Obama is out to fundamentally transform & destroy America that's a given. Here is a speech given by a great american who wanted to make sure the US would never be transformed. William Vale of Colorado one of the prime movers of the Immigration Act of the 1920 would be turning over in his grave if he saw what was happening now.
'Let me emphasize here that the restrictionists of Congress do not claim that the “Nordic” race, or even the Anglo-Saxon race, is the best race in the world. … What we do claim is that the European migrants, made this country. Oh, yes; the others helped. But that is the full statement of the case. They came to this country because it was already made as an Anglo-Saxon commonwealth. They added to it, they often enriched it, but they did not make it, and they have not yet greatly changed it. We are determined that they shall not. It is a good country. It suits us. And what we assert is that we are not going to surrender it to somebody else or allow other people, no matter what their merits, to make it something different. If there is any changing to be done, we will do it ourselves. '