
Nov 11, 2007
Daily reminder that Donald John Trump is the Commander-in-Chief and the military is in charge.
What you mean is Trump is the CIC of your demented mind which dwells in the world of imagination and delusion!!
The swamp is being drained as we speak - military tribunals and executions are ongoing.
Oh yes-here we go with GITMO and the thousands of members of the ds who have allegedly been executed over the last few years
but who have been seen and heard public thousands of time since they were executed!!
And now are going to be added!! lol
The ONLY reason they're not telling you is... YOU ARE NOT AWAKE YET.
I, wilbur and schmirt have not only been awake since this thread 43 months ago but more importantly AWAKENED and documented

you and your fellow Trump/neo-Nazi/fascist Trump diehards to the TRUTH about you folks, which sure as hell isn't anything

to brag about-that is the understatement of the year!!
To wit, literally every scripted narrative/operation/psyop/disclosure you see on TV is to WAKE YOU UP!
I just addressed this above-no need to repeat!!
From "Chinese balloons", to record Bidenflation, to millions of illegals pouring over the border and flooding "Trump indictments" and McCarthy being ousted as Speaker for the purpose of exposing all the backroom corruption in Congress...
But yet all of this evil stuff and Trump, the "acting" CIC has allowed all of this go on without stepping in/being officially devolutioned

and end all of this!!

I mean how many times using your laughable rationalization do the "people have to be shown?" :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
Sometimes you have to SHOW the people!
I just addressed this above before I read this comment!!

How "shocking" that you used the same cliche, hackneyed expression, mantra, you always do!!
It's all one big fucking educational show...
It sure has been an educational show for me, wilbur, schmirt alright, one in which we have not only documented and exposed your

failed predictions, delusions, lies, etc. but also have shown what vile, nasty "human beings" you are.

To be fair I would say the same thing about anyone who supports Trump's modus operandi and views of tyranny, neo-Nazism, fascism,

misogyny, racism, anti-semitism and in general the total disrespect for the sanctity of human life other than his own-not surprisingly

the same as his murderous buddies counterparts Puti and, Kim Jong-un!!
Enjoy the show!
We sure will enjoy the show WHEN/ NOT IF Trump is permanently done politically speaking and hopefully a lot more!!

Nov 11, 2007

Don't worry though, Trump diehard DOPE supporters!!

All that matters and will ensure that Trump wins in 2024 in a massive landslide are his CURRENT polling numbers in

getting the NOMINATION ONLY!! lol

Nov 11, 2007

It is a good thing that none of the Trump fellators in here dared to wager me on a 2 weeks self-imposed ban in posting thread

regarding whether Trump would even serve one day as Speaker of the House between now and the end of the year!!

Once again, my intelligence, experience, education, age and overall knowledge of how Trump's life operates made this proposed wager

a no-brainer for me!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

Don't worry though, Trump diehard DOPE supporters!!

All that matters and will ensure that Trump wins in 2024 in a massive landslide are his CURRENT polling numbers in

getting the NOMINATION ONLY!! lol

From the guy who claims Trump WONT be getting the R nomination and continues to get polls shoved so far up his @s& they’re coming out his mouth .

But just wait til those convictions DOPE . Maybe someday that horse will finally leave the gate .


Nov 11, 2007
From the guy who claims Trump WONT be getting the R nomination and continues to get polls shoved so far up his @s& they’re coming out his mouth .

But just wait til those convictions DOPE . Maybe someday that horse will finally leave the gate .

Why bother to write a new post when I have already posted the TRUTH about you many times including last night:

From last night:

"I suppose, no actually I am 100% sure that you are incapable of posting anything even remotely negative about Trump when

it comes to taking a good hard OBJECTIVE look at him!!

Kindly show me just one post where you have admitted that the investigators and/or anyone in a position to say something

about Trump may have a point and especially with documentation to prove it!!

I realize that is asking a lot from you, whose mind has a 24/7/365 lock on it and will not listen/change your mind about

anything when it comes to Trump, but on the other hand perhaps there are some newcomers who don't yet know this 100% TRUTH

about you, and that is why I mention it!!

