Never had a problem with you being on the opposite side... it's when you support these racists and clowns as if they're your pals that makes me question who you really are. I have no problem with you disliking me, but I will continue to point out anyone that supports these guys. They bring peoples families in to conversations, they make personal racist comments, they make it impossible to share any personal information. And yes, I'm aware Joe is about to bring up a conversation I had with an individual here where I said comments I regret and apologized for a thousand times. But, you being on the wrong side politically or arguing with Vit/Guesser isn't a problem. It's when you support these evil sick fucks that makes you questionable.
I mean, I posted a picture of Seymour once, and I felt disgusted by it as I'm not someone that cares what people look like or wants to bring peoples personal lives in to this site. So you being all chummy with someone like Jdouche is really disappointing. That guy is a very evil person.