I'm not a big fan of touts


the maker of steam
Dec 25, 2004
Just so it's known I don't,have never,or will ever be associated with any touts.I think I've made my points about where I stand.

My thread was moved to promotions because I think a tout posted a web site.

just want to let it be known I'm not a fan of touts.my theory is,if you're plays are that good,then why charge,make a shitload betting them yourself

Syndicate,you seem like a good guy,and wish you nothing but the best though.I don't like touts,but if you are one or plan on being one,at least you're going about it the right way and being monitored.please post in my threads as I like your insight,just please don't post websites if that's what you did.

if you are having a great year,then congrats.I wish nobody ill will at all and only the best to you.

Just want my stance to be clear on where I stand regarding touts.

I find too many guys in here with tout dreams.they post plays in hopes of getting a great record and then charging for picks.just really bothers me

also,another thing bothers me with everybody claiming to have a new system.seems every thread is on how this guy has a new system.bulls*it if you ask me.

just another way of grabbing attention in the hopes of someday going tout.just my 2 cents guys.all the best.

Nothing beats good solid capping,great # making and homework.I'll take that over any system any day of the week

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Steam Maker I have asked the day crew tomorrow to examine the thread and return any legitimate posts back to the NBA forum and delete and warn any posters trying to turn the thread into a promotion. I ask you to have a little patienteince until the morning.

Thanks, wilheim
Last edited:

Sep 20, 2004
Steam maker ...try to keep the email requests out of your threads , thats a good start in the right direction...asking for emails , or people 'supposedly' leaving an email for picks to be sent, is usually a sure sign of trouble..

Ron Mexico. #7
Sep 20, 2004
I called this guy a fraud in the beginning..........

Definetly not a PRO.........No PRO would have taken Seattle -2.5 second half......that would made seattle having to win by 13.....5 points off original spread,,,,Pros bet VALUE and NUMBERS and this was neither...Save your syndicate, professional player garbage for somewhere else...You are a clown......I said it first and I say it now you are a fraud....Why would a PRO want dozens of people to email them??? How do have time between counting all your cash??? Now is where some of your stupid followers (InS not included) will say dont worry STEAMTOUT dont listen to the bashing....

FYI...not bashing....just saying it the way it is.....PEACE....

If you are chuckylanger I want my 300 bucks...lol

the maker of steam
Dec 25, 2004
just reading now guys.

Wilhelm,thanks.I'm new here,so don't really know how things work.Journey,you're right,I can see where that can get messy.

Pete.you are the best.keep making those 5 $ 4 team parlays and this world a better place.obviously you knew that Kenyon martin was going to sit and rashard lewis play right?when the line was 7 and I posted no martin,and then the line goes to 9,you knew that right?I thought so.You da man!!

not gonna get in it with you.would waste my time on all levels.here's what I'll do.I'll even make it affordable to you.I have 3 dimes with your name on it.I'll send any RX mod or the shrink or any book here 3 k.you match it,and we'll have a 40 play contest.winner take all.O.K big timer.

this will stop the jabber.don't wanna get mean with you and ruin the good karma.so if you have a set,post that you are up for the offer and I will send any book advertised here the 3 k for the contest.thanks in advance

the maker of steam
Dec 25, 2004
Also,there are tons of pros that post on these boards,I know tons of them,they just don't post plays which I undearstand why.

I don't ask anyone to understand why I post,I just do.I actually trily believe in good Karma,and enjoy helping guys out.I too was a young kid who had no concept of money management,or even knew what middles were.Just helps to have someone around to explain.

also, pete,let the record speak for itself.gonna be away for awhile,just post the book you want the 3 dimes sent to.thanks

Another Day, Another Dollar
Mar 1, 2002
The steam maker, we appreciate your posting, but the Emails, msn, or any type of solicitations are against the rules here. It has been posted before and it may result in threads being removed or posters being suspended.

Thanks for your understanding.

RELAX,im just having fun
Nov 7, 2004
general and all mods here,steam maker has my email address and he truly only wants to help. he expresses his thoughts on the days games,askes nothing more and has not given me a personal website or anything else.its a friendship thing mostly. hes a really good man. if anything you should ban posters who contribute nothing here except to destroy others in post after post. those are the ones keeping the rx from being the BEST on the net.you know who they are,you have thier IP address so why cant you keep the kids away from here?

Another Day, Another Dollar
Mar 1, 2002
Thank you. I do not think any moderator dislikes steam. I have no reason to think he is anything but a good guy. Good guy or not though, we do not differentiate when it comes to the solicitation rules. I wish him the very best and am glad that he can share some winners with the forum.

the maker of steam
Dec 25, 2004
I understand 100% guys.never saw any rules about sharing emails.sorry again if it disrupted the forum.

