
Nov 11, 2007
I would vote for the R nominee .
ok thanks-but the intent of my question is if the Republican nominee lost whether it was Trump or someone else, would

your daily posts still center around Trump or commentary about whoever was elected POTUS on the democratic side, or perhaps

you haven't thought about that and will take it a day at a time if that should occur??

In all honesty, if I am 100% wrong and Trump wins, I assure you that for the sake of my family and the country and

assuming I still posting in this thread, the likelihood of that being about 1%, I will hope that whatever he does works out.

I did that with all of the other past Presidents in my lifetime and would do the same time PROVIDED that some fear,

that he does not turn his Presidency into a vendetta of getting revenge on whoever wronged him but rather using the same

modus operandi when he was the POTUS.

Nov 11, 2007

Good-it serves the no-good lying fu cker right!!

Thank you, God, for dealing with this treasonous AHole in the proper and just manner!!

Never bet against America.
Jul 3, 2014
“We’ll son-of-a-bitch, he got fired!”

For the libtards in Libtardia, that’s what real Quid Pro Quo actually looks like.

Sep 5, 2010

Judge denies Mark Meadows' bid to remove his Georgia election case to federal court​

Someone's gonna flip.


Soon, real soon.

We have it all.

Get ready for the return.

? ? ? ? ? :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad::sad::sad::sad::sad::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn:

Sep 5, 2010

Good-it serves the no-good lying fu cker right!!

Thank you, God, for dealing with this treasonous AHole in the proper and just manner!!
Saw this after I posted it.

Good stuff.

The walls are closing in and the ultra low iqanons are going to hate how this movie ends.

:santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat:

Sep 5, 2010
This is what panic looks like.

Trump targets Jack Smith, current and former top DOJ Officials by name in latest attack​

Jail time coming???


Soon, real soon.

Noone can stop what is coming, NOONE!!!

The stupid! It burns!


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
ok thanks-but the intent of my question is if the Republican nominee lost whether it was Trump or someone else, would

your daily posts still center around Trump or commentary about whoever was elected POTUS on the democratic side, or perhaps

you haven't thought about that and will take it a day at a time if that should occur??

In all honesty, if I am 100% wrong and Trump wins, I assure you that for the sake of my family and the country and

assuming I still posting in this thread, the likelihood of that being about 1%, I will hope that whatever he does works out.

I did that with all of the other past Presidents in my lifetime and would do the same time PROVIDED that some fear,

that he does not turn his Presidency into a vendetta of getting revenge on whoever wronged him but rather using the same

modus operandi when he was the POTUS.

There will be plenty to post about the new Dem President , be it Biden or who ever wins in the form of their disastrous policies . Unless it’s a rare moderate that emerges as his replacement which i don’t see .

Trump already had the chance to go after Hillary and he passed . On the other hand after all that has been done to him , starting with the whole BULLSHIT Russia hoax up until now I hope he goes scorched earth if he wins the Presidency .

Nov 11, 2007
This is what panic looks like.

Trump targets Jack Smith, current and former top DOJ Officials by name in latest attack​

Jail time coming???


Soon, real soon.

Noone can stop what is coming, NOONE!!!

The stupid! It burns!

There is nothing new here that we haven't seen a million times already, namely threatening someone who is investigating him

and to claim he is 100% innocent of all charges!!

Nov 11, 2007
There will be plenty to post about the new Dem President , be it Biden or who ever wins in the form of their disastrous policies . Unless it’s a rare moderate that emerges as his replacement which i don’t see .

Trump already had the chance to go after Hillary and he passed . On the other hand after all that has been done to him , starting with the whole BULLSHIT Russia hoax up until now I hope he goes scorched earth if he wins the Presidency .
Thanks for your response!!

Nov 11, 2007
Always good to remember your track record of 100% success in predicting the future vs. the Tards' record of 0% success.
You mean of course 99.8% FAILURE in predicting the future, 100% regarding Trump's reinstatement/devolution and 100%

lack of accountability for the same!!
Sep 12, 2022
Sep 12, 2022
Savage the human trafficking troll gets 0 - ZERO! - views and replies in his own pathetic threads, so he has to come in here and troll yours with his delusional "OH BOY WE GOT HIM THIS TIME!" commie fantasies.

Literally EVERYONE has him on Ignore. Nobody reads his incoherent drivel...yet he STILL can't help himself. Talk about being tone deaf to reality.

Mentally ill deranged loser doesn't begin to describe this idiot.

Imagine spending every waking hour monitoring this thread and typing up posts only to have nobody read them . . .

I heard a song on the oldies station called He's So Vain. That what it reminds me of.
Sep 12, 2022

Both in the "mainstream media" as well as on Trump's Truth Social, the steady drumbeat of the months-long build-up for the coming civil and criminal trials is clearly audible, and expected to intensify. This is mass-marketing for normies at its finest. By the time that Defense Team Trump gets to finally present -- on TV and throughout cyberland -- the anticipated forensic evidence proving that Election 2020 was indeed a complete fraud and that January 6th was a false flag operation, the people of the world will be in "Super Bowl" mode.

The unsuspecting subjects of Libtardia, Normiedom and Foxdom will no doubt attribute the seeming "blowback" to the careless legal overreach of Trump's Deep State enemies. We of Q-land know better. The entire Trump presidency (which is still in secret session) is a Sting Operation. The courtroom drama to come is part of the movie. As for some of the drama which we expect to start unfolding in early 2024, a re-reading of an article which we posted nearly three years ago is in order. Though our timeline was off due to unexpected and unpredictable twists and turns of the master plot, "The Plan" has always remained in effect. Indeed, Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming.

