
Nov 11, 2007
They call us an echo chamber but yet I don’t see any reason to allow Communism any say whatsoever. It simply doesn’t compute or make any sense. We do a pretty good job educating ourselves of these scum without their help trying to convince us that drag queening, immorality, racism, transgenderism, pedophilia, and liberalism is somehow not all related to the Communism and tyranny playbook.

Block (Ignore) these Motherfuckers because it drives them nuts. Why do they need US so bad to get their point across when we already know what their end game is already..

Fuck these Communists. If they knew their history like we do they’d know why they’re being BLOCKED.
I revel in allegedly being blocked because it tells me that folks like yourself have neither the intelligence, education, experience, nor

balls to directly confront, rebut/refute anything I see and especially so when it comes to talking about your FALSE hero/deity

Donald Trump!!

Yeah everyone is a communist who doesn't agree with you but of course, Trump is not a fascist/neo-Nazi/insurrectionist who if elected

to a second term, would no destroy this country and pattern it after the likes of Hitler, Purin and Kim Jong-un-ok if you say so!!

Nov 11, 2007
What do you think about some of the other sbd statements such as Trump is still going to be devolutioned even after hundreds if

not thousands of FAILED predictions over the last 32 months that it is IMMINENT??

Do you agree with him, yes or no??

All of the other folks who agree with him politically seaking have refused to answer questions such as this along with claims

such as "hundreds of millions of vaccinated people have already died and hundreds of millions more will follow?

Correct me if I am wrong but I believe you have received the first two vaccines.

I await your response!!
It looks like willie isn't going to respond to this post and join the crowd of others in this thread who have been vanquished

by superior opposition, and instead either has put me on ignore or more likely PRETENDED to put me on ignore as an excuse

so as not to respond-how shocking!!

Here is the appropriate song from my point of view which fits the occasion:


Nov 11, 2007
Here is my spot-on analysis as to what is going n in the other threads besides this one:

Some folks over there are suffering withdrawal symptoms without the posts of DaFinch.

In addition, some of these folks are starting to get bored simply posting Pro-Trump and anti-Biden material and

simply agreeing and patting each other on the back-"Way to go so and so!! with virtually no one to oppose and put them down other

than Bozzie and MTek the last few days!!

Solution-Migrate over to the IVU Thread as several have already done and pat each other on the back and post over here, and also

to get the attention of strong adversaries such as myself, wilbur et al by trying to taunt us but at the same time not having the balls

to take us on directly by putting us on ignore or more likely PRETENDING to put us on ignore because they rightfully feat that

they can and will be pummeled, the same as with the entry of sbd, sheriff joe HOE, and of late doctor success who have already

painfully learned!!

I just challenged willie99 in post 2963, and I will be shocked and pleasantly surprised as well if unlike the other resident

cowards in this thread he responds to what I asked of him.

The best of all for me is that even though I have full confidence in the manner I express myself, I have to say that not being

responded to just rightfully stokes my ego and gives me a big W, which makes most people including myself feel very good

about themselves!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
This has to be one of your weakest posts ever for the simple reason you mention a bunch of people and things but not once in the post do

you comment anything about these people or things.

Most importantly you say zero, zilch, nada, nothing about the kingpin, Donald Trump and completely have your 24/7/365

blinkers on by not even hinting at possible criminology on his part regarding ANY of the investigations and especially in this

case for January 6th!!

In addition this time by poisoning well and begging the question, which is always typical of your modus operandi as well as sbd, sheriff

joe HOE and doctorsuccess you imply that these persons and things you cite are NOT threats to democracy but not explaining

why they are not.

I mean just tossing them out there and saying "here they are, folks, doesn't get it done!!

And also kindly show me the quote where I, wilbur, schmirt and/or a link where someone cited all of those things you mention as being

a threat to democracy other than Donald Trump is a threat to democracy.

My conclusion is not only do you have a totally one-way and unhealthy fixation view of Donald Trump but an incredibly

weak manner of trying to express yourself to make a narrative that flows, with you post above being a glaring example

of this!!

Better luck next time-don't worry though-the only direction you have at this point is up!!

Were those other people or things in the video I cited other than Trump alluded to or implied, and if so please quote the lyric and verse!!

I don’t have to mention anything about the people or things mentioned .

If you actually open up the link , each one I listed from the article has a summary for each one with documentation .

The term is nothing more than a favorite , way over used left wing talking point .

Better luck next time .

Nov 11, 2007

Great news for me to start the weekend!!

If any of you want to dream and believe that this isn't true, that Trump is in the driver's seat and there is absolutely nothing that stands

in his way to not only securing the nomination but going on to a resounding victory in 2024(pay special attention, lenny) then

you go right ahead if it makes your day and Labor Day Weekend!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

Great news for me to start the weekend!!

