
Nov 11, 2007
And like the op stated prior to the election, keep your eyes on Maricopa.

Tards are going to hate how this ends!
Yeah-it will end up in the same way that your zillions of predictions that Trump's reinstatement/devolution for the last 32 months that

it is IMMINENT, namely a 10% failure and that Hobbs will remain as Governor!!

My $1000 against your $1-what do you say!!
Sep 12, 2022
The op brought this to everyone's attention in the RR thread, immediately after Pelosi ripped up the State of the Union speech on national tv.

Pelosi always opted to we the caduceus instead of the American flag.

View attachment 75024

Some of us always knew why.

"symbolism will be their downfall".
Witch is going to hell, if she's not already there. How'd you like to be her husband? I actually feel sorry for the guy.
Sep 12, 2022

STILL thinking "we got him this time".

STILL thinking Trump will be forced out of, or will drop out of, the 2024 race.

STILL thinking covid is real and getting ready to triple mask up in the coming weeks.

Can anyone imagine being this stupid?

Because I can't.

I can't either, but we see it all around us and it's getting worse by the day. Before I put the Tards on Ignore on the old thread, they were becoming Increasingly unhinged with each passing day. Brain damage from the jab?

The world appears to be under a satanic spell with only a small number of people outside of that spell. The masses are possessed and headed for the lake of fire.

Imagine having access to this thread and the opportunity to save your soul, yet choosing ignorance and hell over knowledge and Heaven. They are being led by their nose from birth to death and don't even know it. Sad.

Mar 19, 2008
Is this the "beating" you are referring to from MGMan :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

"Cheddar, get off of it. This is supposed to be a helpful forum and you're attacking Savage when he's trying to help people understand NorthCoast is a fade so we can make money. Let it go already!!"

Not surprising as you have already shown that you are like a two or tree year old trying to deliberately irritate one or both of

his parents!!

My comparison is actually a great one because for all intents and purposes, I am your "daddy" and completely own you when

it comes to anything regarding intelligence, education, work experience and most importantly DEBATING SKILLS where you are still

stuck in the starting game in the same manner that you are stuck in a 1950 time warp when it comes to matters like

International Matchmaking Agencies and other anachronistic opinions and views which disappeared for just about all societal

members eons ago!!
"Record keeping is nice but it’s after the fact. How does it help if someone wants to fade? Joe$$ is posting play’s before the games start. That helps way more."
You couldn't understand this simple statement. Your responses were as predicted. Just type a bunch of words, do some copy and pasting for the 5th time and don't answer any of my questions.

Nov 11, 2007
He's still waiting on CNN and MSN to tell him what to think.
A person like yourself who supports Trump and by implication supports criminal and treasonous activities like trying to overthrow

The Govt. of the United States of America and the associated fascism that goes with it, really is in no position to criticize anyone

or anything else!!

Nov 11, 2007
"Record keeping is nice but it’s after the fact. How does it help if someone wants to fade? Joe$$ is posting play’s before the games start. That helps way more."
You couldn't understand this simple statement. Your responses were as predicted. Just type a bunch of words, do some copy and pasting for the 5th time and don't answer any of my questions.
In case you or anyone missed it from late last night, here is what a poster from the N

Cheddar said:
Hey Starbucks boy, do you agree with the beating Savage took in the Northcoast thread?
Is this the "beating" you are referring to from MGMan :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

Cheddar said:
Thought you quit participating in this thread? From the most intellectually person on this forum not a good look.
"Cheddar, get off of it. This is supposed to be a helpful forum and you're attacking Savage when he's trying to help people understand NorthCoast is a fade so we can make money. Let it go already!!"

Not surprising as you have already shown that you are like a two or tree year old trying to deliberately irritate one or both of

his parents!!

My comparison is actually a great one because for all intents and purposes, I am your "daddy" and completely own you when

it comes to anything regarding intelligence, education, work experience and most importantly DEBATING SKILLS where you are still

stuck in the starting game in the same manner that you are stuck in a 1950 time warp when it comes to matters like

International Matchmaking Agencies and other anachronistic opinions and views which disappeared for just about all societal

members eons ago!!

