
Nov 11, 2007
ARRESTED, HANDCUFFED and off to GITMO she went for her trial and EXECUTION!

Just like all the others!

Ding-Dong! The Witch is Dead!

"But, but, but, but...nothing is happening. No military! Where da proof, Joe??? Where da proof??" 🤡

Oh, and just to rub it in even further, Chelsea has been arrested as well - proud member of the exclusive White Hat "Boot Club" 👇👇👇


See? Unlike your Tard News.... F-A-C-T-S.

Hey TARDS, ready to say sorry so I can take you off IGNORE and recover your IQ level a few notches after this multi-year BEATING in these two historic threads?

Nothing can stop what is coming!

Perhaps Lenny Lenbo can tell us whether he agrees with you that Hillary Clinton has been executed at GITMO along with

thousands of other members of the "deep state?"

Will Lenny run away and hide as usual like the groundhog does when he sees his shadow on Groundhog Day when I openly

confront him with a question like this or will he stand up like a man and give us a truthful answer!!

Perhaps he will surprise us and respond but only bet money you can comfortably afford to lose if you choose the affirmative!! lol

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
From the “far right “ NPR .

You’re so stupid it’s comical .

Trump cost them 3 elections . Lol !

Correct link


Nov 11, 2007
Here is one of my rare editorials as it applies to this thread in general:

Imo if this thread was conducted in a rational and intelligent way, it could be a dynamic one with plenty of provoctive

and stimulating thoughts and opinions on both sides instead of a thread that consists for the most part of two warring factions that in turn

consists pretty much of name-calling, taunting and one questioning the reliability and validity of each other's sources of


Putting or pretending to put the opposition on ignore serves no purpose and simply eliminates the possibility of rational

and production discussion and debate.

To be fair, I did it myself for a short time but upon further review, decided that that was inappropriate and cowardly

and against my principles and thus no longer do that!!

Yes I fully realize that people in here are never going to agree about Trump(that doesn't apply to Biden because we all

pretty much agree about him), but really wouldn't it be nice if folks could civilly debate what they like/don't like about him

and with reasons!!

Conversely not only doing what I just cited and worse, putting the focus of emphasis on whacko predictions

about devolution and other conspiracy theories with associated back and forth name calling about this serve no

useful purpose because it is nothing but hearsay and gossip.

I will be the first to admit that I love responding to stuff like this and enjoy what I view as destroying folks like

sheriff joe and sbd who espouse this stuff!!

However , the intellectual side of me would much prefer to discuss real empirical matters like Trump and express

our own varying opinions about him and the unfolding events and indictments, etc.

That;s it!!

Sep 5, 2010
As well as his prediction of Oz wiping the floor with Fetterman!!

As any objective person knows, trying to have a rational conversation with Lenny is like trying to converse with a concrete brick

wall as there is nothing that can get him to change his mind about his perceived deity, Donald Trump!!

That is why three and a half weeks ago, I posted to him in this thread that I would limit my direct posts to him to a maximum

of one a day!!

I have not only lived up to that promise :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: but in fact I have just made 3 or 4 direct posts TOTAL to him over that time!!
Don't forget that he hand picked Walker in Georgia!

Must have been another rigged election.


Nov 11, 2007
Lightweight , Witless

Can either of you two stooges find me any articles on this from your far left dog shit sources ?

This seems to be pretty big news don’t ya think ?

Neve mind . I found my answer . It says Biden , not Trump .

Joe Biden sent or received 82,000 pages of private email exchanges through three accounts using fake names when he was serving as vice president, according to the National Archives. Joe used a series of pseudonyms on emails that were about both official and family business, according to emails found on Hunter Biden's now-infamous laptop and previously reported by But this is the first time the sheer volume of the correspondence has been revealed. The accounts that the over 82,000 pages of emails were sent or received from included: ',, and' The correspondence apparently spans over the entire eight-year period Joe was serving as Obama's No. 2.
Here is my one direct response to you per day as allowed by me and only the fifth one over the last 3 1/2 weeks since

my seld-imposed restriction:

First of all, it looks like you are trying to imply that we are defending and have been defending Biden right along whereas in fact

speaking for myself have stated that he overall sucks for lots of reasons and shouldn't be POTUS!!