I am out of here from 7 until 10 or so tonight as again, I am not going to spend much time trying to discuss rationally anything

with you because you continue to cling to steadfast and unwaivable beliefs that are not open to other ideas and opinions even if they are

well documented!!"

"Once again I confronted you with the truth and something for which you have no response!!

Thus you took your usual coward's way out by trying to change the topic and or run away and hide in the same way

EVERY SINGLE TIME I have asked you using one of many examples as to whether you agree with some of his sbd's

controversial predictions and statements!!

To conclude, I would normally say now go ahead and hide under your deity's skirt until it is safe to go back into the water,

but since Trump is a guy, I am going to appropriately change it to say go hide in Trump's underwear until you think

you can crawl back out of it into the ring with yours truly, who is your "daddy" in every way, whether it is intelligence, education,

profession and most importantly in the skill of debating, the latter which is about on the same level as an average

kid in high school!!"

Nov 11, 2007
Why bother to write a new post when I have already posted the TRUTH about you many times including last night:

From last night:

"I suppose, no actually I am 100% sure that you are incapable of posting anything even remotely negative about Trump when

it comes to taking a good hard OBJECTIVE look at him!!

Kindly show me just one post where you have admitted that the investigators and/or anyone in a position to say something

about Trump may have a point and especially with documentation to prove it!!

I realize that is asking a lot from you, whose mind has a 24/7/365 lock on it and will not listen/change your mind about

anything when it comes to Trump, but on the other hand perhaps there are some newcomers who don't yet know this 100% TRUTH

about you, and that is why I mention it!!

I am out of here from 7 until 10 or so tonight as again, I am not going to spend much time trying to discuss rationally anything

with you because you continue to cling to steadfast and UNWAVERING beliefs that are not open to other ideas and opinions even if they are

well documented!!"

"Once again I confronted you with the truth and something for which you have no response!!

Thus you took your usual coward's way out by trying to change the topic and or run away and hide in the same way

EVERY SINGLE TIME I have asked you using one of many examples as to whether you agree with some of his sbd's

controversial predictions and statements!!

To conclude, I would normally say now go ahead and hide under your deity's skirt until it is safe to go back into the water,

but since Trump is a guy, I am going to appropriately change it to say go hide in Trump's underwear until you think

you can crawl back out of it into the ring with yours truly, who is your "daddy" in every way, whether it is intelligence, education,

profession and most importantly in the skill of debating, the latter which is about on the same level as an average

kid in high school!!"
Corrected word from last post(unwavering).

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Why bother to write a new post when I have already posted the TRUTH about you many times including last night:

From last night:

"I suppose, no actually I am 100% sure that you are incapable of posting anything even remotely negative about Trump when

it comes to taking a good hard OBJECTIVE look at him!!

Kindly show me just one post where you have admitted that the investigators and/or anyone in a position to say something

about Trump may have a point and especially with documentation to prove it!!

I realize that is asking a lot from you, whose mind has a 24/7/365 lock on it and will not listen/change your mind about

anything when it comes to Trump, but on the other hand perhaps there are some newcomers who don't yet know this 100% TRUTH

about you, and that is why I mention it!!

I am out of here from 7 until 10 or so tonight as again, I am not going to spend much time trying to discuss rationally anything

with you because you continue to cling to steadfast and unwaivable beliefs that are not open to other ideas and opinions even if they are

well documented!!"

"Once again I confronted you with the truth and something for which you have no response!!

Thus you took your usual coward's way out by trying to change the topic and or run away and hide in the same way

EVERY SINGLE TIME I have asked you using one of many examples as to whether you agree with some of his sbd's

controversial predictions and statements!!

To conclude, I would normally say now go ahead and hide under your deity's skirt until it is safe to go back into the water,

but since Trump is a guy, I am going to appropriately change it to say go hide in Trump's underwear until you think

you can crawl back out of it into the ring with yours truly, who is your "daddy" in every way, whether it is intelligence, education,

profession and most importantly in the skill of debating, the latter which is about on the same level as an average

kid in high school!!"

