most cops are douchebags...I think most of us can agree but I give them a huge pass for 2 reasons:
1) I feel safer with them around. If i'm in a bad neighborhood, if I see drugged out people nearby, if I see a fight breaking out.....I feel 100x better if I know there is law enforcement in the area.
2) Part of me believes the entitled attitude is what is necessary to do their job. They have to be assholes to the criminals or else they will get shot/killed/taken advantage of. Sometimes they carry that over to most of us normal people. I know a few that used to be good guys before becoming cops and the attitude is part of the job.
I have never, ever, had a positive interaction with a police officer when it involved them doing their official duties. I realize that there is some 'good' in them having an attitude toward wife beaters, meth heads, child molesters, wanna be gang bangers, etc. But part of being there to "protect and serve" is to realize you don't treat every citizen that way.
I certainly do not feel safer when the police are around as they are increasingly quick to escalate violence (except the small town guys/gals) when their job is to de-escalate. They also are for the most part not that proficient with a firearm (there are many, many examples of them firing 50+ rounds at 1 or 2 citizens). To give you a tangible example of why I don't feel safe around them is the last time I was pulled over for speeding it was dark and I told the trooper after he asked for my license "I have a CCW..." and before I could finish (I was going to say but I'm not carrying any firearms or weapons) he interrupted me by saying "You have a WHAT!? What is that"? Yes, a state police officer did not know what that meant when I was trying to do him a favor and be courteous so he wouldn't run my license and see I had it and get all jacked up that I may have had my carry weapon. I just about laughed in his face.
I do have some good friends who are detectives and they are pretty calm guys (and a bit older) but I live my life with the approach that I want zero contact with the police or criminal justice system in any manner, shape, or form.