What I dont Understand about the Stillers is...
How do you win a SuperBowl and only have 300k people show up? How pathetic was that. Who on here, since there are so MANY real Stillers fans, actually get out there? I mean 300k people? We had 2 Million at the Phillies parade, thats a team that has real fan support. I always here about this Steeler nation. Seems to me that besides the 300k fans in the actual city, its just a bunch of transplants that didnt want to root for the Cowgirls growing up so they rooted for Terry and Co.
Anyway, 300 thousand people at a parade is a joke, you should be ashamed of yourself, and not be able to call yourself a fan unless you showed up. I dont care if you needed to get a 2nd job and fly across the country for a day, missing a gigantic work day, you just get it done.