Biden.

7. FAKE OVAL OFFICE & WHITE HOUSE SETS The use of staged Oval Offices and other White House settings isn't even concealed -- Indeed, the MSM admits that the props are fake! (here) --- What the heck is going on here?

8. TRUMP HINTS THAT BIDEN WAS "SHOT" BY FIRING SQUAD Trump -- ever the mischievous trickster -- has gone out of his way to refer to Biden "getting his shot" (as in vaccine) or "being shot" (as in not mentally sound).
"Biden got his shot.. he got his shot."
"Now he (Joe Biden) is shot. He's like, got half of his head left. He's totally shot." (video here)

9. BLUNDERS BLUNDERS BLUNDERS The actor playing Biden has comically stumbled (literally), mumbled, bumbled and grumbled himself into a national embarrassment. Though many attribute Biden's buffoonery to mental decline, the behavior also seems very consistent with someone tasked with "throwing the game" by wrecking the Demonrat Party from within.

10. BIDEN POLICIES ARE NOT SO RADICAL AFTER ALL Believe it or not, but upon closer inspection, the damage that this "Biden" has done can be easily reversed. None of it is permanent. For example -- though it was in his power to do so -- he has not reinstated the Paris Climate Con in any substantive manner; nor did he bring back the ObongoCare penalties for the uninsured; nor has he reinstated the hundreds of Climate Con bureaucrats and scientists that Trump terminated, nor has he stopped building Trump's border wall, nor has he attacked any countries or re-started the proxy wars which Trump ended.

11. PART OF A PATTERN For those with an astute eye and ear, the sheer number of politicians, journalists and celebrities who look and sound "different" is astonishing -- as is the number of such well-known names who have either "resigned," been fired, been arrested, or suddenly died in recent years. Something IS going here -- and that adds more context and credibility to the "Joe Biden" theory.
With so many big players having been quietly and safely removed from the battlefield, we expect at some point, the play actors will be "arrested" as part of the public show for the normies. If this scenario plays out, we'll hopefully get to watch the tape-delayed executions "live" on the tellie.

1. Though it was claimed that Biden received a 21-gun salute, there is no video to confirm that 21 shots were fired. A military blogger now reports that only 13 were fired -- and why at a cemetery on inauguration day? // 2. "Joe Biden is shot, "he's got half of his head left." // 3. Playing the part -- an actor with limbs younger than 80.


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

The author has gone out of his way to write this article in such simple language that it can be understood by anyone, no matter how dumb, brainwashed, or low their IQ is.

The "Editorial Board" of Real History Chan / Anti-New York Times is often asked to clarify what we mean by the quote marks around "Joe Biden" -- as well as our frequent references to him as an "imposter" and Trump as the true acting president. Others, who understand exactly what we mean, continue to scoff at this theory -- with some having requested removal from the free mailing list over such "craziness." To avoid any further confusion or ambivalence, let us be perfectly candid and clear about the meaning of "Joe Biden."

We believe that the arch-criminal, child rapist and traitor was -- like his good friend and fellow mobster, John McStain -- duly executed at Guantanamo Bay prison and then replaced by an imposter, supplemented by that "Deep Fake" CGI technology that the worried New York Times had previously warned about so often. We further infer from this that the country must be under some sort of emergency military "Continuity of Government" system activated by President Trump and carried out by the military.

Most of the "bad guys" (including the media) are under some degree of cooperative submission.

We have written extensively about Q and "the plan" -- but for this piece, let's keep it simple by focusing only upon certain data points which support the "Joe Biden" hypothesis. Without further ado, RHC presents, in no particular order: The 11 Reasons We Believe Joe Biden is Dead.

. 50-year criminals Biden & McStain -- as thick as thieves -- both executed? // 2. Read about "The Plan."

1. APPEARANCE This is the most compelling data of all. Both facially and physically, he does not look the same. The ears are different; the teeth are not as white; the eye colors and voice have varied; and the limbs seem like those of a younger man. Trump himself -- the master troll artist -- has jokingly pointed this out on several occasions.

"Now, I have to tell you, Biden is a different guy. He looks different than he used to, he acts different than he used to, he’s even slower than he used to be." "What the hell did Biden spend all that money on plastic surgery for if he's going to cover it up with the mask?"

2. INAUGURATION The imposter was inaugurated 13 minutes too early -- at 11:47 on January 20, 2021. That had never happened before --- suggesting that his "presidency" was cut short and that Trump .may have been secretly sworn in at 12:00.

3. TRUMP HONORED AS PRESIDENT When Trump -- who never conceded the election nor attended the very strange and sparsely attended "inauguration" that day -- exited Marine One, he was respected with a red-carpet rollout, a rendition of “Hail to the Chief,” and a 21-gun salute. The official presidential salute battery was at the ceremony. Departing presidents typically are not given such fanfare and honors.

