Sep 12, 2022
"Free Trump! Free Trump!"


Nov 11, 2007
This site is definitely a microcosm of the country at large, especially in regards to useful idiots. Stupidity plays a part in their thinking, obviously. But I think mental illness is even more of a factor, and I would not be surprised if many of them are actually possessed.
Yes some of us like myself are POSSESSED with high intelligence and can and will continue to use it to expose/zap away

those like yourself who have strayed from God's Rightful Ways to a sinister and evil path which is in accordance

with the everpresent Demonic Forces which are always present!!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
For those who are awake… you already know. ?

For those who are asleep, loathe, hate or “Dump Trump”…

Clearly just can’t see it, don’t want to hear it, or cannot handle truth.

1. Presidential Records Act 1973
2. Executive Privilege
3. Executive Order 13489 (Obama - Presidential Records)

“Joe doesn’t” = Present tense.

He’s not saying “Joe didn’t” meaning as VP or Senator.

He’s saying “Joe doesn’t” as “President.”

If Joe Biden was President due to 1 & 3, he could invoke Executive Privilege, you know… the privilege of the Executive Branch, to squash all of the Documents chatter… because like it or not, President’s CAN hold certain documents.

Why hasn’t he? Because he isn’t. Multiple Laws and Orders prove this, but especially War Powers Resolution.

And how come MSM reported DJT did invoke Executive Privilege in 2021, if I don’t know what I know?

It’s literally right in front of everyone.

All part of the Operation and Plan


Aug 17, 2019
This site is definitely a microcosm of the country at large, especially in regards to useful idiots. Stupidity plays a part in their thinking, obviously. But I think mental illness is even more of a factor, and I would not be surprised if many of them are actually possessed.
Many are, in fact, possessed.

Aug 17, 2019
For those who are awake… you already know. ?

For those who are asleep, loathe, hate or “Dump Trump”…

Clearly just can’t see it, don’t want to hear it, or cannot handle truth.

1. Presidential Records Act 1973
2. Executive Privilege
3. Executive Order 13489 (Obama - Presidential Records)

“Joe doesn’t” = Present tense.

He’s not saying “Joe didn’t” meaning as VP or Senator.

He’s saying “Joe doesn’t” as “President.”

If Joe Biden was President due to 1 & 3, he could invoke Executive Privilege, you know… the privilege of the Executive Branch, to squash all of the Documents chatter… because like it or not, President’s CAN hold certain documents.

Why hasn’t he? Because he isn’t. Multiple Laws and Orders prove this, but especially War Powers Resolution.

And how come MSM reported DJT did invoke Executive Privilege in 2021, if I don’t know what I know?

It’s literally right in front of everyone.

All part of the Operation and Plan

View attachment 74631

When you know, YOU KNOW!

And we have only spelled it out for tards over the past 3 years.

Even used a "for dummies" format to bring it down to a very simple level of understanding.

BUT they are so buried in ignorance and hate for one man , they refuse to see it.

Unfortunately, ignorance and hate make you look very stupid.

And they are special kind of stupid, indeed.

Nov 11, 2007
I am reposting this from yesterday for those who didn't see it for their consideration.

"If there was such a thing as a "Divine Arbitrator," regarding Trump, the indictments, etc., the ruling would be that Trump has

done enough illegal if not criminal things to fully disqualify him from ever being POTUS again!!

To put an end to this matter and allow the country to move forward instead of continuing with all of this hateful, accusatory

and divisive stuff that envelops the country 24/7/365, the Entity would also rule that all of the investigations and indictments

end immediately and that Trump and his cohorts be allowed to return to their everyday lives with no further prosecutions unless

of course any of them step out of line and engage in any criminal activity related to Trump and/or any other matters!!

The other related thought that enters my mind is what the hell is so urgent about Trump being POTUS again!!

I mean anyone at the age he is including me is nearing the end of his existence on this planet rather than beginning it.

It is not like someone is depriving him of his livelihood, etc!!

In addition, I have to believe that there are younger other announced or unannounced candidates on BOTH SIDES who are capable

of being POTUS other than Trump whether you care for him or don't care for him!!

That's it!!"

Nov 11, 2007
Wait until tards learn that Putin worked secretly with Trump for YEARS for this moment.

Just like the op stated at the onset of the RR thread.

This is where it will get very ugly them.

Let's pray they don't jump!
It is infinitely more likely that Trump worked and actually still works with leaders of the Ku Klux Klan because they both have

a common goal, which would make Hitler very proud of him if he was still alive!!

Nov 11, 2007

My cat doesn't talk but quite a few times after she hears the name "Trump," mentioned on tv, she walks over to the door leading to the

basement of my home, which is a signal for me to open it for her so that she can pee and/or poop in her litter box,

and sure enough, she promptly does just that!!

Draw your own conclusions!! lol
Aug 17, 2019

Marketing: "better, faster, safe"
Reality: one of the most harmful, even deadly, technologies on the planet. Talking on a 5G device or using ear buds is like sticking your head in a microwave oven on "high". Research has already proven the connection between 5G and cancer. There is nothing good about it.

