
Sep 5, 2010
In case you missed another winner.

Mike Lindell's Lawyers Abandon His Sinking Ship​

Lindell was a true American success story. He went from homeless crack addict to hugely successful entrepreneur with 3,500 employees in Minnesota.

Then he met Donald Trump.

And everything that Trump touches dies.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
I suppose, no actually I am 100% sure that you are incapable of posting anything even remotely negative about Trump when

it comes to taking a good hard OBJECTIVE look at him!!

Kindly show me just one post where you have admitted that the investigators and/or anyone in a position to say something

about Trump may have a point and especially with documentation to prove it!!

I realize that is asking a lot from you, whose mind has a 24/7/365 lock on it and will not listen/change your mind about

anything when it comes to Trump, but on the other hand perhaps there are some newcomers who don't yet know this 100% TRUTH

about you, and that is why I mention it!!

I am out of here from 7 until 10 or so tonight as again, I am not going to spend much time trying to discuss rationally anything

with you because you continue to cling to steadfast and unwaivable beliefs that are not open to other ideas and opinions even if they are

well documented!!

More whataboutisms I see .
Take the rest of the night off to avoid further embarrassment instead of pulling far fetched articles about what Trump is disqualified from running for out your @*s .

Nov 11, 2007
More whataboutisms I see .
Take the rest of the night off to avoid further embarrassment instead of pulling far fetched articles about what Trump is disqualified from running for out your @*s .
Once again I confronted you with the truth and something for which you have no response!!

Thus you took your usual coward; 's way out by trying to change the topic and or run away and hide in the same way

EVERY SINGLE TIME I have asked you using one of many examples as to whether you agree with some of his sbd's

controversial predictions and statements!!

To conclude, I would normally say now go ahead and hide under your deity's skirt until it is safe to go back into the water,

but since Trump is a guy, I am going to appropriately change it to say go hide in Trump's underwear until you think

you can crawl back out of it into the ring with yours truly, who is your "daddy" in every way, whether it is intelligence, education,

profession and most importantly in the skill of debating, the latter which is about on the same level as an average

kid in high school!!

Back around 10 to out the finishing touches on you for another day!!

Bye bye!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Once again I confronted you with the truth and something for which you have no response!!

Thus you took your usual coward; 's way out by trying to change the topic and or run away and hide in the same way

EVERY SINGLE TIME I have asked you using one of many examples as to whether you agree with some of his sbd's

controversial predictions and statements!!

To conclude, I would normally say now go ahead and hide under your deity's skirt until it is safe to go back into the water,

but since Trump is a guy, I am going to appropriately change it to say go hide in Trump's underwear until you think

you can crawl back out of it into the ring with yours truly, who is your "daddy" in every way, whether it is intelligence, education,

profession and most importantly in the skill of debating, the latter which is about on the same level as an average

kid in high school!!

Back around 10 to out the finishing touches on you for another day!!

Bye bye!!

Posting an article about Trump not being able to run for speaker is far from the truth .

Same goes for him being disqualified from running for President dipshit.
Aug 17, 2019

Congrats, YOU are the next scamdemic the op promised was coming.

The EBS activated the dormant variant inside those who are vaxxed.


It should also be noted that the op stated early on in the original RR thread that white hats took control of the EBS systems after raiding the DS cabal DUMB in the northwestern part of Virginia.

However, the DS recently developed a new system they sent off yesterday at the scheduled time of 2:21pm est.

The signal was heard by many for only a few seconds before white hats located and destroyed it.

This destroyed FEMA's plan to use the 5G towers to pulse 3 different signals of 30 seconds each.

Major damage control thanks to white hats!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013


Nov 11, 2007
It should also be noted that the op stated early on in the original RR thread that white hats took control of the EBS systems after raiding the DS cabal DUMB in the northwestern part of Virginia.

However, the DS recently developed a new system they sent off yesterday at the scheduled time of 2:21pm est.

The signal was heard by many for only a few seconds before white hats located and destroyed it.

This destroyed FEMA's plan to use the 5G towers to pulse 3 different signals of 30 seconds each.

Major damage control thanks to white hats!
Before I finish off Lenny for the day as usual, let's start with you!!

It is actually quite simple:

1) Kindly provide us the link to the article which documents this and the source of documentation.

2) If you are not able to do this for some inexplicable reason, at the very least tell us that what you state is your OPINION

and YOUR OPINION ONLY unless you can provide some kind of SPECIFIC verification as cited in 1 and/or why we should believe you!!

Nov 11, 2007
Posting an article about Trump not being able to run for speaker is far from the truth .

Same goes for him being disqualified from running for President dipshit.
Now it is your turn, jackass!!

First of all, last I heard neither you nor myself have a degree in constitutional law and thus whatever we say is based on our OPINION

of what others say only!!

At the very least, unlike you, I don't make sophomoric statements about how the law regards this because again neither of us has

the necessary education to offer a qualified answer!!

Your projections and logic don't get it done-SORRY!!

Along the same lines trying to twist the word, "truth" to your liking and avoiding what the word "truth" means in the context

I used it makes you look even dumber, more clueless and lacking in debating skills than you already are!!

I am going to post once again what I posted about the "TRUTH" and was/is very clear about YOU!!

If it is not true, then please show me with documentation why it is not the TRUTH.

Here we go with what I posted about YOU and is 100% true despite your weak attempts to change the meaning

and/or run away and hide when confronted by a person who blows you away with his knowledge of how to debate

and make salient and relevant points!!