4. POST-INAUGURATION FUNERAL PROCESSION As soon as the fake inauguration -- which Trump did not attend -- was completed, what really looked like a presidential funeral procession left the Capitol for the "Tomb of the Unknown Soldier" at Arlington National Cemetery for a somber wreath-laying ceremony with a black carpet. This visit to a cemetery after an inauguration was as bizarre as it was historically unprecedented.

5. THE PLAYING OF "TAPS" After "Biden" and Vice President "Kamala Harris" placed the wreath, a military bugler played "taps" -- which is for military funerals.

6. WRONG GUNS & WRONG SONG The funeral song was followed by a 13-gun salute. which is for funerals of a “Minister Resident” – a diplomat who takes up temporary residence in a territory (DC is a territory, not a state). The band did not play “hail to the chief.” They played “Honors March One” which would be appropriate for a funeral for a Minister Resident --- that being Joe Biden.

7. FAKE OVAL OFFICE & WHITE HOUSE SETS The use of staged Oval Offices and other White House settings isn't even concealed -- Indeed, the MSM admits that the props are fake! (here) --- What the heck is going on here?

8. TRUMP HINTS THAT BIDEN WAS "SHOT" BY FIRING SQUAD Trump -- ever the mischievous trickster -- has gone out of his way to refer to Biden "getting his shot" (as in vaccine) or "being shot" (as in not mentally sound).
"Biden got his shot.. he got his shot."
"Now he (Joe Biden) is shot. He's like, got half of his head left. He's totally shot." (video here)

9. BLUNDERS BLUNDERS BLUNDERS The actor playing Biden has comically stumbled (literally), mumbled, bumbled and grumbled himself into a national embarrassment. Though many attribute Biden's buffoonery to mental decline, the behavior also seems very consistent with someone tasked with "throwing the game" by wrecking the Demonrat Party from within.

10. BIDEN POLICIES ARE NOT SO RADICAL AFTER ALL Believe it or not, but upon closer inspection, the damage that this "Biden" has done can be easily reversed. None of it is permanent. For example -- though it was in his power to do so -- he has not reinstated the Paris Climate Con in any substantive manner; nor did he bring back the ObongoCare penalties for the uninsured; nor has he reinstated the hundreds of Climate Con bureaucrats and scientists that Trump terminated, nor has he stopped building Trump's border wall, nor has he attacked any countries or re-started the proxy wars which Trump ended.

11. PART OF A PATTERN For those with an astute eye and ear, the sheer number of politicians, journalists and celebrities who look and sound "different" is astonishing -- as is the number of such well-known names who have either "resigned," been fired, been arrested, or suddenly died in recent years. Something IS going here -- and that adds more context and credibility to the "Joe Biden" theory.
With so many big players having been quietly and safely removed from the battlefield, we expect at some point, the play actors will be "arrested" as part of the public show for the normies. If this scenario plays out, we'll hopefully get to watch the tape-delayed executions "live" on the tellie.

1. Though it was claimed that Biden received a 21-gun salute, there is no video to confirm that 21 shots were fired. A military blogger now reports that only 13 were fired -- and why at a cemetery on inauguration day? // 2. "Joe Biden is shot, "he's got half of his head left." // 3. Playing the part -- an actor with limbs younger than 80.

I like this guy and read every one of your posts. Very detailed analysis.

He needn't "speculate" about media compliance however...

Under the current Continuity of Government, BY LAW the media is compelled to report what they are TOLD - 47 US Code §606, War Powers of President. Google it.

To wit, most "events" on television, even and especially narratives working AGAINST "Trump" in the beginning, are...well, "stories" for normies.

Literally, they are being sucked into one bogus storyline after another led to believe a certain outcome is all but certain, only for the entire plot to be completely turned on its head by the end.

Think of these "stories" as...Awakening PSYOPs for CNN/MSNBC viewers. Even Fox News viewers who believed Arizona was "STOLLEN" on election night in 2020.. 🙄

THINK like a normie..

"Wait, you mean after all that time, there's no Russian Collusion??? But the CNN guy said...!!"

"What?? You mean Hunter's laptop wasn't Russian Disinformation? But 51 intelligence officials said it was! What's going on??"

"Okay, after the first indictment I thought maybe Trump did something wrong. Then the second I was like...wait a minute. But now, 3...AND 4???? WTF?!? I didn't vote for Trump, but the guy was right - there really IS a Deep State conspiracy! This is not America, this is bullshit!"