Marketing: "solar, green, eco-friendly, big savings"
Reality: The current "solar" technology is not the future. There is nothing "green" or "eco-friendly" about it. Each solar panel, in effect, is its own electrical box, creating an electrical grid over your home. The amount of EMFs and other harmful frequencies they emit is off the charts. And now "they" are creating "halos" of deadly frequencies around people's homes with the illusion that you are doing a better thing for the planet. It won't be long before "research" shows a direct connection to "solar" energy and cancer. The disposal of solar panels is already creating a bigger problem for the planet than plastic.

Marketing: "eco-friendly, better than gas, safer for the environment"
Reality: Like "solar" power, electric cars are far from "eco-friendly" and they are certainly not better than gas or even safer for the environment. Petroleum is produced naturally from the remains of dead plants and animals, therefore it is not harmful to the planet like marketing suggests. Petroleum is derived from the natural "circle of life". The "oil" of the earth is the earth's "blood". To suggest your own blood is harmful to yourself is beyond ridiculous. And like plastic and solar panel, the batteries of electric cars are already starting to creating a waste problem for the planet. And like solar panels create halos" around your home, electric cars create the same "halo" around your car.

If you believe these technologies are not harmful or deadly I challenge you to see for yourself.

Buy a good EMF detector and walk up to your 5G router in your home or stop next to a 5G tower and tell me what you discover.

Or walk up to an electric car or electric car fill up station and tell me what the readings are.

Or if you bought into the "solar" energy scam let us know what EMF detector says about your home now.

These 3 technologies, in addition to "smart" technologies [phones, appliances, tvs, etc], Alexa, Siri, and Ring, are also significant because they are at the forefront of the NWO agenda and AI reality [smart cities] the DS cabal is trying to transform the planet into.

We all remember the "bumper cars" at the local fairs when we were kids, right?

Think about how they run.

They have an electric panel above the space and your car is attached to it and electricity is what makes it go.

Now, imagine yourself as the bumper car and the only way you can go is if they turn on the grid that encompasses you.

THIS is EXACTLY what the NWO/AI world they are trying to create is.

They want you in an electrical bubble full-time so they can control everything you do.

And they want you under full-time surveillance too [Alexa, Siri, Ring]


So, you might want to think twice before you buy into their marketing scams.


Marketing: "more efficient than incandescent lighting, safer for the environment"
Reality: This is one of the biggest scams in history. The reality is the energy that emits from LED lights is one of the most harmful light frequencies humans can be exposed to, similar to 5G in wireless. It interferes with normal brain activity, causing migraines and irritability. LEDs are also one of the most harmful light frequecies for the eyes. Since LEDs have become the backlighting for TVs and computers, there has been an explosion of irreversible eye damage in people - no coincidences. Incandescent lighting is very safe and extremely efficient, and if allowed to be manufactured to it fullest capabilities can provide long lasting lighting [years] for very little cost [pennies]. Proof of this can be found with the Centennial Bulb, which originally was invented by French engineer Adolphe Chaillet. In 1901, Chaillet gifted one of these bulbs to a fire department in Livermore, CA. This bub STILL WORKS TODAY and has virtually been on 24/7 - that's 122 YEARS!. It is also documented that other Centennial bulbs also still exist in other locations. Imagine buying one bulb and having it last more than 100 years! It's exists, it's real BUT it doesn't fit into the "greed" and "control" narratives of the DS cabal so this is why the creation of the LED and their false claims. They need you buying more bulbs, more frequently while causing damage to your eyes so you also need their eye doctors to treat you - understand? It's business model - create the problem, present the solution, and make billions.


Nov 11, 2007
He’s unelectable .

? ?

For those suffering from TDS . He is guilty of a crime . The crime of living rent free in your head 24/7/365

Hmm-even though Iimo and as I have stated many times, polls are meaningless at this time because so many things can and will happen

between now and the 2024 Election, lets just say that I find it interesting that you chose only one poll to cite with Trump in the

lead but not some others that speak a different tune!!

But more importantly, keep shutting out what effects indictments and convictions can have on Trump's ability to win and on

overall public perception.

But hey if it helps you to get through your day, then good for you!!

Here you go with some other polls:


Nov 11, 2007
Marketing: "more efficient than incandescent lighting, safer for the environment"
Reality: This is one of the biggest scams in history. The reality is the energy that emits from LED lights is one of the most harmful light frequencies humans can be exposed to, similar to 5G in wireless. It interferes with normal brain activity, causing migraines and irritability. LEDs are also one of the most harmful light frequecies for the eyes. Since LEDs have become the backlighting for TVs and computers, there has been an explosion of irreversible eye damage in people - no coincidences. Incandescent lighting is very safe and extremely efficient, and if allowed to be manufactured to it fullest capabilities can provide long lasting lighting [years] for very little cost [pennies]. Proof of this can be found with the Centennial Bulb, which originally was invented by French engineer Adolphe Chaillet. In 1901, Chaillet gifted one of these bulbs to a fire department in Livermore, CA. This bub STILL WORKS TODAY and has virtually been on 24/7 - that's 122 YEARS!. It is also documented that other Centennial bulbs also still exist in other locations. Imagine buying one bulb and having it last more than 100 years! It's exists, it's real BUT it doesn't fit into the "greed" and "control" narratives of the DS cabal so this is why the creation of the LED and their false claims. They need you buying more bulbs, more frequently while causing damage to your eyes so you also need their eye doctors to treat you - understand? It's business model - create the problem, present the solution, and make billions.