I am not disputing what you posted, and it very well may be true!!

Conversely, compare that to the 100% way in which you defend Trump against anything/everything documented/stated

about Trump no matter who documented and stated it, what position they are.

Instead of following in the footsteps of Trumo, you simply bash the source but without giving any SPECIFIC reasons why

what they have documented and/or stated is not true!!

While this kind of homerism will fly with sbd, sheriff joe, doctorfailure and several other Johnny Most homers, it will not fly

with any intelligent and objective persons who have been around and are familiar with your modus operandi!!

That's it for today!!
Sep 12, 2022
It's especially hilarious because she is clearly RESISTING even with cuffs behind her back.

This scene isn't unlike what the Marines are encountering these days whenever they ambush some Deep State hotshot then serve them with a military arrest warrant.

"Do you know who I am??? You can't do this to me!!! Get me so and so!!" is the typical haughty response.

Off to GITMO they go!
Here's a question. If Killary was arrested in 2016, as that video appears to be the case - you can see her hands cuffed behind her back - was she dealt with then? Because I've seen other reports that she was arrested in 2022 and executed then.

If she was arrested in 2016, it seems like Trump's boys could have done a lot more damage during his four years in office.

Nov 11, 2007
I hope they fry or hang that little twerp.
Dr. Fauci will be remembered very positively in the history books for bringing a sense of reality and calmness to the country

during Covid whereas you will be remembered as a no-count, lowlife twerp whose only "accomplishments" consisted

of lying, trolling this thread, brown-nosing sbd and sheriff hoe and having your lines fed to you by them!!

Nov 11, 2007

“Trump’s view of loyalty is one way, and that one way benefits only him. Donald has a history of using and abusing his associates, and he has shown no hesitation in throwing them under the bus when it suits his needs,” Michael Cohen, a former Trump fixer and attorney who experienced that lack of reciprocal loyalty firsthand, said. “This is not the kind of person that people are willing to or should sacrifice their freedom for.”

Nov 11, 2007
Although I respect the fact that everyone had a different mindset, lets just say that at this juncture if I were a Trump diehard supporter

such as those who post in this thread, in view of what has been occurring to Trump of late with his defections, etc., I would

be very guarded in what I said unless of course I was a masochist and thus loved being the subject of derision!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Here is my one direct response to you per day as allowed by me and only the fifth one over the last 3 1/2 weeks since

my seld-imposed restriction:

First of all, it looks like you are trying to imply that we are defending and have been defending Biden right along whereas in fact

speaking for myself have stated that he overall sucks for lots of reasons and shouldn't be POTUS!!

I am not disputing what you posted, and it very well may be true!!

Conversely, compare that to the 100% way in which you defend Trump against anything/everything documented/stated

about Trump no matter who documented and stated it, what position they are.

Instead of following in the footsteps of Trumo, you simply bash the source but without giving any SPECIFIC reasons why

what they have documented and/or stated is not true!!

While this kind of homerism will fly with sbd, sheriff joe, doctorfailure and several other Johnny Most homers, it will not fly

with any intelligent and objective persons who have been around and are familiar with your modus operandi!!

That's it for today!!

My post has nothing to do with you defending Biden . It has everything to do with the way the media covers a President or any other politician depending on what letter is next to his name .

So go do a search on Biden 82,000 pseudonym e mails , which were discovered by the National Archives as part of a lawsuit by a conservative organization and tell me how many left leaning sources you find covering this story , which would have wall to wall coverage if the name was Trump and not Biden .

Then tell me the mainstream media has no bias with a straight tomorrow using your one reply for the day .

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

Nobody escapes this as well as just about all your sources about anything!!


Looks to me this clown you keep referencing is as qualified to fact check media sources as Stevie Van Zandt .

Asked for information concerning his expertise in the field of journalism and evaluating news sources, Van Zandt told WND: “I am not a journalist and just a person who is interested in how media bias impacts politics. You will find zero claims of expertise on the website.”

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