I'm not a big fan of touts


the maker of steam
Dec 25, 2004
here's the funny thing.you have no clue who I am,yet you continue to talk ****.you have never met me,yet think I have an agenda.read this very carefully


I will never,charge for plays or info.I bet my plays,therefore will never need to charge.obviously you have very little faith in people.maybe you were abused as a child,or maybe your girlfriend fuked your best friend.I think you just need a hug.

Congrats on playing junior hockey,your friends must be proud of you.just an FYI,you wouldn't last 10 minutes with me,so save the dramatics.you brought this on yourself Pete.you called me out.you're 24 and have been around this biz for no time at all.don't call me out.very classless.especially when I'm trying to help people out.I repeat,I hate touts and will never be one.don't insult me and say I will.there is no greater insult to me than that.

ask oddessa,or joey bagels about me.

#-1 he will tell you that there are few sharper than me when it comes to nhl and bball.

#2- he will tell you,that it will probably take me 2 minutes to make you tap.if you don't know who he is,do a search,he makes lines for the ufc.

I'm tired of this Pete.give it up.Don't interefere with my capping or helping others out.no agendas here.I'm as legit as they come.ask oddessa .

as for the challenge,you said you have a bankroll of over 5000.well,if you win our challenge,then your bankroll will be over 8000.I'm dead serious.you insulted my honour,and in this biz that's about all you got.you obviously have no clue who I am,or you wouldn't be playing this game.You could of just accepted the advice and info I give and say Thanks,but you decided to play internet tough guy.you're 24 year old punk here.learn some respect.You came into my thread and insulted me without provocation.I can understand If I would have insulted you or tracked you down,but that's just classless.I'm not gonna waste my time.

good luck building that bankroll and driving in your fat truck:103631605

the maker of steam
Dec 25, 2004
listen.you said you have $$ at oly,cris,pinny,bowmans

I know all the heads there.just let me know.

I can call Mickey at Cris,Henry at Pinny,Spiros at oly,or Scott at Bowmans and tell them to take the 3 k out of my account and hold it in escrow till the contest is over.

you are a sharp bettor,so this contest should be a cakewalk for you.you will have drastically increased your bankroll to 8300$$ by the end of all this,and truly taught me a lesson.Pete,you give canadians a bad name.

disrespected me with no provocation.good job buddy.guys like you,is why guys like me don't post here.and why I'll probably stop by the end of the weekend.just a shame

Ron Mexico. #7
Sep 20, 2004
Listen Steammaker.......

Your first mistake was coming here and saying how PRO you were and you could tell by my posts that I was a REC bettor...Whatever dude...You are the one that disrespected me first...I dont start stuff....You give respect, you get respect ...you dont come to a site and tell people who have posted there for awile how pro you are and how bad they are....,

BTW Dude trust me I would last 10 minutes with you..I may be young but I definetly know how to throw em'...The UFC thing does not impress me at all...Anyways were not here to flex our muscles so we can stop with the scrap talk because it is a bit gay.....myself included,,,...Anyways, are you up for the 300.00 or no? PEACE......$3000.00 is out of the question.....This might make me not a big time gambler but I DONT BET OVER MY HEAD......sorry dude....Check out the off-shore forum there is always at least one moron who got pumped for everything they had this weekend.......maybe they will.....Its funny 2 ppl have just IM'ed me regarding you and a situation that has arised with you in the past....Very Interesting....

.Let me know if you want to keep this going........PEACE

the maker of steam
Dec 25, 2004
how about this.the fact that you are buddies with madcapper shows you have no class

are you aware the amount of people he owes?

besides the point.I offer this.because I don't trust you,we'll have mickey at cris take out 500$ from both our accounts.30 plays to be made.winner takes the 500$

and loser must leave this site.only fair I think.money is not important here.more about respect and honor.

again,for 24 years old you're not being very bright.You came out insulting me about being a tout.

I've never insulted anyone about being a recreational bettor.if anything,I've commended guys like Mike Chad for the unreal job he's doing.and that he admits he is not a pro.

sorry if that's what I do for a living man.it's just so.I'm trying to help out here and all you do is bash.

let me know if you aggree with the rules.winner take all,loser dosen't post here anymore.

again,answer this.are you aware about madcapper owing books and fellow posters?and that he wanted to go tout and failed?

please tell me yes or no do you know this about your friend?

Ron Mexico. #7
Sep 20, 2004
Madcapper is not my friend..............I have talked to him twice...His money problems are none of my businesss and I should not have commented about his situation...I think its bad IF he owes money..Especially to STEVEO..he is a good guy,,,,However madcapper and myself are similar.............. young and sharp...

Any contest I agree to will not have me leave if I lose....Im sure there are many that dont like me, but I have met alot that do...

sorry if that's what I do for a living man.it's just so.I'm trying to help out here and all you do is bash....

I think its a cool living dude, just isnt for me and dont understand why you must let EVERYONE know you are a PRO ????...I dont bash for no reason....You deserved it....PEACE...

the maker of steam
Dec 25, 2004
Pete,sorry if I came off like that.I apologize to anyone I offended.I guess I just didn't want to be labeled a tout,as I really cannot stand anyone who charges for plays......

I also wanted everyone who reads the forums to be careful.there are many in there who are looking to have 1 good season and then go tout.I despise that.I've been around far too long.I guess I just wanted those who follow to be aware that some here are rec bettors and to not get sucked in when they have 1 good year and then charge.

if I came off high and mighty I apologize.like I said,I honestly try to help others.

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