C Thread thinks of you:

Nov 11, 2007
"Record keeping is nice but it’s after the fact. How does it help if someone wants to fade? Joe$$ is posting play’s before the games start. That helps way more."
You couldn't understand this simple statement. Your responses were as predicted. Just type a bunch of words, do some copy and pasting for the 5th time and don't answer any of my questions.
Cheddar said:
Again, a bike ride consists of actually pedalling more than 20% of the time which I don't think you can do. I noticed that your posse of Starbucks Wilber, Squirt and Hamburger can't back you up on you blood bath you took in the Northcoast thread. You said yourself that the thumbs up were important. I beat you 6-1 with your only thumbs up coming when you said you were leaving the thread. CONFIRMED.
This folks is what costs America money. You pay someone like this $75,000 for 35 years and you know what his skill is? Creating confusion. Anyone in a debate with him wins, because he can't debate. His Modus Operandi is to continue to keep typing and create a diarrhea of words and create confusion as to what the topic is really about. Then he hopes people just give up. I'm sure he did a good job creating confusion to the less fortunate welfare people looking to defraud the US.
In reference to the MOB, research says that countries with lowest divorce rates typically result in low divorce rates when you purchase a bride. Exact words, my definition of purchase stands. You can't prove it wrong. Research also says that most of the MOB's come from 3rd world countries where they are desparate to leave and will commit long term to a Buyer. Some even have their suitors continue to send money to their family as a token of thanks. Why would a MOB leave marriage? Wouldn't be surprised if you were sending money to them after the marriage, or she was behind your back. Why would your MOB leave you? Wealthy, good inheritance coming, you don't spend time with her, and now she gets you bring some immigrants into your home. Pretty good gig right posse?
Click to expand...
The fact is Mr/ Envious/Start Trouble-I totally ANNIHILATED you over the last few days most notably with my post about your purchasing

a wife post, one that on your part you were unable to DIRECTLY with ZERO points let alone point by point as i requested!!

I administered a whooping on you in that post alone that is off of the scale, and I feel very good about it because

you are nothing but a lowlife whose life is bereft of anything else to do other than to try to irritate and get the best of someone!!

In this case, you picked the wrong person to mess with because I am smarter than you, more educated than you, and am an infinitely,

better debater than you, which isn't difficult with a person like yourself who is barely above ZERO!!

In fact, you are displaying your stupidity and inability to debate by once again using the term "purchasing a wife" in your post above,

which I clearly debunked in the post which I am going to post once again to show you and anyone else what I am capable of writing

and composing and your inability to answer it DIRECTLY except with insults, name-calling, changing the subject but not once

even feebly trying to rebut what I said!!

With that said, what you did offer about third world country women is thus a 100% non-sequitur because it has nothing

to do with International Matchmaking Agencies but rather a generalized statement about women who don't belong to that category!!

I explained to you the screening process that my agency as well as I assume most agencies of this nature and why they

are so highly successful!!

If you want to deny that and/or are jealous because perhaps your own marriage sucks, then too bad and better luck next time!!

Again if you want to live your life stuck in a time warp in 1950 and not recognize that your antiquated views about women from other

countries, as well as International Matchmaking, are no longer valid, then you go right ahead with your provincial thinking

which might be or bordering on xenophobia!!

Also regarding your pedaling comments, I am not going to comment on yours because I don't make assertions/commentary

that I don't have any knowledge of.

For the record I don't use the pedal assist at all or keep it on the lowest setting of 1 which gives me minimum battery assist.

Also on days when I am not pedaling I either jog or walk three miles and/or do a little of each for the three miles!!

If you do the same or even better, then good for you!!

Let's just say that according to my primary physician, who has been my physician for around 40 years, for

someone my age I am in the top-10-15% physically speaking.

I am not going to brag about mental ability-suffice it to say that it is infinitely better than that of Biden or Trump who are about my

age and even more so compared to yours as a person I assume quite a bit younger!!t

Oh and yes regarding NC, I decided to keep my thread going when I saw someone else started another NC Coast Thread

meaning that there was interest in it and in my record-keeping which is along the same lines.

Kindly show me the bloodbath you are talking about unless of course you mean the unmerciful big hurt I put on you!!

Also, do I not have the right to change my mind when my initial assessment was wrong!!

If that is the best you can do to try to discredit me, it simply indicates what a pathetic and weak human being and lost soul you are!!

Since this is a long post I am going to repost one more time in a THREAD THAT FOLLOWS the post that you tried to ignore because

you had and still have no DIRECT response that will fly.