"Wait a minute. Isn't that Biden at the beach? Where the hell is his Secret Service???"

The process is different for everyone. It really comes to how much each individual is really paying attention. After all, we're talking decades of programming and brainwashing.

Elon Musk - another part of "Operation Awakening"...currently bringing normies up to speed on election fraud.

The staged "stories" are especially comical when you consider our trolls spend hours, days, weeks and even years falling for and reposting the same play-by-play nonsense, while YOU AND I can see the ending coming a mile away...over and over. Yes, THAT STUPID! :ROFLMAO:

How many fake "indictments" does someone like say savage, need for him to recognize it's all bullshit and he's totally being played? Like 10??? LOL

It's not so much "Trump is always right!" as much as waking people up to what the government has been doing to THEM for a very, VERY long time. Trump being the familiar "victim" SHOWING viewers how BAD these people are.

Wolf Blitzer can't just drop a "Breaking: Jeffrey Epstein Pedo Island" nuclear bomb on his viewers on a Wednesday afternoon. Oh, and btw, all your favorite Hollywood and political heroes are being executed for pedophilia and human trafficking! WHAAAAAT???

That would destroy the country!

You have to bring them around slowly with less emotionally traumatizing stories like..."Russian collusion"...

Remember, you SAW Crooked Hillary arrested. We all did. You don't think the guys in the CNN and MSNBC control rooms saw the same thing? Of course they did! The media "reports" what they're TOLD.

Were people ready for "Hillary's arrest" back then?


Are they ready now? Thanks to Trump being raided/indicted/arrested FIRST...YES! We are getting closer and closer to REAL public arrests...

Was the country ready for election fraud to be exposed on the scale we're about to witness?


Are they ready now? YES! Especially after the coming TV "Trial of the Century" with the entire world watching - fully White Hat controlled.

In the meantime, I can assure you our great military is capable of pumping out one PSYOP after another, especially with modern Hollywood technology at their disposal.

In WWII, the Allies staged a massive fake buildup making the Nazis believe they were invading the front lines, then surprised them hitting them hard on the backend: D-Day on the beaches of Normandy. Included in that PSYOP were inflatable tanks, trucks and many fake props to make the threat look much bigger than it actually was.

Would it shock you to learn the humiliating "Afghanistan withdrawal" with the locals hanging off wings of airplanes was totally fake and staged? Would you be surprised to learn those "Chinese balloons" which had everyone looking up at the sky and thinking what an incompetent buffoon "Biden" was, weren't Chinese at all? All had US military call signs. "Biden's" brutal "Rising Danger of MAGA" speech dressed up as a comic book villain with dark red backlighting. "Biden" stumbling, falling, sounding like a complete idiot...

All Made-for-TV Normie Awakening - appetizers, readying everyone for the main course.

Naturally, for people who have been awake forever it can feel like forever. "Are we there yet?"

Closer and closer...

The enormity of what's coming will shock the entire world!

Sep 5, 2010
For your reading pleasure.

Trump makes another gaffe, insulting his own supporters, MAGA​

But we all know that ultra low iqanons can't be insulted.

They are too stupid.




Soon, real soon.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Aug 17, 2019

Trump’s legal team drops their biggest bombshell yet, right on Jack Smith’s head…​

"Trump’s lawyers told Judge Cannon this afternoon they have evidence that the Biden White House collaborated with NARA, DOJ, and intel agencies to determine which documents to include in Jack Smith’s indictment"

👉 "ELECTION INTERFERENCE!" - Executive Order 13848

Imagine being a brainwashed $8/hr TROLL TARD...

Life just keeps getting :poop: tier and :poop:tier!!

What a show!! :cool:

"The greatest show on earth"

And to think tards though good ole Jack was their savior!

The stupid is off the charts!
Aug 17, 2019
The US government have done the following in the last 5 years alone:

-Created and released a biological weapon that killed 7+ million people.

-Sent $200+ billion to fund the only Nazi military on Earth, and they lost.

-Weaponized media and social media to brainwash and censor the public, to cover up their crimes and attack their political opposition.

-Promoted harmful experimental injections to billions of people, that did not prevent transmission or disease, and harshly discriminated against those who questioned the safety or efficacy.

-Funded both sides of the conflict in the Middle East and influenced the slaughter of thousands upon thousands of innocent civilians on both sides.

-Destroyed every fabric of American society, ruined our cities, ruined our culture, ruined our academics, ruined our quality and way of life.

While the GOP and DNC are arguing over which war to fund next, I’m picking out which suit I’m gonna wear to their international military tribunals.

The People have had enough. Justice is all that matters now.

-- Clandestine

View attachment 77525

"please give me the CNN links to the articles that prove this" - savage1


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