I'm done


Home Sweet Home
Jan 27, 2006
what i might do

what i might do is for the followers post but just ignore everyone else with the ignore key... i dont wanna leave people that have followed me and since no one seems to think i am legit yet post again next year to prove i am legit... but idk this place just needs to be cleaned up that is the point i am trying to get across... big time... and i hate being here now....

New member
Oct 10, 2005
seriously...take my advice...theRX has grown too big and can no longer handle the shit that takes place here...

just remember...you will earn your respect at a new site...do not ask for it...

New member
Sep 21, 2004
so why the fuck are you still here???:puppy:

your act is old. your mother really should have a few words with your isp.. :nopityA:

also did you read the agreement when you signed up here.must be 18 years of age. if not click here and redirect.

Oh boy!
Mar 21, 2004
themanej2001 said:
what i might do is for the followers post but just ignore everyone else with the ignore key... i dont wanna leave people that have followed me and since no one seems to think i am legit yet post again next year to prove i am legit... but idk this place just needs to be cleaned up that is the point i am trying to get across... big time... and i hate being here now....

I wish you would keep posting your picks. We need good input here.

Forget about what others say. I get a few people trashing me but I just don't care. We're all anonymous on here so if someone trashes me they really don't know me that well.

Good luck. I hope you continue to post.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
WaH WaH WaH!!

What seems to be your major malfunction son? BOO fuckin' HOO. If you had any Fuckin' clue you would realize that this site can provide you with a wealth of info. You just have to have a brain and instinct to figure it out. If you can't take criticism again BOO HOO! Go lose elsewere!!

New member
Oct 10, 2005
All I can say is no site is as big as theRX...none...that's a fact...

But talksport just got moderators and has really taken a step forward...one of the bigger sites but in a rebuilding mode...

eog is where ACE-ACE went for a short period of time before he realized that being paid for picks was dumb...

You can find others on google...

Rx Post Doc
Feb 8, 2005
themanej2001 said:
what i might do is for the followers post but just ignore everyone else with the ignore key... i dont wanna leave people that have followed me and since no one seems to think i am legit yet post again next year to prove i am legit... but idk this place just needs to be cleaned up that is the point i am trying to get across... big time... and i hate being here now....

Listen man...have you been drinking at all? Maybe not, but drinking can get me pissed off in all sorts of ways at people. This site is the very best and has lots of folks good and bad. FAR more good than bad. I'm sorry you've run into shitheads and some of those shitheads may be people I like on here but one man's shithead is another man's friend.

Please don't leave. You came in here all brash and that will bring grief for a time until you tone it down and you have. Do the ignore feature...that's a great idea! ALSO, report any bashing that is truly uncivil in your threads immediately WITHOUT responding and retaliating to those shithead posts. I'm sorry that you posted civilly in another's thread and got razzed....that is not the way it should work. So, stay out of that person's thread from now on. Also, forgive and forget....try to make amends with people.

Anyone remember NightMare....he was going great guns with capping on here. You know what he couldn't do? He could have kept his crazy titles and crazy threads BUT he didn't report bashing using the 'report post' feature that looks like a yield sign and HE WOULD continue to HARRASS and RETALIATE the flamers (yes...it was his thread) just feeding the flames and stoking the fires. You cannot respond to that. You have to: 1.) report, report, report. 2.) ignore, ignore, ignore. 3.) Forgive and forget and try to make amends.

I can't tell you how many guys on this site I have gotten into it with....SEVERAL. NoLimits, dbldn, RoscoesDad and several others....in each case I have tried to continue in a more civil manner and now actually enjoy seeing their posts. They tolerate me too and treat me in a civil manner. We have no beef with each other.

This is a BIG place and there will be friction. We are really people here even though we are not seen.... STAY a while longer.

Peace. And if you go somewhere else, come back and check in once in a while and be good! Good luck. tulsa

Rx Post Doc
Feb 8, 2005
fivedoorsdown said:
so why the fuck are you still here???

fivedoorsdown....you've been drinking again, I CAN TELL. You get mean when you drink. Leave the guy alone and give it a rest. tulsa

"It's great to be alive and ahead by seven" Mort o
Feb 2, 2002
themanej2001 said:
if i come back i will take even more shit for it

Come on back. In the grander scheme of life you will be better for this unpleasant episode. Sometimes it takes an art to thrive here. Look forward to following your career here. LT:103631605

Rx Post Doc
Feb 8, 2005
Thanks. And I, you, themanej2001. I'm sorry this got moved out of your normal venue...

As you see, there are folks that care that you not head out. Coach LT, quantumleap, me...

There are also many that read your posts and don't even post on here. Look, it is a big pond here, but it's the very best damn pond in the whole godamned entire world for what we do...NO DOUBT. We need people like you on here.

The very best to you and yours. tulsa

(and though I like anpyanks and look forward to his best bets I must say, I hadn't noticed you were an attention whore, so I will disagree with him on that.)

Rx Post Doc
Feb 8, 2005
NoLimits said:
Is tulsa a mod?

No, I'm not. I am a big fan of the site and what one might call a 'cheerleader'...the Texas A&M type. Why? tulsa

more a yell-leader than a cheerleader...


RX Ninja
Dec 25, 2004
IF you don't like all the drama, just post your picks in the Tracker Threads. If people want to look at your picks they can go there. If you want to prove that you are making good picks, point people in there. Even if you want to cheat on your record you can do it there, it is not really tracked, as the records are usually just copied. But you can always go back and see who the cheaters are

There are a lot of attention whores here, so just decide if you want to be one too.

But one of the biggest warning signs of being an A.W. is starting a thread threatening to leave.

RELAX,im just having fun
Nov 7, 2004
themanej2001 said:
i am 18 ******... and dadada do you know ne other big sites
mvp sports 101...c-lo's forum.everyones welcome. no ones hated.all cappers are respected.bashing is not allowed.the people here are great but...:icon_conf
Last edited by a moderator:

Rx Post Doc
Feb 8, 2005
Well, though t3a's post is not in the same vein as mine, I respect him much. themanej, if you have been seeking attention through negative ploys (and I guess that t3a wouldn't be posting such if you didn't at one point or even lately) then you will find it easier here if you don't do that.

Also, I don't mind you saying you are thinking/planning on leaving in a thread (not several over several days...LOL) since if you are I would rather us all fight it out and know and talk with you as we have been than you just disappear. You are a person. You want to find a spot. Stick around. Post your plays and opinions.

There are several people that post on here that are 'loved' but may be great cappers or horrible cappers...but they post and people appreciate their input. They don't get harrassed. HELL, even kapusta gets harrassed on here....it is fought by the mods but jeepers...if anyone can harrass him whether he wins or loses, I can't believe it...but they do. He is one classy fellow and whether he wins or loses a posted game he is truly a winner as a person and a respected personage here.

Anyway... i've said about all i'm gonna say about that....

May peace never find you wanting and may hope always be your friend. Good luck and let's get 'em tomorrow. tulsa

New member
Sep 18, 2005

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