My advice is that if anyone is really convinced that the "NWO" wants you to program you and.or die and is doing everything

in its power to do so, then pack up your bags, get into your car or moving van, and move to places like Lancaster, PA

where there are lots of Amish, follow their fu cking rules and customs and see if you like their way of shutting

out the outside modern world and its technology!!

Nov 11, 2007

Trump taps into specific needs certain people have to love and to feel loved in return. People who feel they have been lied to — whether as children or adults — yearn for a person or group to trust, in which to place unwavering faith. While I think this type of blind loyalty to Trump is a delusion, it's also a common human experience. In some people it overwhelms an otherwise healthy emotional state in which most of us simultaneously understand that authority figures can be both admirable and disappointing. Televangelists are able to captivate and exploit their vulnerable audiences for this reason. It's also why cash (from many who can ill afford it) pours into Trump's coffers each time he's indicted for a new crime.

The words "revealing," and "powerful," and "spot-on" hardly begin to express the truth expressed here!!

Nov 11, 2007

Trump taps into specific needs certain people have to love and to feel loved in return. People who feel they have been lied to — whether as children or adults — yearn for a person or group to trust, in which to place unwavering faith. While I think this type of blind loyalty to Trump is a delusion, it's also a common human experience. In some people it overwhelms an otherwise healthy emotional state in which most of us simultaneously understand that authority figures can be both admirable and disappointing. Televangelists are able to captivate and exploit their vulnerable audiences for this reason. It's also why cash (from many who can ill afford it) pours into Trump's coffers each time he's indicted for a new crime.

The words "revealing," and "powerful," and "spot-on" hardly begin to express the truth expressed here!!
This section applies definitely to at least one well-known poster in this thread about Trump's never lying:

Three and a half years ago, while campaigning in Des Moines against Trump, I asked 40 people in line to enter a Trump rally if Donald Trump had ever told a lie. All 40 Trump supporters said no, Donald Trump had never told a lie. I knew then and there that my primary challenge against Trump was hopeless, but I also knew then and there that my soon-to-be-former political party was hopelessly gone too. I knew then and there what I'd sensed for the past six years: The Republican Party is a cult, an authoritarian-embracing, truth-denying cult. So what do we do about it? Well, we all come together in 2024 to defeat this anti-democracy cult. Again. That's job No. 1. But my other job is to continue to try to rescue members of the Trump cult. That's not a job for everyone, but as someone who helped create the cult and then escaped from the cult, it's my job. It's my penance.

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Hmm-even though Iimo and as I have stated many times, polls are meaningless at this time because so many things can and will happen

between now and the 2024 Election, lets just say that I find it interesting that you chose only one poll to cite with Trump in the

lead but not some others that speak a different tune!!

But more importantly, keep shutting out what effects indictments and convictions can have on Trump's ability to win and on

overall public perception.

But hey if it helps you to get through your day, then good for you!!

Here you go with some other polls:

We’ve already had four indictments without any sizable shifts towards the useful idiot in the polls . You are now at the wait ‘til the indictments stage .

Thanks for posting the race is a virtual tie in the RCP average . So much for the unelectable theory .

And as for the effects of indictments and convictions , with a Republican controlled House there will be plenty to come out on the other side regarding the Biden influence peddling machine despite their partners in crime in the mainstream media doing their part by covering virtually none of it .

Maybe the intelligence community can do their part by chipping in with some more election interference this time around . Because running on policy is going to do nothing to help the useful idiot’s chances .

It’s got to be Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump 24/7/365 .

Nov 11, 2007
We’ve already had four indictments without any sizable shifts towards the useful idiot in the polls . You are now at the wait ‘til the indictments stage .

Thanks for posting the race is a virtual tie in the RCP average . So much for the unelectable theory .

And as for the effects of indictments and convictions , with a Republican controlled House there will be plenty to come out on the other side regarding the Biden influence peddling machine despite their partners in crime in the mainstream media doing their part by covering virtually none of it .

Maybe the intelligence community can do their part by chipping in with some more election interference this time around . Because running on policy is going to do nothing to help the useful idiot’s chances .

It’s got to be Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump 24/7/365 .
What percentage of the people want Trump and for that matter Biden to be POTUS again and/or is that irrelevant just like everything

else that shut out with your static/one-way dimensional view of things that don't fit your narrative/agenda!!

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