He still has a death grip on "we got him this time".
Still not smart enough to figure out they will never get him because there is nothing.
He defines stupid.

Yours truly has already destroyed you over the last 40 months with my death grip with the latest example that none of your few followers
nor anyone else has the balls to take me on regarding your claim that Damar Hamlin dies back in January from cardiac arrest caused
by the Covid Vaccine as opposed to the 100% true notion that he is very much alive and healthy enough to resume his football
The real person who captures the attention and stirs the drink is, always been and always be yours truly whereas other
than a few other lost souls/losers, you are the one who is laughed at, not for your politics but for the attention-seeking
bullshit, lies, delusions you post and as shown in the last few days, NO ONE agrees with you nor will offer any commentary,
and just as importantly will not refute what I have documented about you nor take me on openly in debate when
I have responded to something they said directed at me!!
If you were not a Trump fellator, lots of folks would have openly posted, pu you down and laughed at your delusionsal made-up bullshit!!
Some of you folks may have the edge in matters which involve physical skill or prowess and/or mechanical matters but when
it comes to things of the mind, intelligence, and ability to express oneself and/or debate, compared to me you folks at best
are minor leaguers!!
Gasman is my latest victim as he has painfully learned in the past few days who should stick to putting Trump bumper stickers on one
on his car or boat if he indeed owns one!! lol