Why would Banjo boy be so concerned about POLICIES that Trump is wiping the floor with the useful idiot when the convictions are going to be the game changer ?

Let’s see how bubble wrapping the senile pants shitter works this time around after 4 years of disaster .


Nov 11, 2007
Why would Banjo boy be so concerned about POLICIES that Trump is wiping the floor with the useful idiot when the convictions are going to be the game changer ?

Last post to you until tomorrow sometime!!

Once again your SOPHOMORIC logic has never worked in the past and will be no different this time!!

More importantly and as I just stated in the last post the very fact that you continue to dismiss the importance of a possible

conviction of Trump and beg the question and poison the well that it won't happen and/or will have no impact

on how people will vote in any event when(speaking of polls) polling data has stated that 30% of the voting population will not vote for

Trump if convicted meaning that he can't win no matter what, clearly demonstrates that your home thoughts are 100% skewed

toward Trump with no flexibility!!

Couple that with your laughable assumption that nothing can happen between now and the Election to change things dramatically

for the worse or even better for that matter just further indicates that your "needle: is stuck on what is today and that it cannot

under any conditions change over the next 13 months to alter lots of things relative to Trump and the Election!!

I was going to post this earlier today but had some other things to do, but anyway STARTING TOMORROW I AM GOING TO LIMIT


The one response will not be at any specific time of the day which in turn will be determined at my discretion when it is appropriate to

do so!!

That said, besides the one direct post, I will repost posts from prior days that I deem appropriate as a response when I see them!!

There will be no limit on these!!

Bye-bye until tomorrow for my maximum of one direct post to you for Saturday!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Last post to you until tomorrow sometime!!

Once again your SOPHOMORIC logic has never worked in the past and will be no different this time!!

More importantly and as I just stated in the last post the very fact that you continue to dismiss the importance of a possible

conviction of Trump and beg the question and poison the well that it won't happen and/or will have no impact

on how people will vote in any event when(speaking of polls) polling data has stated that 30% of the voting population will not vote for

Trump if convicted meaning that he can't win no matter what, clearly demonstrates that your home thoughts are 100% skewed

toward Trump with no flexibility!!

Couple that with your laughable assumption that nothing can happen between now and the Election to change things dramatically

for the worse or even better for that matter just further indicates that your "needle: is stuck on what is today and that it cannot

under any conditions change over the next 13 months to alter lots of things relative to Trump and the Election!!

I was going to post this earlier today but had some other things to do, but anyway STARTING TOMORROW I AM GOING TO LIMIT


The one response will not be at any specific time of the day which in turn will be determined at my discretion when it is appropriate to

do so!!

That said, besides the one direct post, I will repost posts from prior days that I deem appropriate as a response when I see them!!

There will be no limit on these!!

Bye-bye until tomorrow for my maximum of one direct post to you for Saturday!!

Can’t blame you for limited responses . Bug never wins in the game vs. windshield .

Look at the bright side . With Witless around , you never have to say you’re the dumbest person in the room .


Nobody gives a sh*t about when you leave or return on a daily basis .

Jun 4, 2018
Can’t blame you for limited responses . Bug never wins in the game vs. windshield .

Look at the bright side . With Witless around , you never have to say you’re the dumbest person in the room .


Nobody gives a sh*t about when you leave or return on a daily basis .
:rolleyes: ....... the Bug vs the Windshield game never ends well for the bug SPLAT 🩸🩸

Dec 17, 2004

Fwd: Visit to the Bookstore
Today I was at the bookstore; as I was wandering around, the clerk stopped me and offered to help me.
I imagine I didn't look like his normal clientele, so I asked, "Do you have a copy of Donald Trump's book on his U.S. Immigration Policy regarding Muslims and illegal Mexicans?"
The clerk angrily said, "F*ck off, get out and stay out!"
I said, "Yes! That's the one. Do you have it in paperback?"

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