I am confused, because you have contradicted yourself here.
First you say:
Not really a joke, but a drug rep sent those books to my office over the Christmas Holidays so I used them for a while and gave the rest away for Christmas presents to the office staff.
Then later you say.....
I didnt say that I used the coupons, I just think that others here might like them.
So which one is it?
I see what the distributor makes off selling those books, and thus why you want people to buy 5.
Let's call a spade a spade here, either you're one big dumbass to think you're going to fool people, or you're just full of yourself thinking you are going to fool everyone here.
Does this look familiar at all to you?
For only $99, you will receive five Smart Shopper books plus a FREE distributorship and your very own web page in the Smart Shoppers Club.
Distributors will receive income not only from every book they sell themselves, but they can sponsor other new distributors and make money from every book that person sells. In fact, you will receive an income from every book sold by the first seven generations of distributors in your downline!! All ledgers are automatically calculated for you.
You could make a six-figure income in the next seven months! Take the following example: If you sign up just five more distributors in your first month and then in each month after that those people each sign just five more distributors, your annual income could look something like this:
Month Generation # # Of Distributors Annual Royalty Approximate Incomes
1 1 5 20% $100
2 2 25 10% $250
3 3 125 5% $625
4 4 625 4% $2,500
5 5 3,125 3% $9,375
6 6 15,625 2% $31,250
7 7 78,125 1% $78,125
By purchasing five books, you are automatically enrolled as a Distributor. There is no obligation to do anything more. But, as a Distributor, you have the opportunity to build a downline and collect a commission on sales made in your downline. The decision is yours. You can purchase five books just for the price break, or receive the benefit of actively building your downline and receiving a commission.
Don't bother to reply.....
You can't have any defense against what you have tried to pull.
What credibility you had.....