*** Originally Published in November 2020 ***​

As even casual followers of Q / Q Anon know, one of Q's most used catch-phrases is "Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming." Time and time and time again, over the course of the past three years, Q has posted this phrase which has kept the devoted following fired-up and optimistic. Trump himself even re-tweeted someone's "meme" depicting Trump playing a violin with the image captioned "Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming." Trump -- always pretending to not know what Q Anon is all about -- added accompanying text reading: "Who knows what this means. But it sounds good to me."

Just last week, on October 31, 2020, Q, in Post # 4944, gave us hope for the election to come by posting: **********************Are you ready to finish what we started?'Nothing can stop what is coming' is not just a catch-phrase.Q********************** "Not just a catch phrase?" Does that mean that there has been a double meaning to the phrase all along -- besides the obvious implication? We believe there was -- and we are upgrading our "cautious optimism" to "realistic optimism."

"Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming" -- NCSWIC --- is perhaps Q's most well-known catch-phrase -- and has been picked up by Trump and associates. The Q Post above is from just days after the 2020 election.

As we reviewed in yesterday's bulletin, the word on the "alternative news" street is that Trump had the Department of Homeland Security add a special digital watermark to all of the legitimate ballots. Some have pointed out that this would not have been possible because private companies in various states print the ballots -- not the Feds. But a bit of cyber sleuthing reveals that DHS -- as part of the "Election Infrastructure" protection program which Trump tasked the agency with back in 2018 -- does indeed work with private entities to ensure security. This gem, from the website of DHS's page on election security:

"Elections play a vital role in a free and fair society and are a cornerstone of American democracy. We recognize the fundamental link between the trust in election infrastructure and the confidence the American public places in basic democratic function. A secure and resilient electoral process is a vital national interest and one of our highest priorities at the Department of Homeland Security.

We are committed to working collaboratively with those on the front lines of elections – state and local government, election officials, federal partners and the vendor community – to manage risks to election infrastructure. We will remain transparent as well as agile to combat and secure our physical and cyber infrastructure against new and evolving threats." (emphasis added)* In short, the opportunity to watermark and digitally secure (blockchain tracking) exists. So, what's this got to do with "Nothing Can Stop What Is coming?"

1. Kirstjen Nielson was Trump's girl at DHS from 2017-2019. She oversaw election security during her tenure -- ostensibly aimed at protecting elections from "Russian interference." She now serves on the National Infrastructure Advisory Council // 2. Nielson harassed by communists at a Mexican restaurant. // 3. Blockchain technology involves a developing list of records, called blocks. Each block contains cryptology from the previous block, a timestamp, and transaction data. The technology is designed to prevent alteration because data in a single block cannot be altered without changing all subsequent blocks.

In November of 2018, Trump's DHS established the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency (CISA) to protect the integrity of US elections. CISA itself oversees another sub-agency to develop the products needed to assist DHS in working with "public safety partners involved in interoperable communications at all levels of government."
In other words, if something like a blockchain communication embedded in a watermark was indeed added to the ballots, this particular sub-division of CISA (itself a subgroup of DHS) would have been tasked with setting up the sting operation by working with "private vendors" and "public safety partners."

And the name of this sub-group is (dramatic drum roll) --- the National Council of StateWide Interoperability Coordinators --- official acronym being NCSWIC -- initials which also perfectly match "Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming."

Coincidence? We shall know soon enough.

"FROM CISA.GOV -- " #PROTECT2020 is a national call to action initiated by CISA, the lead federal agency responsible for national election security, to enhance the integrity and resilience of the Nation’s election infrastructure, and ensure the confidentiality, truthfulness, and accuracy of the free and fair elections necessary for our American way of life."

Q links NCSWIC to --- about one week after the stolen election.

NCSWIC -- "Not just a catch phrase." --- Indeed -- it's also an acronym.

Nov 11, 2007
Imagine spending every waking hour monitoring this thread and typing up posts only to have nobody read them . . .

I heard a song on the oldies station called He's So Vain. That what it reminds me of.
Bingo-you revealed for the second time today that you read my posts and more importantly that I piss you off and expose

your lies as I just did in my previous post and that you have ZERO, ZILCH, NADA, NOTHING to rebut/refute what I posted

other than hurl insults or to take the coward's way out, namely to pretend to put me on ignore!!

You have already shown that you are A LOSER and that and get your jollies by simply parroting back what sbd and sheriff joe Hoe

have already said rather than showing any ability to post anything creative and/or deeper

than skin deeper or better a shallow bucket of piss!!

If you had the gonads to openly debate me I would make short work of you with hardly any effort at all!!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
“We’ll son-of-a-bitch, he got fired!”

For the libtards in Libtardia, that’s what real Quid Pro Quo actually looks like.
Why does the Biden family have 20 shell companies? Do they actually manufacture or sell... Ya know, a product?

Why do they have all these Twitter and email aliases?

How does Hunter make millions in all these countries given that he's a totally useless coked up piece of shit?

Normal people look at all this stuff and see these people for what they are:


Nov 11, 2007

Why does the Biden family have 20 shell companies? Do they actually manufacture or sell... Ya know, a product?

Why do they have all these Twitter and email aliases?

How does Hunter make millions in all these countries given that he's a totally useless coked up piece of shit?

Normal people look at all this stuff and see these people for what they are:


And Trump isn't--yeah right!!

Nov 11, 2007
Hey-sbd, my sources tell me that God likes to bet on football games on the weekend and is looking for winners!!

Perhaps if you email HIM some of those picks from those sports services you use that you claim never loan in exchange

for leniency for Trump, it might work!!

Nothing ventured, nothing gained!! lol

Back in the am!!

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