If Biden wins


Member Emeritus
Sep 21, 2004
Savage1.....right you are. We are each entitled to our opinion. Too bad this year, simply wearing a trump hat, was enough for several people to be murdered. I think Donald Trump is crude and boastful. But I also believe, Biden's 3 strokes, are the reason his mental gaffes are no longer amusing. So a crude bragger, or a crook, whose experiencing cognitive degradation, probably because of the strokes.

Joe and wife claimed 17 million in income between 2017-2019. cnn says his net worth is $30,000. His 2 Delaware homes are worth 5 million. And I would be willing to bet, his holdings in stocks, e.g., the China bank where Hunter has 20%, and Joe has 10%, wouldn't show up anywhere, until he sells it. Biden has 5 relatives who've all become wealthy, through Joes contacts. Do a search.

I remember very well, Nov 2016, listening to all of the Hilary-ettes, planning enormous galas. Trumpeting their insurmountable leads in the polls.

I think this election will be razor-tight. And possibly not over until Jan. With court challenges on both sides, if the margin is 1% or less. And it could be.

New member
Apr 7, 2016
Savage1.....right you are. We are each entitled to our opinion. Too bad this year, simply wearing a trump hat, was enough for several people to be murdered. I think Donald Trump is crude and boastful. But I also believe, Biden's 3 strokes, are the reason his mental gaffes are no longer amusing. So a crude bragger, or a crook, whose experiencing cognitive degradation, probably because of the strokes.

Joe and wife claimed 17 million in income between 2017-2019. cnn says his net worth is $30,000. His 2 Delaware homes are worth 5 million. And I would be willing to bet, his holdings in stocks, e.g., the China bank where Hunter has 20%, and Joe has 10%, wouldn't show up anywhere, until he sells it. Biden has 5 relatives who've all become wealthy, through Joes contacts. Do a search.

I remember very well, Nov 2016, listening to all of the Hilary-ettes, planning enormous galas. Trumpeting their insurmountable leads in the polls.

I think this election will be razor-tight. And possibly not over until Jan. With court challenges on both sides, if the margin is 1% or less. And it could be.
sorry...he doesn't know what you're talking about

Nov 11, 2007
uscmd-what I consider most important is that a few folks like you and BFL can engage in civil and respectful conversation and debate

with me unlike the overwhelming number in this Forum even though we are obviously far, far apart with our opinions and views.

Along the same lines we can and do actually cite portions from the other's posts with which we disagree and express our opinions as to why we disagree

with one another.

Back to the topic-I am not saying you are wrong, but can you show me the links or other proof that Biden has actually suffered three stroke

Re: his income, if he claimed 17 million in income from 2017-2019 while on the surface looks suspicious, would never stand up in itself that

he got it illegally.

And keep in mind also that one poster tweeted that his net worth is 250 million-I believe that is ludicrous.

And yes I know I am rationalizing a bit here, but keep in mind that a lot of illegal stuff goes on here with such as we found out fairly recently,

several members of Congress(can't recall their names) bought and sold stock based on confidential/inside information obtained attending

meetings while doing their jobs as members of Congress.

I would bet money if it could be proven that Trump has awarded contracts, etc to certain firms which he favors.

In short whether we accept it or not, politics and corruption in Washington, go hand and hand and for that matter just about everywhere.

If Hunter Biden and/or Joe are hauled into court and found guilty, then they both deserve what they get-I say the same for Trump or anyone else.

Re: the Election, I don't think it will be razor tight as you do, and think it will be pretty decisive in Biden's favor.

Again we will just have to wait and see how accurate the polling data is when all is said and done.

Take care!

Member Emeritus
Sep 21, 2004
Steve Forbes predicts Biden presidency would be 'unmitigated disaster,' bring return of 'stagflation'

Publishing magnate decries Democrat program of 'higher taxes and higher regulation'

A Joe Biden presidency would be "an unmitigated disaster" for the American economy, Forbes magazine editor-in-chief and two-time GOP presidential candidate Steve Forbes said Friday.


Forbes said such policies would "trash" the economy at a time when it would still be recovering from the effects of the coronavirus pandemic.
"This economy is recovering from those lockdowns, we're making some good progress, but we are still convalescing," Forbes said. "Those taxes would dry up investment at a time when Chinese companies are becoming more competitive in high tech -- we are going to hurt venture capital and the like"He's also going to bring back some of the ObamaCare taxes that the Republicans got rid of," Forbes added. "This tax increase is going to hit everyone. When you have a lousy economy, that hurts people, they can't get raises and wages, they don't get jobs, they can't get higher pay. This is going to be an unmitigated disaster."
The publishing magnate offered, that America would "hear a word again we haven't heard for 40 years: stagflation -- inflation and a stagnant economy. That's what Biden is going to bring with this program of higher taxes and higher regulation."

A three-page letter from Biden's physician concluded the former vice president history revealed Biden receives treatment for an irregular heartbeat and high cholesterol and he deals with acid reflux and seasonal allergies. It noted his already-known history of aneurysms and that he took blood thinners.

"I had no idea Biden had such a history – my goodness gracious, he's got a lot of history," Scheiner said.


