Aug 17, 2019
California's fraudulently installed governor, Gavin Newsom, kicks trannies in the teeth, refuses to sign bill.

Has he been . . . Dealt with?

"Moreover, a court, under existing law, is required to consider a child's health, safety, and welfare when determining the best interests of a child in these proceedings, including the parent's affirmation of the child's gender identity," he wrote. "For these reasons, I cannot sign this bill."
Already eliminated.
Aug 17, 2019
Catherine Austin Fitts, former Assistant Secretary of Housing: "I said literally on the first day way before they had a vaccine, I said don't worry about Covid, worry about the injection. I said that immediately because I could see it coming. The goal of this thing was to get people injected. The other goal was to steal a huge amount of assets, which they did quite successfully."
And some of us knew for years and tried to warned as many as we could.

Some heeded the warnings.

Others called us tin foil hat wearing fools.

In the end, we were 100% right about everything!
Aug 17, 2019

The op warned many times in the RR thread about getting caught up in the "hero-savior" complex with Elon.

The timing of Elon's change to "X" or from Twitter has been planned a long time and is intentional. was created in 1993 for this time.

"X" identifies with Planet-X or what we call Nibiru.

Many corporations emphasize X in their branding to show those with eyes to see.

Xfinity, Xbox, Xerox, Excite, Xto Energy, Xavier University are just a few examples.

Nibirians are comprised mostly of Jehovian Annunaki from the planet Sirius A and are "fallen angels".

These luciferians have used alien machinery for artificial purposes to reverse currents that, literally, devolve all things.

We saw this come into full public view since the start of the plandemic with gender reversal (transgender) and DNA mutations (covid shots).

Elon, like many "elites" has always shown his support of "X" and even baphomat as seen in these pics.





Is Elon a white hat actor or is it time for him to rise up as an evil supporter of the Nibirian One World Order agenda!

One World Order [OWO], NOT New World Order [NWO] which is the Black Sun's mission.

These 2 groups are battling each other now for control of earth.

Many think OWO and NWO are the same, they are not!

2 different off planet groups, same end-game goal which is to control the planet.


Sep 5, 2010
Looks like the ultra low iqanons have already started yet another delusion filled week as they are posting their fantasies and even more failed, and yet to fail predictions.

Sad that they suffer from such mental illness.

:santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat:

Sep 5, 2010
Here's a great document for your reading pleasure.

Trump Goes Full ‘Crazy Grandpa’ in Series of Late-Night Rants​


Soon, real soon.

We have it all.

:santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat:

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

But of course according to our Trump diehard supporters in this thread his will all be overlooked by the American voting public

as well as the investigations, indictments and convictions, and Trump will cruise to victory in 2024!! lol

The LA Times . Lol !

They make your ? News Network look moderate .

But of course according to our posters with long TDS in this thread this will all be overlooked by the American voting public.

All subject to change for the better as well as the economy before Nov. ‘24.

Do I have that right Lightweight , Witless , BOZO and Squirt ?

Aug 17, 2019

1. First building hit, real plane [create mass fear in U.S.]

2. Second building "hit", fake plane [holographic technology, fear and panic spreads worldwide]

3. Third plane goes "down" near Pittsburgh [create more fear]

4. Pentagon "hit" by missile ["under attack" - brings fear to highest level]

5. Horseman Pulsing [DEW] sent through planet's Ley Lines from underground base in Israel. ["Four Horseman" in Revelations]

6. Horseman pulsing caused electro static shock to "ground zero" and caused buildings to collapse, similar to demolition.

7. The electro static shock to the area also caused mass trauma in the collective worldwide.

8. Satanist "elites" [on planet and off planet] participate in ritual, taking in all the loosh from the fear and trauma. [fear is their food source]

This sequence of events was a Satanic ritual known as Wickerman.

Some may know the name Wickerman from the 1973 movie.

Wickerman is a large wicker statue created for the purpose of human/animal sacrifice.

Some may know the "famous" festival called Burning Man.

At the center of every Burning Man festival is a Wickerman statue and is used for human/animal sacrifice.

But the attendees are usually so drugged up they don't even know it's happening and that they are feeding the ritual when gathered around to witness it.

Burning Man is owned by Blackrock [surprise] and is hosted in the Blackrock Desert [surprise again] in Nevada.

The 9/11 Satanic ritual was a declaration of war of the Balial's {fallen Annunaki mentioned in earlier post] against the Black Suns in the battle for the planet. [OWO vs. NWO].

Those who perished in 9/11 were sacrificed during their Satanic ritual.

This ritual also sent out a message to a small group of higher consciousness beings whose souls are not from this planet and chose to incarnate here in a human body to anchor the light for those fighting the DS cabal.

The message was "we are coming after you".

This small group from around the world were all shown 9/11 in their dreams six months before it actually happened.

Their mission was activated at that moment and were shown the playbook and their role.

Upon activation they were guided to each other to unite in this mission.

They have been under attack since.

And they are a huge reason why those on the front lines have prevailed.


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
I can confirm 1 thru 4.

FDNY on the ground witnessed a plane hitting the first tower but never the second. The first plane does look real.

