Yeah, trust Joey on that one.
PanchoSanza New member Joined Sep 21, 2004 Messages 3,250 Tokens Nov 28, 2003 #21 Yeah, trust Joey on that one.
Glaken Beach House On The Moon Joined Mar 20, 2001 Messages 6,267 Tokens Nov 28, 2003 #22 No doubt about that call!! I Live in the ATL and the FLA most of the time but if you are really here I'm at Paradise Bay before the '97 pool. G
No doubt about that call!! I Live in the ATL and the FLA most of the time but if you are really here I'm at Paradise Bay before the '97 pool. G
JoeyC New member Joined Sep 21, 2004 Messages 2,617 Tokens Nov 28, 2003 #23 Pancho - I thought you would enjoy the humor. BTW, jealousy makes you blush too much.
TTinCO . Joined Sep 21, 2004 Messages 28,775 Tokens Nov 28, 2003 #24 Yeah, somebody probably also hit the Powerball jackpot tonight...... Do the math, then wake up or bend over.
Yeah, somebody probably also hit the Powerball jackpot tonight...... Do the math, then wake up or bend over.
Fishhead Active member Joined Oct 20, 1999 Messages 75,444 Tokens Nov 28, 2003 #25 The true odds on a 7-teamer are 128-1 !!! THINK ABOUT IT!
JoeyC New member Joined Sep 21, 2004 Messages 2,617 Tokens Nov 28, 2003 #26 Strut: True odds on a 10 teamer are 1050:1. JC