
Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Qatar is now threatening to cut off gas supply to the world because of "Biden's" (Obama in the basement) fuck ups!

Buckle up, folks.


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Hey lightweight . ICYMI since you’re a big fan of Banjo Boy and his trash and propaganda .

Anti-Defamation League Director Rips MSNBC on Morning Joe: ‘Who’s Writing The Scripts? Hamas?’

The ADL director looked directly into the camera when he described the group as "terrorists."

Aug 17, 2019
What a day that will be!

"We have excellent controls in place" - Trump recently in Iowa

He's talking about Continuity of Government/Devolution

Remember when TARDS mocked devolution while predicting Liz Cheney would become the "biggest GOP star" for exposing "SteeringWheelGate"??

The Stupid!

It Burns!


And Christie was the dark horse who the Trump team feared most.

The stupid!

It's burning out of control.
Aug 17, 2019
When it rains it POURS for TARDS!

With his government safely on "PAUSE", President Trump is now up double-digits over "Biden" in the latest Compost-ABC poll!

Wow! And that's the FAKE NEWS! Imagine the REAL numbers in a REAL election.

Much like the clown GOP pretenders nobody cares about, Trump's lead just keeps expanding and growing with seemingly no limits!

But if you think that's impressive, wait until the false flag "scare event" where normies soil themselves giving them a clear choice between PEACE and WAR!

Hmmm...what do you suppose the PEOPLE will choose? PEACE or WAR?

"I'm the only candidate who can prevent WWIII" - CIC Trump

"Only at the precipice will people find the will to change" - Q

So then, how many states do you think BOSSMAN will lose when we reach the precipice with a FREE and FAIR election?



When it rains it's a MONSOON for TARDS!


Nov 11, 2007
Since either sbd and/or sheriff joe have predicted too many times to count since January of 2021

when Biden was inaugurated that Trump's return/reinstatement/devolution was/is imminent,

I am going to do what I did about two years ago out of the goodness of my heart when they used

another cliche term too many times to count, name;y to create a free lending library post from

which they can borrow the term in case their current source of the term runs out!!

Without further adieu, I offer you this and again free of charge and no overdue fees and dates:

Please let me know when the supply listed runs out, and is the case with a drug prescription,

I will refill it!! lol

Trump's Devolution is IMMINENT!!

Trump's Devolution is IMMINENT!!

Trump's Devolution is IMMINENT!!

Trump's Devolution is IMMINENT!!

Trump's Devolution is IMMINENT!!

Trump's Devolution is IMMINENT!!

Trump's Devolution is IMMINENT!!

Trump's Devolution is IMMINENT!!

Trump's Devolution is IMMINENT!!

Trump's Devolution is IMMINENT!!

Trump's Devolution is IMMINENT!!

Trump's Devolution is IMMINENT!!

Trump's Devolution is IMMINENT!!

Trump's Devolution is IMMINENT!!

Trump's Devolution is IMMINENT!!

Trump's Devolution is IMMINENT!!

Trump's Devolution is IMMINENT!!

Trump's Devolution is IMMINENT!!

Trump's Devolution is IMMINENT!!

Trump's Devolution is IMMINENT!!

Trump's Devolution is IMMINENT!!

Trump's Devolution is IMMINENT!!

Trump's Devolution is IMMINENT!!

Trump's Devolution is IMMINENT!!

Trump's Devolution is IMMINENT!!

Trump's Devolution is IMMINENT!!

Trump's Devolution is IMMINENT!!

Trump's Devolution is IMMINENT!!

Trump's Devolution is IMMINENT!!

Trump's Devolution is IMMINENT!!

Trump's Devolution is IMMINENT!!

Trump's Devolution is IMMINENT!!

Trump's Devolution is IMMINENT!!

Trump's Devolution is IMMINENT!!

Trump's Devolution is IMMINENT!!

Trump's Devolution is IMMINENT!!

Nov 11, 2007

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
OAhhhh!!! What a great day I've had.

It seems to just get better.