Here you go with the two separate reposts that I posted earlier.

Kindly rebut and refute with documentation anything that you believe is not true!!

"I suppose, no actually I am 100% sure that you are incapable of posting anything even remotely negative about Trump when

it comes to taking a good hard OBJECTIVE look at him!!

Kindly show me just one post where you have admitted that the investigators and/or anyone in a position to say something

about Trump may have a point and especially with documentation to prove it!!

I realize that is asking a lot from you, whose mind has a 24/7/365 lock on it and will not listen/change your mind about

anything when it comes to Trump, but on the other hand perhaps there are some newcomers who don't yet know this 100% TRUTH

about you, and that is why I mention it!!"

"Once again I confronted you with the truth and something for which you have no response!!

Thus you took your usual coward; 's way out by trying to change the topic and or run away and hide in the same way

EVERY SINGLE TIME I have asked you using one of many examples as to whether you agree with some of his sbd's

controversial predictions and statements!!

To conclude, I would normally say now go ahead and hide under your deity's skirt until it is safe to go back into the water,

but since Trump is a guy, I am going to appropriately change it to say go hide in Trump's underwear until you think

you can crawl back out of it into the ring with yours truly, who is your "daddy" in every way, whether it is intelligence, education,

profession and most importantly in the skill of debating, the latter which is about on the same level as an average

kid in high school!!"

Come on "Lenny," show you have the balls to respond to the points I used as examples to show what you are made of!!

Simply following your typical modus operandi of running away and hiding and/or trying to get by changing/trying to divert

the subject to something else makes you look totally outclassed to an intelligent and objective person, which doesn't include

folks sbd and sheriff joe who have their own set of psychological and emotional problems and are scared shitless to

take me on DIRECTLY and rightfully should be based on the exchanges they have read between you and me over the time

that both of us have been here!!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Is the 'acting' Speaker Of The House going to be the "Place Holder" we've been waiting for?

Take a look at the massive number of doc dumps coming!

👇 👇 👇





Do 500,000 sealed indictments make sense now?

Patriots in FULL control!

Sep 12, 2022
It should also be noted that the op stated early on in the original RR thread that white hats took control of the EBS systems after raiding the DS cabal DUMB in the northwestern part of Virginia.

However, the DS recently developed a new system they sent off yesterday at the scheduled time of 2:21pm est.

The signal was heard by many for only a few seconds before white hats located and destroyed it.

This destroyed FEMA's plan to use the 5G towers to pulse 3 different signals of 30 seconds each.

Major damage control thanks to white hats!
You probably saved Salvage and the other Tards' lives for the second or third time. They owe you big time.

Nov 11, 2007
From earlier today as it applies to sheriff joe:

"Sheriff as usual makes a complete fool about himself as well as an attentions-seeker delusions by making 100% FAILED predictions and

imaginary and irrelevant comparisons to try to make his beyond-the-Twilight Zone world of "reality" narrative flow smoothly

rather than to leave it as it is as a narrative full of massive/swiss cheese contradictions, inconsistencies and unexplained and unresolved


The real movie that hasn't been made yet and should be is actually a documentary entitled "Sheriff Joe-a Train Wreck Wacko

from the Political Chat Boards!! lol
Sep 12, 2022

Congrats, YOU are the next scamdemic the op promised was coming.

The EBS activated the dormant variant inside those who are vaxxed.

Seems like every day now we're hearing about vaccinated people suffering heart attacks while driving and killing themselves and others. Driving while vaxxed is worse than driving drunk.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Today is the 6 year anniversary of Trump Saying “Calm Before the Storm” and the Very First Air Q.

Some background a lot of people simply don’t know is the fact when Trump asked, “do you know what “this” represents?”

The “this” he was referring to was Q.

Look at his hands.

This was the VERY First Air Q.

This happened on October 5, 2017… 23 days prior to the first Q post, beginning the greatest Military/Civilian Intelligence Alliance Operation (#4511) the world has ever seen.


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
"Watermarked ballots in 12 states"


Texts from Regina Thomas (wife of Judge Clarence Thomas)

👇 👇 👇

Truth: Watermarked Ballots Prove Trump won 2020 Election. MSM finally waking up...

See? There ARE public leaks. Not many, but some.

2020 was a MASSIVE military sting operation.

SCOTUS knows we're under a COG (Devolution).
Congress knows we're under a COG (Devolution).
The Fake News even knows we're under a COG (Devolution).

Everyone knows we're under a COG (Devolution) and military occupation.

Everyone knows about GITMO 👉 ongoing military tribunals and executions.

Everyone except..


Our brainwashed and controlled TARDS are going to have a very, VERY hard time when REALITY bitch slaps them in the face!


Nov 11, 2007
Today is the 6 year anniversary of Trump Saying “Calm Before the Storm” and the Very First Air Q.

Some background a lot of people simply don’t know is the fact when Trump asked, “do you know what “this” represents?”

The “this” he was referring to was Q.

Look at his hands.

This was the VERY First Air Q.

This happened on October 5, 2017… 23 days prior to the first Q post, beginning the greatest Military/Civilian Intelligence Alliance Operation (#4511) the world has ever seen.

This week marks the 33rd CONSECUTIVE MONTH ANNIVERSARY since sbd and sheriff joe HOE started

making FAILED DAILY predictions that Trump's reinstatement/devolution was/is IMMINENT.

Each succeeding month between now and the 2024 Election will simply add on one more month of another FAILED

prediction to the current 33!!

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