Multiple 'Tells' Willie. I can't reveal. Don't want him to change it up and make it difficult to bust his next incarnation on Day One.
I don't have much of a problem with the OP either. Heck I'd ride with them myself. If I saw someone being threatened for wearing a head scarf I'd protect them.
Here's the rub though. Sumday always makes the extra leap. "They are just terrorists/extremists that use religion as a way to recruit people. It's easier that way." FALSE! These are terrorists who are interwoven with Islam, and if you scroll down to the thread I started yesterday that is clearly demonstrated. Now to what degree they represent Islam in the present day is a battle that the rest of us will fight. And winning that battle will be much easier when the moderates who claim Islam stand up JUST AS LOUD as the "I'll Ride With You!" voices and shout (regarding Islamic terrorism), "NOT IN OUR NAME!"
You are incorrect but I know from experience you can't change people's minds on certain things so I won't bother. I'm just glad to see the majority of people (sensible,open minded, educated people) changing their negative views on Islam around my city and State.
Also, not to keep correcting you but there's no such thing as moderate Muslims. We are just Muslims.