Sep 12, 2022

Nov 11, 2007
1) Trump has ZERO chance at best of being re-elected POTUS.

2) Trump has ZERO chance at best of being devolutioned both before, on and after election day.

Anyone who believes to the contrary is living in a world of imagination and projection at best and suffers from severe psychosis

at worst!!
Sep 12, 2022
There are three types of people in the world.

Those who make things happen: Patriots

Those who watch what happened: average Joes

Those who wonder what the hell happened: Tards

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
When Trump wins his third term, I truly hope he goes scorched earth.
Doc, it's all coming down.

Everything is being dismantled in the background as we speak, so when Trump gets back in he can hit the ground running.

Controlled demolition of the entire system, just like those cabal mofos did on 9/11.

Rodeo Drive, once a symbol of Hollywood opulence and power, is a ghost town.

👇 👇 👇


And once that Hollywood illusion is shattered into a billion pieces in the eyes of the public it'll never recover.

Same thing as Washington. Specifically, "The District of Columbia", which the military had sealed off for months. In the previous RR thread, I posted pictures of all the sewer grates with sandbags on them after they flooded out all the pedo tunnels. Most federal buildings in that area are now "under renovation" the Federal Reserve.

Hollywood, DC, the Uniparty swamp, the entire fake fiat financial system (Federal Reverse "NOTE"), the Globalist Deep State and military industrial complex and their Fake News propaganda machine which covers up all their dark secrets...

One illusion after another built on lie upon lie is a government no longer of the people, by the people, for the people..

The entire corrupt, unconstitutional Evil Empire and it's propaganda machine is being exposed and brought down!

Nov 11, 2007
One of the bad things about having the Rubber Room and the original IVU Thread is that we are no longer to retriece old posts.

In this case it is particularly important because if one could retrieve the posts going back to the beginning of the thread in 3/20of

sheriff joe's posts as well as those of sbd, one would see that with a few words changed here and there, the same predictions

the same conspiracies, the same predictions about end of the alleged deep state and in general all the other fabricated nonsense

were the same as you see today and that they were/all IMMINENT.

For people like sheriff joe and sbd, there is no difference between the present, past and future!!

All that matters is getting out their robotic messages to draw attention to themselves and with the hopes that there

are easy crazy, delusioonal fools out there who will buy into it!!
Sep 12, 2022
Doc, it's all coming down.

Everything is being dismantled in the background as we speak, so when Trump gets back in he can hit the ground running.

Controlled demolition of the entire system, just like those cabal mofos did on 9/11.

Rodeo Drive, once a symbol of Hollywood opulence and power, is a ghost town.

👇 👇 👇

View attachment 77231

And once that Hollywood illusion is shattered into a billion pieces in the eyes of the public it'll never recover.

Same thing as Washington. Specifically, "The District of Columbia", which the military had sealed off for months. In the previous RR thread, I posted pictures of all the sewer grates with sandbags on them after they flooded out all the pedo tunnels. Most federal buildings in that area are now "under renovation" the Federal Reserve.

Hollywood, DC, the Uniparty swamp, the entire fake fiat financial system (Federal Reverse "NOTE"), the Globalist Deep State and military industrial complex and their Fake News propaganda machine which covers up all their dark secrets...

One illusion after another built on lie upon lie is a government no longer of the people, by the people, for the people..

The entire corrupt, unconstitutional Evil Empire and it's propaganda machine is being exposed and brought down!
This is all immensely exciting. I wish I was part of Trump's inner circle. He's going to go down in history as the GOAT. Tards are sleeping through a revolution. Landslide coming.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
This is all immensely exciting. I wish I was part of Trump's inner circle. He's going to go down in history as the GOAT. Tards are sleeping through a revolution. Landslide coming.
You can ask any questions and I will pass them along.

Sometimes they answer, sometimes they don't for obvious reasons.

Just don't ask "WHEN" because nobody knows the hour except one man.

"Joe doesn't post proof, only vague/cryptic stuff" 🤡

Ya know, our $8/hr trolls are seriously retarded. I post RECEIPTS all the time - publicly-available documents, headlines, comms, optics, pictures, videos...much more than the empty "reports" anyone gets on their Fake News.

Before I stuck them on Ignore, TARDS asked for "proof" and I showed them pieces all the time. The problem is, these idiots can't put 2+2 together, let alone figure out a 10,000 piece puzzle like this one.

Excuse me, is that Executive Order fake?

Duuhhh, no...but doesn't mean what you say it means! 🤡 :ROFLMAO:


Greatest Global Civ-Mil Alliance in history!

Nov 11, 2007
In addition to what I said earlier today regarding the character of sheriff, sbd, etc, want to add this:

One of the reasons they put us or ignore or much more likely PRETEND to put us on ignore is this.

Whether it is on a conscious and/or unconscious level, they have steadfast beliefs regarding Trump's devolution and the

other crackpot stuff they espouse!!