I'll just post plays and opinions in here.Those who know me know I hate touts,and would never ask anything in return for info.

dinner and strippers from Inspades,that's it:dancefool

New member
Oct 20, 2002
hey steam maker i believe you can update your profile

where i believe you can leave your email address or added information so when someone has the desire to look for your info ,it is there

i may be wrong , is there a mod here that can confirm this??

the maker of steam
Dec 25, 2004
here's the thing Kid.I really don't want to give out my email to anyone.I"m the furthest thing from a tout,so don't have a site,and don't look to contact anyone.just helping some guys out.seems to be a touchy subject here.last night I helped a kid here on msn with money management,and explained scalping and middling with another.

Look,we were all young kids with little clues about gambling.some of us learned the hard way.I've gotten killed many times when I was young.until I learned from some very big shots in this Biz about the "biz"

I thank them immensly for that,because without the knowledge they gave me,who knows.so if I can help another young kid the way I was helped,all the better.Better he dosen't have to learn the hard way the way I'm sure we did.Like I said,nothing better than good karma.

I see though how mods have to be careful.Madcapper owes 2 buddies of mine cash,and tries to get credit at another partners shop in CR.It's too bad.

then there's probably a handful of guys in the picks forums trying to have 1 good season picking,so they can charge for the picks.I hate it.

So getting back to your point,I really don't want anyone to have my email address.like helping guys out,but don't want it to interfere with my biz.already there seems to be some negative guys here.a lot of computer tough guys,who have no idea about this biz,but spew **** out of their mouth cause they like hearing themselves.

do me a favor Kid,I don't go to the RR at all.But tell Pete rose,that I challenged him to a 3 k contest.he seems to be wimping out which is to be expected.just remind him he can chose the book where we can send the cash to have this capping challenge.Love guys who talk a big game,but don't have the sac to do anything about it

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Steam maker, tone is everything on forums. The stronger one comes across, the likelier they are to get into a bash-fest. Does constantly reminding everyone that you're a professional and labelling others as recreational bettors really serve any purpose? Saying stuff like "there is a reseon I win every year in NBA and NHL.My #'s are sharper than anyones around" sounds tout-like and is only setting yourself up for bashing should you go on a losing streak. It doesn't mean you're a tout, but it comes across that way. When someone fairly new comes along and speaks of past results, the typical forum reader's knee-jerk reaction is skepticism -- with good reason. Combining that with such a condescending tone rubs many people the wrong way. So why not just let your posted plays (which have been good thus far) speak for themselves?

Breaking Bad Snob
Dec 5, 2004
The General said:
The steam maker, we appreciate your posting, but the Emails, msn, or any type of solicitations are against the rules here. It has been posted before and it may result in threads being removed or posters being suspended.

Thanks for your understanding.

Even if he is not soliciting for money or website hits? Doesn't that seem a little too strict? From what I can tell steam maker is doing this because he believes in Karma, meaning that that good things will happen to him if he does good things for other people. I'm a firm believer in this as well.

steam maker's intentions are good, can we just leave him be?

Another Day, Another Dollar
Mar 1, 2002

Trust me. Been doing this awhile now. There is good reason for the rules and we will enforce them.

It appears to me Steam understands. It's all good on this end.

Back to selecting winners now.

Thank you

"American Idol Capping Expert"
Jul 20, 2001
peterose will post up 3 dimes and put his money where his mouth is +5000
peterose will not post up 3 dimes -4000
peterose does not have 3 dimes to post up -3000
peterose will ignore this thread +3250

Breaking Bad Snob
Dec 5, 2004
The General said:

Trust me. Been doing this awhile now. There is good reason for the rules and we will enforce them.

It appears to me Steam understands. It's all good on this end.

Back to selecting winners now.

Thank you

I'm cool, General.

Thanks for making this site the best on the 'net.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
"Nothing beats good solid capping,great # making and homework"

Well we know this doesnt mean you because your plays suck.:finger:

Ron Mexico. #7
Sep 20, 2004
the steam maker said:
just reading now guys.

Wilhelm,thanks.I'm new here,so don't really know how things work.Journey,you're right,I can see where that can get messy.