That's it, and please keep trying and try to do a little better-perhaps sbd, sheriff joe-HOE or doctorsuccess can help you!!

Nov 11, 2007
"Record keeping is nice but it’s after the fact. How does it help if someone wants to fade? Joe$$ is posting play’s before the games start. That helps way more."
You couldn't understand this simple statement. Your responses were as predicted. Just type a bunch of words, do some copy and pasting for the 5th time and don't answer any of my questions.
Here you go Mr Old-fuddy-duddy who badly needs to find a way to release and transport you from the 1950 time warp you are to

the present year of 2023!!

Lets see if you do in fact have the intelligence to SPECIFICALLY address and/or rebut/refute what I posted in response to your

views of International matchmaking sevices.

if you do not, it will prove once and for that you are one jealous entity and no even in the ballpark when trying to engage me in any

kind of debate!

Here you go for the last time@!

Let's see what you are made of!!

"Sorry, buddy, trying to twist the definition of "purchasing" in this instance to purchasing a wife doesn't fly with any intelligent and

objective person and I will tell you why.\:

When one buys a car or tv, he is purchasing it by giving an established set amount of money for a definable product he saw

at the car dealer or in the store he saw a tv.

Now before I get into your ignorant comment about "purchasing a wife," let's take another example:

If one goes to an employment agency, and they find him a job for which he has to pay them a fee and ends up loving

the job they find for him, would you deem that as "purchasing a job" or as I would, helping him find a job commensurate

with his talents and one that he ended up loving??

I am not going to use your sophomoric "YES" or "NO" way of trying to ram my opinion down your throat!!

I will let others decide if my point is valid!!

Back to your contention of "purchasing a wife."

It is basically the same as with the car and tv comparison to the employment agency.

Your implication is that I "purchased" a wife in the same manner as I would a car or tv in that she is an inanimate object

that I ordered from the agency and that she had no say as to whether she wanted to marry me or not!!

If you took the time to research what International Matchmaking Agencies are all about and what they have been around

since they started flourishing in the last 20 years or so, you would realize that you are 100% WRONG!!

Most importantly untold thousands of men have been matched with loving, and devoted wives!!

My particular agency, Foreign Affair, was one of the first ones to get involved in helping people find mates,

and actually featuring them on Sixty Minutes, is the manner in which I found out about them and

which led to my pursuit of this possibility.

While a lot more of these agencies have come into existence since that time, Foreign Affair is still very highly


Also, Foreign Affair and the top Matchmaking Services don't accept a woman from the many countries

in which they operate simply because they apply!!

There is a while screening process they have to pass before they are accepted.

I don't know what you mean about your "I called two of them," etc. but the undeniable fact is that unlike the divorce rate

in the US which is 50%, marriages such as mine have a 4% divorce rate tops!!

That is your schooling lesson for today, Mr old fuddy-duddy!!"

Hopefully, you will climb out of your perennial time warp someday and realize that the year is 2023 and not 1950!!

Nov 11, 2007
ps "Sorry" for stealing your "thunder" with what I just posted as it regards Cheddar the no count/lowlife troublemaker, but

hey if this guy wants to be exposed and battered against the wall will gladly do it!!

My modus operandi is, has been and always will be that I can and will play by the manner in which other posters choose to

to address me and what I post!!

I consider myself very versatile and quite capable of being able to play offense and defense equally well with other posters

as well as of course being to express myself with thoughts and opinions in a very well-thought-out and articulate manner

that goes way beyond skin level, regardless of the manner in which other posters decide to address me!!

In short, I would love to present my thoughts and ideas in a polite and respectful manner and to engage in productive

discussions and debates!1

However if folks like Cheddar, whose sole purpose in posting to me is resorting to name-calling and insults,

then I assure you that he will be hit with the same and a lot more as he has already painfully found out!!

Mar 19, 2008
You just did it again Paul. More copy and pasting without answering questions

Nov 11, 2007
You just did it again Paul. More copy and pasting without answering questions
I will leave it to the objective viewers based on my reposts today who prevailed in this discussion including a major contributor

in the NC thread that I posted of what he thinks of YOUR modus operandi and which is obvious to anyone with half a brain!!

I am quite sure you are good at other things in your life-unfortunately for you, engaging in debate is not one of them!!

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