Therefore they have a certain fear that if debated someone like me challenged them point by point, fact by fact

and logic by logic about much of what they say and/or predict, they realize that based on we have in the way of empirical

proof, evidence and logic as opposed to theirs in much of what they claim, it would be no contest because they would

be hapless as I and the others have already shown without their responses.

Thus by taking on me, wilbur, schmirt, et al, they would take the huge and rightful risk that we would destroy them!!

This in itself is unacceptable to them for at least two reasons :

1) Sbd and joe know that they would like terrible in the eyes of objective viewers in a direct confrontation because

they would have to have a lot more actual facts in their presentations than they do now, which would be impossible

because it doesn't exist!!

2) Just as importantly, they fear that we would confront them directly and make them look clueless to the point where they would have

to examine their thoughts and opinions and in such a way that would make them very uncomfortable and at the same time

perhaps start to get them to question their own beliefs and perhaps consider the possibility that they are barking up the wrong tree!!

Nov 11, 2007
You can ask any questions and I will pass them along.

Sometimes they answer, sometimes they don't for obvious reasons.

Just don't ask "WHEN" because nobody knows the hour except one man.
Who is the one man and what does he know?? If you are talking about Trump's devolution, it sure as hell isn't you as you

have been saying it is imminent every day for 33 months!!
"Joe doesn't post proof, only vague/cryptic stuff" 🤡
Joe posts delusions, imaginations and projections as well as vague/cryptic stuff you know because he realizes that if he is more specfic,

we would crush him even more than we already have!!
Ya know, our $8/hr trolls are seriously retarded. I post RECEIPTS all the time - publicly-available documents, headlines, comms, optics, pictures, videos...much more than the empty "reports" anyone gets on their Fake News.
Your "receipts" in the traditional meaning of the word are not receipts at all but rather are vague generalizations, poisoning

the well, begging the question, presenting facts that are nothing by unsupported facts and/or basing your thesis on other

supported based on what I just cited from previous occasions!!

I have already made a total fool out of you by your using the "acting CIC" when there is ZERO evidence to support other

than your usual laughable crap such as "Why would this person say/do this or that if Trump wasn't the acting CIC?"

along with a zillion unresolved contradictions, inconsistencies, illogic and paradoxes for which you have no answers!!

Conversely, you have not been able to rebut any of the factual material we have presented!!

Before I stuck them on Ignore, TARDS asked for "proof" and I showed them pieces all the time. The problem is, these idiots can't put 2+2 together, let alone figure out a 10,000 piece puzzle like this one.
I just addressed this above-no need to repeat!!
Excuse me, is that Executive Order fake?
What Executive Order and give us DIRECT empirical proof that it has been executed!!
Duuhhh, no...but doesn't mean what you say it means! 🤡 :ROFLMAO:
It means that we are so "retarded" that you wouldn't fu king dare to take me et al on DIRECTLY

Greatest Global Civ-Mil Alliance in history!
Le of course by Trump's best buddy, General Milley!! lol

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Crooked Hillary Arrested!

When "fact-checkers" are too stupid/corrupt to tell you the truth, even when it happens in broad daylight on national TV! 👇 👇 👇

Right in front of you.

Watch it over and over..

Be honest, what do SEE with your OWN eyes?

There's nothing "medical" going on. She's literally being thrown into a van against her will surrounded by suits. Look at her body STIFFENING up and RESISTING.

Not an ambulance, a black van.

And...NEVER went to the hospital after this so-called "medical emergency"

"Dehydrated" is what you were TOLD. 🤡

Did you miss this? Because the Fake News and fake "fact-checkers" spun another fairytale?

"I used to call her Crooked Hillary but I don't like using names on people doubles" -- CIC Trump

Swimming with the fishes.

All you need are EYES to SEE and EARS to HEAR.

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
Crooked Hillary Arrested!

When "fact-checkers" are too stupid/corrupt to tell you the truth, even when it happens in broad daylight on national TV! 👇 👇 👇

Right in front of you.

Watch it over and over..

Be honest, what do SEE with your OWN eyes?

There's nothing "medical" going on. She's literally being thrown into a van against her will surrounded by suits. Look at her body STIFFENING up and RESISTING.

Not an ambulance, a black van.

And...NEVER went to the hospital after this so-called "medical emergency"

"Dehydrated" is what you were TOLD. 🤡

Did you miss this? Because the Fake News and fake "fact-checkers" spun another fairytale?

"I used to call her Crooked Hillary but I don't like using names on people doubles" -- CIC Trump

Swimming with the fishes.

All you need are EYES to SEE and EARS to HEAR.
Might be my favorite video of all time.
Jul 27, 2023
You fellas keep fighting the good fight here at this cool sports forum. Real world changers LOL. All your thoughts and prayers are saving the world! LOL

The amount of mental illness contained in this thread is extraordinary.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Might be my favorite video of all time.
Ya know there's an even better more damning video with less obstruction from the opposite angle. I was looking for it earlier..

Absolutely nothing "medical" going on here whatsoever, unless TARDS want to convince you two unmarked men forcefully grabbing an elderly woman by the arms and throwing her into a black van is standard ER protocol. LOL

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