Pete.you are the best.keep making those 5 $ 4 team parlays and this world a better place.obviously you knew that Kenyon martin was going to sit and rashard lewis play right?when the line was 7 and I posted no martin,and then the line goes to 9,you knew that right?I thought so.You da man!!

not gonna get in it with you.would waste my time on all levels.here's what I'll do.I'll even make it affordable to you.I have 3 dimes with your name on it.I'll send any RX mod or the shrink or any book here 3 k.you match it,and we'll have a 40 play contest.winner take all.O.K big timer.

this will stop the jabber.don't wanna get mean with you and ruin the good karma.so if you have a set,post that you are up for the offer and I will send any book advertised here the 3 k for the contest.thanks in advance

Dude your hilliarious.......3 k for your little challenge is too high stakes for me....At no point have I EVER said I am a big time bettor...Heres my story, I believe I am as sharp as ANYONE around epecially in MLB and NHL....This is my first season wagerng seriously on NBA...I am 24 and live in a nice house , have a nice fat truck payment, and also play the stocks a bit.I make better than average money a my job especiallly for my age....I will continue to make more as I am quite an impressive individual in real life and will surely only climb higher up the ladder...I was never said I bet larger than you or that I was a better capper than you ( I am, but thats irrelevant right now) I simply said that you are a fraud with a hidden agenda. I started out this year with a $900.00 investment ( I bet what I can afford to lose) at OLY, CRIS, and BOWMANS...300.00 at each...My bankroll currently sits now at $5300.00. I can verify all of this if you like or you can check past posts or BCN contest records (18-12) or wagerline (around 62% i believe)..I pick and post winners..I do not play 47 games a day like you do though ...more like 6 or so a week if I like stuff....SO you see giving that I am a known small but sharp bettor I will gladly accept your challenge...but not for $3000.00.....If you have that to risk then good for you.....but i do not....I had one of these challenges with another poster( it lasted a day) and still have not good paid for it....The stakes for that were $300.00.......It makes no sense for me risk 3000 of my 5300 or (56%) of my bankroll on some 40 game challenge with some chump online...If I lose that challenge which is possible( not probable) than I will have wasted 4 months of profit on some silly challenge...It is not worth it for me ...I have built a small but decent BR from basically scratch and plan to keep it growing so a hit like this would not be a smart longterm decision....This is more about braging rights so why dont we have your little challenge but for the same stakes as my previous one ($300).....

.I am sure you will say " $300.00 why would I waste my time"? ......Personally the psychology behind your challenge is easy to read...You say " I will throw something out there to make it affordable for you...Lets say $3000.00" ...

Ok honestly, who at theRX is $3000.00 affordable for ???? what perhaps 10-12 % of all bettors here....Good plan this way if I say NO to the 3000 grand challenge you look like a big wheel and people say" Wow STEAM *** must be a big shot..hes got $3000.00 to spend...." ....I guarantee you wouldnt try and push me around in real life so I suggest you dont try it on here...I played 4 yrs of Junior Hockey and took on tougher dudes than some ****** named STEAMBITCH....SO if you would like to challenge me physically in a scrap ( we could find a ring somewhere i m sure to make it somewhat civillized) for $300.00 at THE BASH I will give you that option also....I do not think you will take me up on this offer after meeting me so lets make it for say $3000.00......
I could care less if you really are a big shot playa but I still question why you need to tell everyone how great and connected you are...and how square and recreational everyone else is on this site...GIMME A BREAK.....You are a f^cking pu*ssy...


a lot of computer tough guys,who have no idea about this biz,but spew **** out of their mouth cause they like hearing themselves.


I am most definetly not an internet tough guy...I will say this too your face if you like also..Im pretty sure your response will not be so arrogant and tough if I was in front of you...You wouldnt f*uck with me in person, so dont act tough and try to make me look like a PUSS*y* when you know full well that 90% of posters dont have $3000.00 to put up in some meaningless challenge.....you seem very insecure...are you getting a little older and find you re still the same loser you where when you were my age ???? Keep up the good work big-timer....

SO lets do this...If 3000.00 is no big deal to you then the finances of this contest are not the issue...We have the challenge for my stakes $300.00 and you can choose the format and whatever else....Then we will see who the better capper is.....PEACE...

LINES--------------- NBA CHALLENGE PETEY JR...........-125

SUPPOSED INTERNET CHALLENGE (boxing we will call it)

Petey JR................. -2500
STEAMTALKER.......... +1500


Over .5 ROUND +280
uNDER .5 ROUND -330...........................

My advice to you would be to accept NBA CHALLENGE and drop the Internet tough guy angle................Im a lover now anyways....lol....Plus its not smart to call someone on whos probably 10 years younger than you, cut like a mothafucka, and would probaly seriously injure you....BUT like I said I m a lover now...PEACE......

Pete Rose JR

Ron Mexico. #7
Sep 20, 2004
peterose will post up 3 dimes and put his money where his mouth is +5000
peterose will not post up 3 dimes -4000
peterose does not have 3 dimes to post up -3000
peterose will ignore this thread +3250

Identity you are a dumb b*tch and perhaps we should have a little challenge also......Why do u follow me around theRX?? If you decide to attend the bash, you will be all over my rod when you see me...so save us the arguing and the time and either show me ur beaver or shut up.....Peace....

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