If any of you want to dream and believe that this isn't true, that Trump is in the driver's seat and there is absolutely nothing that stands

in his way to not only securing the nomination but going on to a resounding victory in 2024(pay special attention, lenny) then

you go right ahead if it makes your day and Labor Day Weekend!

Are you actually using the Emerson poll again ?

Between you and Witless ,how many times is it now ?

Not to mention another legal scholar brining up the 14th Amendment .


Nov 11, 2007
Are you actually using the Emerson poll again ?

Between you and Witless ,how many times is it now ?

Not to mention another legal scholar brining up the 14th Amendment .

As I posted to you yesterday:

I really hope for your sake that when all of your projections, delusions and false hopes about Trump including being elected POTUS again

all come crashing down on you at once, you can psychologically and emotionally handle it and/or hopefully find someone else

through whom to live your wannabe life vicariously speaking!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
As I posted to you yesterday:

I really hope for your sake that when all of your projections, delusions and false hopes about Trump including being elected POTUS again

all come crashing down on you at once, you can psychologically and emotionally handle it and/or hopefully find someone else

through whom to live your wannabe life vicariously speaking!!

I could only imagine the field day you and the ? News Network would be having if Trump were down 46 points instead of being up by 46 in the latest WSJ poll with almost 60% support .

59 Trump

13 DeSantis

From your article by the legal scholars

Then there is a recent poll that has him down six percent. I know, and yes, other polls this week have him up; I get it.

Lol !

Seek help for the TDS .

Nov 11, 2007
I could only imagine the field day you and the ? News Network would be having if Trump were down 46 points instead of being up by 46 in the latest WSJ poll with almost 60% support .

59 Trump

13 DeSantis

Lol !

Seek help for the TDS .
The lead is shrinking and imo is going to accelerate at an exponential rate and especially so if he is convicted before the Election

Kepe trying hough, lenny, though and start making early preparations for that victory party for trump when he wins the 2024

Election in an even bigger landslide than he did in 2020 when according to sbd he won ALL 50 states and got over

90% of the Popular Vote!!

On a more positive note,

As well as being a great truthful, humorous and entertaining way to end the day, the same applies to the start of the day

and most importantly to remind all who care about democracy in this country, to do whatever is necessary to ensure that the Trump

era and his bastardization of all the values that made the country and the Republican Party what it was until he came along one that

it is permanently extinct!!


Nov 11, 2007
I am quite happy with my accomplishments over the last few days most notably that none of the new folks(as well as the old

Lenny) dare to take me on about anything including sbd/sheriff joe's predictions, statements and lies as well as what I have

documented about them and just as importantly my political commentary as it applies to Trump especially!!

Yours truly can BOTH "talk the talk" and "walk the walk," whereas you folks can only "talk the talk!"

Bye-bye until a bit later today as I have more relevant and enjoyable things to do today and this weekend!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
The lead is shrinking and imo is going to accelerate at an exponential rate and especially so if he is convicted before the Election

Kepe trying hough, lenny, though and start making early preparations for that victory party for trump when he wins the 2024

Election in an even bigger landslide than he did in 2020 when according to sbd he won ALL 50 states and got over

90% of the Popular Vote!!

On a more positive note,

As well as being a great truthful, humorous and entertaining way to end the day, the same applies to the start of the day

and most importantly to remind all who care about democracy in this country, to do whatever is necessary to ensure that the Trump

era and his bastardization of all the values that made the country and the Republican Party what it was until he came along one that

it is permanently extinct!!

A 39 point lead in the RCP average . With a recent poll at +46 . He’s folding like a cheap tent .


Go play a 4 TD underdog on the ML today in college football . Your dark horse to overtake Trump has about the same chance .

Nov 11, 2007
The lead is shrinking and imo is going to accelerate at an exponential rate and especially so if he is convicted before the Election

Kepe trying hough, lenny, though and start making early preparations for that victory party for trump when he wins the 2024

Election in an even bigger landslide than he did in 2020 when according to sbd he won ALL 50 states and got over

90% of the Popular Vote!!

On a more positive note,

As well as being a great truthful, humorous and entertaining way to end the day, the same applies to the start of the day

and most importantly to remind all who care about democracy in this country, to do whatever is necessary to ensure that the Trump

era and his bastardization of all the values that made the country and the Republican Party what it was until he came along one that

it is permanently extinct!!

If you are offended by the above version, then listen to the sterling version of this great song performed in concert!!

Sep 12, 2022
They call us an echo chamber but yet I don’t see any reason to allow Communism any say whatsoever. It simply doesn’t compute or make any sense. We do a pretty good job educating ourselves of these scum without their help trying to convince us that drag queening, immorality, racism, transgenderism, pedophilia, and liberalism is somehow not all related to the Communism and tyranny playbook.