Donald Trump Starts to Crack​

"Trump turned to defense lawyer Alina Habba at his left to complain in loud groans—this reporter could only make out the words 'no jury!'—then threw his arms up and shook his head," Pagliery said. "The former president then let out an annoyed sigh and slumped forward, stretching his dark blue suit jacket."

:sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah:


Lock the low life up!

I guess that's for the next trial, or the one after that, or the one after that, or the one after that.....



Soon, real soon.

We have it all.

The stupid! It burns!

Got Cheetos?


Remember when Habba forgot to check the box ?

You’re so dumb I almost feel embarrassed for you .

Take another L along with my personal piñata who also fell for this

Aug 17, 2019

Nov 11, 2007
These tards will buy anything fed to them by their fake news masters.
Perhaps you should ask Lenny if he agrees with YOUR sources and their zillion failed thousands of predictions

about Trump's reinstatement/devolution on a daily basis for the last 33 months!!

He always runs away and hides when I have asked him-perhaps if you ask him directly, he will tell you what

he thinks, ie if for once in his life he has the balls to stand up and tell you that regarding matters and lots

of other delusional stuff to be blunt you are full of shi t!!
It will NEVER change.
You are correct that it will NEVER change in the sense that I, wilbur and schmirt will continue you with your attention-seeking lies,

delusions, hopes and projections until Trump is officially politically irrelevant forever which will happen sometime PRIOR

to the 2024 Election!!
They are 100% brainwashed and mind-controlled.
Unlike you, we provide sources and links for our facts and documents and unlike you do not and plagiarize

from our sources like I caught you doing yesterday!!

If you did in high school or college what you did yesterday in this thread, at best you would fail the course and at worst be


Nov 11, 2007
Perhaps you should ask Lenny if he agrees with YOUR sources and their zillion failed thousands of predictions

about Trump's reinstatement/devolution on a daily basis for the last 33 months!!

He always runs away and hides when I have asked him-perhaps if you ask him directly, he will tell you what

he thinks, ie if for once in his life he has the balls to stand up and tell you that regarding matters and lots

of other delusional stuff to be blunt you are full of shi t!!

You are correct that it will NEVER change in the sense that I, wilbur and schmirt will continue you with your attention-seeking lies,

delusions, hopes and projections until Trump is officially politically irrelevant forever which will happen sometime PRIOR

to the 2024 Election!!

Unlike you, we provide sources and links for our facts and documents and unlike you do not and plagiarize

from our sources like I caught you doing yesterday!!

If you did in high school or college what you did yesterday in this thread, at best you would fail the course and at worst be

In case you "forgot," sbd and.or some folks didn't see it, here is a repost of the glaring example of plagiarism on your part and

my response to it:


5,500 years ago the planet was invaded by an off planet species called the Draco-reptilians and Black suns.

This is known as the Egyptian-Sumerian wars.

This off-planet group entered earth through the 10D stargate which is located on the Iran/Iraq border.

They are strictly a divide & conquer species.

They HATE God and humans, especially women, more than anything.

They hate humans because humans were originally created and seeded with angelic DNA ["image of God'] and became the most desirable DNA in the universe.

This off-planet race, led by one of the main bloodlines we know as the Rothschilds, created Israel as their main hub.

They also created the "Jewish religion" as a control mechanism.

For those who don't know, ISRAEL stands for ISis [female anti-christ] RA [sun] EL [god].

Israel was established as the inversion of Christ, the anti-Christ, with Baphomet as their god.

This is why you always see "elites", especially performers, dress up like Isis and promote it in their performances.

Their performances are really satanic rituals.

After arriving 5,500 years ago this group mind-wiped the human race and rewrote history.

Proof of this lies within the "junk" DNA.

There is no such thing as "junk" DNA.

The "junk" DNA is proof of the mind-wiping.

It created "amnesia" and cut humans off from their remembrance of who they really are and what their real history was/is.

This kept humans trapped in the 3rd dimension, or lower 3 DNA strands.

Dimension means DNA strand.

The "Great awakening" isn't just about knowing certain truths like human/child trafficking, DS cabal, plandemic or other events, however, this is a very important first step of the "awakening" process.