This excerpt suggests Obama’s patience with Biden often wore thin:
Biden’s tendency to blurt out whatever was on his mind rankled Obama, who wasn’t afraid to needle him for it. In his first press conference in 2009, the young president quipped “I don’t remember exactly what Joe was referring to—not surprisingly,” when asked about Biden’s assessment that there was a 30 percent chance they could get the economic stimulus package wrong.
[…] anonymously sourced quotes from Obama kept appearing through the race. One Democrat who spoke to Obama recalled the former president warning, “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f**k things up.” Speaking of his own waning understanding of today’s Democratic electorate, especially in Iowa, Obama told one 2020 candidate: “And you know who really doesn’t have it? Joe Biden.”
And there it is.“Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f**k things up.”

There it is. Do you want the guy who brought us to the best economy ever, when you consider everyone. Regardless of race or age, or station in life........everyones lot was better than it was during the 8 years of Obama/biden. Or a guy, who is unwell, and probably prone to using his office for personal and familial gain.

A sure, but a little coarse guy, or a bent ailing aged man, surrounded by a crew of socialists, indebted to antifa.

FINGERS CROSSED FOR A HUGE TUESDAY NIGHT SURPRISE. You know its close, Joes out of his bunker, and actually campaigning. Joes lucky. Hes screws up........and its crickets from the media. Trump has overseen several Middle East peace accords and has been nominated for 2 Noble peace prizes Here that on cnn?

Every one should do a search on Tony Bobilinski. Hes the whistleblower, who supported much of what the NY Post claimed. Hes turned over his electronic instruments to the FBI, who interviewed him for 6 hours. He was there when Joe met with the corrupt Ukrainians. Or do a search on Joe bragging that he was able to get a Ukraine prosecutor fired, by threatening to withhold U.S. aid. And that was a big part of why Hunter, cocaine addict was given millions, to stop that prosecuted from continuing to gather data to prosecute burisma.

And lastly, have we all forgotten the women who came forth accusing Joe of improper grouping? Where did all of that go? Remember Cavanaugh's hearing, in which all women are to be believed

“Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f**k things up.” This has been stream of thought, so my apologies for the typo's, syntax errors etc. Lots to say, in hopes that just maybe one undecided will find this worthy.
For want of a nail, a boot was lost. For want of a boot, a soldier was lost.

Vote guys.

Jun 4, 2018
Great posts by you USCMD , honest & to the point .

Nov 11, 2007
uscmd-to be brief-again, you are entitled to your opinion, which in my opinion is very one sided and based on your sources.

Without going into great detail again why I disagree, I will summarize and simply say that imo Trump is one of the arrogant, most vile, repulsive and emotionally

mentally fu ked up person I have encountered in my entire existence.

His arrogance, know-it-all attitude and incompetence which imp is off of the scale in dealing with the Virus, is even more reason why this guy does NOT

deserve a second term.

That's it and probably my last post in this thread.

Member Emeritus
Sep 21, 2004
I will summarize, ------ ------is one of the arrogant, most vile, repulsive and emotionally

mentally fu ked up person I have encountered in my entire existence.

arrogance, know-it-all attitude and incompetence which imp is off of the scale in dealing with the Virus, is even more reason why this guy does NOT

deserve a second term.

That's it and probably my last post in this thread.

Gee savage1, I thought you were talking about Nancy Pelosi. She recently said, "Joe Biden will be the next president regardless of what the results are on Nov. 3rd." I'm glad you are starting to see that, when talking presidential qualifications, mental defects and criminal behavior, probably are worse than, rough, apolitical manners. In fact, I think in the world as it is today, those are assets.

GOING OUT ON A LIMB..........TUESDAY NIGHT--------->>>> Trump wins!!!!


Jun 4, 2018
TRUMP kicks :bigone: in 2020

Member Emeritus
Sep 21, 2004
imo Trump is more likely to kick "the BUCKET" in 2020 than win the Election(just for comparison purposes only). lol

Savage, I thought you were done schooling us. I just remember how much I hated Hilary, for many of the same reasons i.e., corruption. And how thrilled and surprised I was as the anchors started calling states for Trump. Tears of joy. Like a $900 exacta

This time we won't know Tuesday. It might take weeks. The dems are the party of the trial lawyers, and they have hundreds of lawyers lined up to contest every battle ground state Trump wins. That what Pelosi was referring to when she said, Biden will be 46th prez, regardless who wins Tuesday."

In Pennsylvania, republicans are estimating they'll need to win by 2%+ to offset the votes cast , by dead people and other fun tricks by anti-trumpets.

Savage1, you are a real hater. Did Trump run over your dog or something? Yet you are oblivious to any of Joes faults.

Oh well. Your pain will be over in 4 days. Who knows, though, it might go to the Supreme Court like Bush v Dole.:hahahahah


Savage, no double post. For effect I reused Obamas quote. "Don't underestimate Joes ability to f**k things up."

I broke my back and my ankle. Also 74 with asthma, I haven't been outside since January. Needless to say, with an uneven sports schedule, I've had lots of time to search out, news about both men. And sadly, to see just how far cnn, msnbc, all of major tv news bureaus and most of the newspapers are willing to lie. Used to be, it was editorial shading, now its white is black, night is day.......no holds barred lying.

Enough. I'm going to finish my ticket for tomorrow. God bless every free minded, free thinking American.

Jun 4, 2018
Savage is indeed blind to Joe Biden's faults & his corruption , savage is so filled with hatred for Donald j. TRUMP u can literally see smoke coming outta his ears :scared1: whenever trump is mentioned

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