Block (Ignore) these Motherfuckers because it drives them nuts. Why do they need US so bad to get their point across when we already know what their end game is already..

Fuck these Communists. If they knew their history like we do they’d know why they’re being BLOCKED.
It would be wonderful to have some intelligent debate here, but no one is capable of bringing it. On the old thread, the OP and others left the Tards (you call them commies, we call them Tards) bloodied and battered on the debate floor time and time again. They simply had no argument at all, only lunatic ravings from Salvage and copy and paste jobs from various homosexual websites. If one were keeping score it would be Patriots 100, Tards 0.

Sep 5, 2010

The orange encrusted buffoon needs more of your money.

Trump's Truth Social deal facing 'catastrophic threat' of having to return $300 million to investors​

He loves his moron followers to send him money.


Soon, real soon.

Gety ready for the return.

Noone can stop what is coming, NOONE!!!

91 felonies

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Nov 11, 2007
It would be wonderful to have some intelligent debate here, but no one is capable of bringing it. On the old thread, the OP and others left the Tards (you call them commies, we call them Tards) bloodied and battered on the debate floor time and time again. They simply had no argument at all, only lunatic ravings from Salvage and copy and paste jobs from various homosexual websites. If one were keeping score it would be Patriots 100, Tards 0.
Is this what you mean by your debating skills and why you, sbd, and sheriff joe HOE wouldn't dare debate me

and like the cowards you are, PRETEND to put me on ignore!!

"Here is list of things that make the entry of sheriff HOE/sbd doctor success which shows what poor

debaters they are (and I use the word loosely).

This was posted in the Rubber Room but is no longer available after it was dissolved.

Anyways, these are some of the most important things that any intelligent and objective person and/or skilled debater knows

about and defines this trio entry:

Then constantly beg the question and poison the well with their posts.

They present one-way and unsupported opinions as facts to support the narrative.

They are totally inconsistent with their statements, saying one thing to meet their posting need at a given time but

saying something completely different and/or at odds with another related statement at another time.

Along the same lines and actually more serious, they say one thing at one time which completely contradicts what they

said in a previous post hoping that they can get away with it to meet their attention-seeking needs of the day.

They are totally illogical in their posts, or to use legal terminology, they resort to non-sequiturs in just about every post

to draw their conclusions.

In addition, to what I just cited, the term "paradox" defines their posts as they arrive at some kind of conclusion based

on their Swiss cheese logic and thinking that I just cited above.

The problem is that in many cases the conclusion they draw sets up a paradox with some other "logic and reasoning"

they used to arrive at another conclusion which is diametrically opposed to the first one!!

To be blunt, the only audience with whom their posts might fly is 1) one of the other members of he trio;2) unintelligent/

uneducated people and folks who don't have the faintest idea as to how to present a case!!

Unfortunately for them, there are folks like me who can and will point out the stuff have posted today with

the hopes that some folks will understand what I have said about them and to at the very least give consideration to

whenever they read the posts of this thread entry!!"

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005


If I had a dollar for every time the activists on the left used the term threat to democracy I’d be rich .

Here Is Everything Democrats Claim Is ‘A Threat To Democracy’

Donald Trump


Ted Cruz

Josh Hawley

Ron DeSantis

Dr. Oz

Tudor Dixon

Ron Johnson

Legitimately Conducted Elections

Questioning Elections

The Events of Jan. 6, 2021

Election Security Legislation

Poll Watchers

Elon Musk

Freedom of Speech


Parents at School Board Meetings


The U.S. Supreme Court

Clarence and Ginni Thomas

The Electoral College

Our Bicameral Legislature

Democracy Itself

You dealing with a stupid man, just dumb as they come

Again, simple solutions for simple minds. Again, nothing more than parrots and pawns

People who make those type of arguments, and there are a lot of them, are intellectually inferior and somewhat beyond boring

And they have no idea what we're talking about. No self awareness, ignorance truly is bliss.

PS: A democrats' dream come true

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005

2 former Proud Boy members sentenced for role in Jan. 6 attacks​

I stand before you with a heart full of regret," he said.

But after his sentencing, he shouted his support for the former president.

"Trump won!," Pezzola said, fist raised, as he left the courthouse.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Look around you my friend, America is not "winning" anymore. Bad policy leading to bad results, and trending down

I'm a bottom line guy

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

As of last Sunday, Biden has spent all or part of 382 of his presidency’s 957 days – or 40% — on personal overnight trips away from the White House, putting him on pace to become America’s most idle commander-in-chief, according to data calculated by the Republican National Committee and confirmed by The Post using White House reports of Biden’s movements.


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