The TRUE "Great awakening" involves the reactivation of this so-called "junk" DNA.

It is truly a spiritual experience because when the first "junk" strand, the 4th strand, is activated you immediately begin to remember who you are as an angelic human and also begin to remember your galactic origins.

You actually feel yourself coming back online.

The more you embody this the more strands of "junk" DNA get reactivated [5th, 6th, 7th-12th]

The more "junk" strands that get reactivated the more multi-dimensional you become.

This "Great Awakening" was the reptilian's worst nightmare.

And this is also why you see all the darkness coming into public view.

Why is this significant?

Remember when "Q" said, "we are saving Israel for last"?

Remember when the op stated in the original RR thread he was part of a large "meditation group" that included individuals worldwide?

These two things are connected.

Why were "we" saving Israel for last?

Because the only way the off-planet group [DS cabal, Black Suns, etc.] could "retreat" and escape was through the 10D portal, the same way they originally entered.

Guess what?

They no longer control the 10D stargate, our benevolent teams do, therefore, they can no longer access or leave.

Earth has, in effect, become their prison and there is no escaping.

Remember the huge wave of CEOs and "elites" that were suddenly "resigning" or got "covid" and "vanished"?

Yes, some were "eliminated" but others knew they lost the war and exited through the stargate while they still could.

Those that remained here are their minions and are trapped, and they know it.

And this is why you see them trying to destroy the planet with DEW-induced fires and now a genocidal war.

They are literally freaking out because they can't leave and their overlords already left the galaxy and cannot return.

The "meditation" group of awakened humans, that includes the op, spent the last several years [since 2012] on the front lines of the spiritual war.

Together this group fought the "invisible" enemy.

And assisted "white hats" in the war you see playing out in public view.

Israel is the end.

God won.

But it doesn't mean there still won't be continued attempts to destroy the planet and attacks in certain geographic areas.

If you want proof that off-planet species exist, you are seeing it in Hamas.

They are the off-planet species that cannot access the stargate and this is why the attacks are so aggressive and barbaric.

No only can they not leave but they need death and destruction for loosh which is their foodsource.

Loosh is their chance to survive.

Imagine being stuck and can't get out, knowing you were facing your own demise and potential dissolution of your soul forever.

How would you respond?

Let us all unite in prayer.

SportsBookData said:
It's all being brought into full public view just like we promised it would be.

And tards rejecting it all and flat-out refusing to see it.

But deep down they know their worst nightmare is happening.

The simple fact that they are still trolling this thread and posting their faker news links proves just how stupid they really are.


Because it's imminent.

And you are going to hate very single minute of it!

Just like we promised.


savage1 said:
Since you didn't provide the sources of this laughable bullshit, I did some ddd myself and found out who the author of this

crap is and a lot more and what the media review says about this crackpot and by association anyone who believes it is true.

An appropriate name for who this whack is and what he stands, imo he should undergo a name change and change it to

David "Icky Yucky!!" lol

David Icke - Bias and Credibility

CONSPIRACY-PSEUDOSCIENCE Sources in the Conspiracy-Pseudoscience category may publish unverifiable information that is not always supported by evidence.
One last thing for sbd to consider:

Didn't they teach you in school that presenting/copying text from someone else and pretending it is your own equates

to PLAGIARISM and is grounds for failure or even dismissal!!

Sep 5, 2010
Another GREAT read!

Trump is slamming Israel and babbling about Barack Obama. Who would vote for that mess?​

Consider an assortment of baffling/disturbing comments Trump has made in speeches and on social media just in recent weeks.

He has repeatedly misidentified President Joe Biden as former President Barack Obama, recently saying at a rally “you take a look at Obama and look at some of the things he’s done” and then, in an interview this week about Biden’s response to the attack on Israel, saying, “It’s all coming through Iran, and Obama, he doesn’t want to talk about it. ... He doesn’t even mention them in a statement.”


But the ultra low iqanons love the orange encrusted buffoon!

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:


Child molester

Soon, real soon.

We have it all.

Get ready for the return.

The stupid! It burns!


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