A "safe and effective" vaccine takes 10+ years to test and develop. This isn't just 'science', it's common sense - Willie's 'time' is needed to perfect technology, any technology. So to label anyone skeptical of this unproven medical snake oil is laugh-out-funny. It's also incredibly intellectually lazy. They're literally begging us to suspend our critical thinking under the auspices of "science". "Trust the experts" is never a wise course.
So how are the "experts" doing anyway? Are the vaccines "safe and effective" as advertised? Take a look at the world, especially those areas which practice the most extreme measures of counter-productive, counter-intuitive medical tyranny. Are things getting better or worse? Is the death toll climbing or dropping? Are people getting their lives back, or are governments cracking down even harder? Are you better off now than you were when this 'pandemic' began?
I'm not a doctor, rather a no-nonsense, bottom-line common sense type of guy. Before I buy something, I do my homework thoroughly and expect it to work exactly as advertised. If it doesn't, it's a FAIL. Period. Spare me the spin, excuses and gaslighting...I'm too old for that bullshit!
"Safe and effective" they claim?
Lets start from the beginning. Did you know these jabs aren't even vaccines? Yep, they are untested radical gene therapies, mRMA technology to be exact. They changed the definition of "vaccine" just in time for the Wuhan Flu - another lucky coincidence in a long series of lucky coincidences for this increasingly annoying scamdemic! In short, for all the fancy terminology, these jabs are nothing but drugs - toxic drugs. Not off to a great a start. Lie #1.
Remember when they claimed one to jabs and you're done? Well, since we've already established this isn't a "vaccine", we know ALL drugs wear off and that means once you're ensnared in their rat maze, you're more or less locked in for a lifetime subscription - "boosters" up the wazoo making Big Pharma $$$$! Some studies now showing less than 2 months efficacy! Oh, you expected them to tell you that? Just like the crack dealer down the street..."Free burger for your one-time jab!" - Lie #2.
People are dying and developing major side effects en mass (see VAERS database). When soccer players are dropping like bowling pins in front of millions of live viewers and NOBODY is reporting it, something is drastically wrong. The censorship for anyone who speaks out against this zero-liability poison is off the charts! Safe? How many deaths is too many? We pull lettuce off the shelves when 1-2 people get sick and die. But the jabs? Nobody cares. Not the government and definitely not their Big Pharma fascist partners who are raking in BILLIONS! Safe, you say? If something goes wrong, you can't even sue! Lie #3.
The "fully vaccinated" are spreading Covid like wildfire. I know, shocker! Because, as already discussed, it's not a "vaccine"...it's more like...the flu shot. Do flu shots stop the spread of viruses? Absolutely not! Poor Willie - 3 jabs into his lifetime subscription and he STILL caught the virus AND contagious as hell. Didn't they promise vaccines were our ticket to herd immunity? Lie #4.
Are the "unvaccinated" more likely to be hospitalized? This is my favorite! Notice they keep moving the goalposts lashing out at everyone - anything to deflect from the fact their product is crap! Even if you believe these dumbed-down fake news talking points, it's a strawman because therapeutics WILL keep you away from a hospital and off a ventilator. Yes, left untreated, the virus can be dangerous and deadly for anyone, jabbed or un-jabbed. But not if you treat it, preferably early. A recent German study concluded anyone with a vitamin D level over 50 has a 0% death rate -ZERO! And although bureaucrats and Big Pharma deny this, thousands of physicians around the world are mixing their own safe extremely effective blend of cocktails treating patients with success - drugs are so effective patients in critical care are literally suing hospitals to have access to them! So by any objective standard they call "science", the "horse pill" mocked by fake news should be in the Olympics, whereas these "leaky" and sometimes fatal "vaccines" belong in the Special Olympics. They're not safe and don't work - the "fully vaccinated" are still dying form Covid - Lie #5.
But your doctor says these new vaccines are safe and you trust your doctor! Again...common sense. Your doctor is flying blind like the rest of us because - I know this is really going to shock people! - Big Pharma is not releasing the R&D data. In fact, the FDA is even being sued for it, and they're STILL not releasing it! The FDA asked a judge to conceal those documents for...75 years. Hmmm...what are they possibly hiding? Don't the jabbed deserve to read the fine print? "NO!" says the government that your best interest at heart! So you can have the best most well intentioned doctor in the world.... it's like the Ford salesman who claims the Pinto is perfectly safe, and meanwhile his corporate puppet masters neglected to tell him about the gas tank that explodes on impact.
Hey Willie, you're old as dirt...remember the Ford Pinto?
Guess which corporation holds the record for fraud settlement in history? Nope, not Ford. Pfizer - 2.3 billion! But just wait...these toxic faux-vaccines are going to make that payout seem like a down payment. We're talking Nuremberg 2.0...
One final point about vaccines in general. When I was kid, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches were a staple of school life. Most kids had them in their lunch bags. Now peanut butter and peanut byproducts are banned just about everywhere, especially schools. Food packages contain warning labels, "may contain peanuts". Why? Because somewhere along the way people started developing mysterious serious peanut allergies, sometimes fatal. For some, the mere smell of peanuts can trigger violent convulsions. Interesting, I don't remember these allergies back in my day, certainly not ones so acute and deadly. And I was around thousands of kids at multiple schools, sports camps, church camps, scouts, sports leagues... nary an allergy where a kid or adult needed emergency medical attention. Infinitely curious about this relatively new modern medical phenomenon, I did some research. Long story short, it turns out some vaccines contain peanut oils. Amazing! So yeah, "anti-vaxxer" is a badge of honor. You say 'science', I say corruption...to the tune of billions! Peanuts are banned and nobody questions why. As Crooked Hillary would say, "we're taking your peanuts from you on behalf of the common good." I'm sure some Big Pharma rep has a perfectly logical explanation for these mysterious relatively new fatal peanut allergies, just as I'm sure someone can link to a page that will summarily dismiss this wild "conspiracy" as "misinformation."
But I digress...
It's Christmas! Good news! Santa is coming and gonna stuff Omicron in your stocking so we can finally have TRUE herd immunity!