As for the second tower, I posted a shoddy CGI video a few a weeks back of one of the wings clipping a building in the distance. Pathetically amateurish.

Dozens of witnesses, including fire and rescue covered in debris who barely escaped the demolition are on record that they heard explosions before the towers collapsed.

Trump is on record saying absolutely no way a plane could have brought down those towers.

As for the Pentagon, all security cam footage remains classified - never released to the public.

The CIA was blocked from the 9/11 Commission, so that report is essentially garbage.

Remember, parroting the official government narrative doesn't make it true, anymore than 51 Intelligence Clowns claiming "Hunter's Laptop was Russian Disinformation"..

"Someday you'll find out who knocked down the WTC"
- President Trump

Sep 12, 2022

1. First building hit, real plane [create mass fear in U.S.]

2. Second building "hit", fake plane [holographic technology, fear and panic spreads worldwide]

3. Third plane goes "down" near Pittsburgh [create more fear]

4. Pentagon "hit" by missile ["under attack" - brings fear to highest level]

5. Horseman Pulsing [DEW] sent through planet's Ley Lines from underground base in Israel. ["Four Horseman" in Revelations]

6. Horseman pulsing caused electro static shock to "ground zero" and caused buildings to collapse, similar to demolition.

7. The electro static shock to the area also caused mass trauma in the collective worldwide.

8. Satanist "elites" [on planet and off planet] participate in ritual, taking in all the loosh from the fear and trauma. [fear is their food source]

This sequence of events was a Satanic ritual known as Wickerman.

Some may know the name Wickerman from the 1973 movie.

Wickerman is a large wicker statue created for the purpose of human/animal sacrifice.

Some may know the "famous" festival called Burning Man.

At the center of every Burning Man festival is a Wickerman statue and is used for human/animal sacrifice.

But the attendees are usually so drugged up they don't even know it's happening and that they are feeding the ritual when gathered around to witness it.

Burning Man is owned by Blackrock [surprise] and is hosted in the Blackrock Desert [surprise again] in Nevada.

The 9/11 Satanic ritual was a declaration of war of the Balial's {fallen Annunaki mentioned in earlier post] against the Black Suns in the battle for the planet. [OWO vs. NWO].

Those who perished in 9/11 were sacrificed during their Satanic ritual.

This ritual also sent out a message to a small group of higher consciousness beings whose souls are not from this planet and chose to incarnate here in a human body to anchor the light for those fighting the DS cabal.

The message was "we are coming after you".

This small group from around the world were all shown 9/11 in their dreams six months before it actually happened.

Their mission was activated at that moment and were shown the playbook and their role.

Upon activation they were guided to each other to unite in this mission.

They have been under attack since.

And they are a huge reason why those on the front lines have prevailed.

The alien stuff is over my head, but I've long known that Israel was behind 9/11.

Aug 17, 2019
I can confirm 1 thru 4.

FDNY on the ground witnessed a plane hitting the first tower but never the second. The first plane does look real.

As for the second tower, I posted a shoddy CGI video a few a weeks back of one of the wings clipping a building in the distance. Pathetically amateurish.

Dozens of witnesses, including fire and rescue covered in debris who barely escaped the demolition are on record that they heard explosions before the towers collapsed.

Trump is on record saying absolutely no way a plane could have brought down those towers.

As for the Pentagon, all security cam footage remains classified - never released to the public.

The CIA was blocked from the 9/11 Commission, so that report is essentially garbage.

Remember, parroting the official government narrative doesn't make it true, anymore than 51 Intelligence Clowns claiming "Hunter's Laptop was Russian Disinformation"..

"Someday you'll find out who knocked down the WTC"
- President Trump


Jet fuel does not burn hot enough to twist and melt metal the way it did, nor would it take down 2 towers in such a short period of time. [logical thinking]

And the towers would have collapsed from top-down, at point of impact, not down-top. [logical thinking]

But, as we saw in Maui, DEW technologies can melt and twist metals.

The Maui aftermath looked like 9/11.

We also saw the same look after the Australian wildfires during the plandemic and Paradise, CA in 2018.

All created by DEW technologies.

Specifically, Four Horseman technologies also create explosions as the energy bursts through the ground and can mimic that of a demolition.

Think of Four Horseman technology like that of a massive pressure cooker.

They keep pulsing the area until it explodes. [literally]

Ground zero had the energetic signature of Four Horseman technologies.
Aug 17, 2019
The alien stuff is over my head, but I've long known that Israel was behind 9/11.

View attachment 75496
Israel was created by Rothschild.

The Jewish religion is not a religion, it is nothing more than an "idea" with a story.

Created by Rothschild of course.

And used to control the people there.

Most Jews think Rothschild was a Jew.

He's not.

He's German, and a Nazi.

And, of course, responsible for the wars and catastrophes including 9/11.

As for the alien stuff [lol], I encourage you to just keep an open mind always.

Because your entire history is recorded on your soul matrix.

Including your galactic origins.

And one day something will trigger your remembrance.

And when it does it won't take long for representatives of your star family to show themselves to you.

Sep 5, 2010
Another great read for the ultra low iqanons.

Get ready for the return.

Try to fit through a door.

We have it all.

:santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat:

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