Cut taxes, spend money! Easy solution. The problem is there is this huge push for deficit reduction which is why tax increases are talked about, spending cuts are discussed, etc. We should take the Reagan approach. It will change eventually though, more and more economists are realizing that Government debt is not something to worry about as it was in the past.
Another lie by fratfraud.
The nation's credit rating was downgraded but the Keynesian clown is telling us more "economists" believe Weimar is the way to go!
Can't make this shit up!
It was downgraded because psychos like yourself were willing to not pay our bills because of a failed ideology. Being wrong all the time and not changing your thought process is the sign of a psychopath. You are a real life nutter.
Solid logic. You are really smart. Maybe I should become a birther loon.
What degree do you have again Mister "Educated"?
You don't need to know personal information about me. Just understand I graduated from a private university with a degree and I am much smarter than you. That's why you have really dumb thoughts. You should be asking me questions instead of making comments.
Another lie.
You don't have any kind of formal education, everyone here knows it and it REALLY shows.
Want me to post a poll so we can all have yet another laugh at your expense poseur?
Yes, would love for you to post a poll. Maybe you can get your buddy Joe Contrarian to post again, lol. Everyone who is normal here understands I'm educated. That's why I have intelligent thoughts and you post pictures you find on Google. You are really dumb.
So what degree do you have again?
I mean, using your own line of reasoning, telling us all what degree you have can't help up but elevate your standing to godlike status among us peons.
Also, tell us again how awesome life was after the government inflated the money supply in the 1920s which created another destabilizing bubble that ultimately crashed the economy - the Great Depression.
No worries, I don't want to alarm anyone...that could NEVER happen again...because the "smart people" tell us it was so SO long ago, isn't that right, Mister Educated?
Yea, the roaring 20s were great for people. They must not have taught you that in your Canadian college.
And you don't need to know my degree. You'll be fine with out it.
Everyone wants to know your degree, did you get so smart?
Oh, and outstanding retort on what happens when the government inflates the money supply. Aren't breadlines fantastic? It's just like Obamanomics....without 47 million people foodstamps!
You're just rambling like an idiot.