If Biden wins


Member Emeritus
Sep 21, 2004
We can kiss the United States, we've known and loved, goodbye. And the ultimate irony, will be tools who bought Antifa's lies, will wake up and the b.s. they were handed was all lies.

Remember what Ike said about the military industrial complex. That group that needs the U.S. at war. I think many anti-Trumpers resent, his grasp of the obvious, "its obscene to continue to throw away the lives of America's youth, in a never ending string of unending wars. I think JFK saw it, and thats why he was killed.

I'm 74, and this is the first election, I can recall, where the outcome really, really makes a difference. Changes in almost every sector of our lives.

Lastly, isn't it amazing that 90%+ of the media in the U.S. is not much more than a publicity wing for the democrats. Tuesday, cross your fingers that we get a repeat of 2016. Overconfident dems, and beaten down republicans reluctant to tell pollsters what they really think for fear of retribution.

Makes me want to dive back into this weeks games.

BOL to all.........especially America.

Jun 4, 2018
God Bless America ..... Go Trump cheersgif

Nov 11, 2007
As a person 76 years old, all I am going to say is that I disagree with op 100%.

Like him I have been through it all and all the dire consequences predicted re: who gets elected in a given year.

For me both sides have used it as scare tactics to get folks to vote for their side.

Of late I heard the same bs before Obama was elected, and now with both Biden and Trump if he is re-elected.

I don't believe this Election is really any more important than any other no matter what folks say.

Maybe I am looking at from my point of view only but, I am still here at age 76 and doing quite well in all aspects of life.

With a much younger family, I worry more about my health over the next four years even though it is very good now.

I also believe that nothing is essentially going to change no matter whether Biden is elected or miraculously Trump is.

I will continue to have ups and downs in my life as will the country,, the stock market will go up and down, the sun will rise and fall and shine, etc.

Saying that the USA will turn into a socialist or communist state if Biden is elected as I stated above is a lot of bs.

Even if the House and Senate are controlled by Democrats, the people who serve in this capacity are not robots and would not

allow Biden or anyone else to go off of the deep end if he goes to far which I doubt in any event.

Don't forget also that the Republicans control the Supreme Court, which also would allow the dire stuff being predicted to occur.

Also Biden has his Cabinet and advisors, who are not robots either, meaning that they will have an influence on what he does.

What I say goes for the country also.

If that sounds too philosophical, well so be it-I speak from a long historical perspective and as a person who has been around as long as I have.

That is a summary of my point of view, which I am not going to debate.

As the old saying goes, "Each to their own!"
Aug 17, 2019
As a person 76 years old, all I am going to say is that I disagree with op 100%.

Like him I have been through it all and all the dire consequences predicted re: who gets elected in a given year.

For me both sides have used it as scare tactics to get folks to vote for their side.

Of late I heard the same bs before Obama was elected, and now with both Biden and Trump if he is re-elected.

I don't believe this Election is really any more important than any other no matter what folks say.

Maybe I am looking at from my point of view only but, I am still here at age 76 and doing quite well in all aspects of life.

With a much younger family, I worry more about my health over the next four years even though it is very good now.

I also believe that nothing is essentially going to change no matter whether Biden is elected or miraculously Trump is.

I will continue to have ups and downs in my life as will the country,, the stock market will go up and down, the sun will rise and fall and shine, etc.

Saying that the USA will turn into a socialist or communist state if Biden is elected as I stated above is a lot of bs.

Even if the House and Senate are controlled by Democrats, the people who serve in this capacity are not robots and would not

allow Biden or anyone else to go off of the deep end if he goes to far which I doubt in any event.

Don't forget also that the Republicans control the Supreme Court, which also would allow the dire stuff being predicted to occur.

Also Biden has his Cabinet and advisors, who are not robots either, meaning that they will have an influence on what he does.

What I say goes for the country also.

If that sounds too philosophical, well so be it-I speak from a long historical perspective and as a person who has been around as long as I have.

That is a summary of my point of view, which I am not going to debate.

As the old saying goes, "Each to their own!"

It is scary to think that someone can be so delusional they can't even see or understand the TRUTH of what this election represents.

This is election is about Freedom (Trump) vs. Communism (Biden).

It is also a spiritual war, Trump ('One Nation Under God') vs. Biden (Satan).

At 76 you should, at minimum, be aboe to understand the basic differences of what you are seeing.


Nov 11, 2007
It is scary to think that someone can be so delusional they can't even see or understand the TRUTH of what this election represents.

This is election is about Freedom (Trump) vs. Communism (Biden).

It is also a spiritual war, Trump ('One Nation Under God') vs. Biden (Satan).

At 76 you should, at minimum, be aboe to understand the basic differences of what you are seeing.


If you and your QAnons say so! lol

Speaking of "scary," what does it say about a person/YOU who continues to predict that Trump is going to win All 50 states and win upward of 90%

of the vote-using your words, is that an example of "logical thinking!!!"

Projecting your feelings in your last capitalized sentence is not going to get it done on Tuesday-now there is a REAL "logical thinking!"

That is POSITIVELY my last comment in this thread.

Sep 20, 2017
In all reality if Trump wins it just slows down the inevitable separation/civil war
It is coming
Just a matter of time

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
We can kiss the United States, we've known and loved, goodbye. And the ultimate irony, will be tools who bought Antifa's lies, will wake up and the b.s. they were handed was all lies.

Remember what Ike said about the military industrial complex. That group that needs the U.S. at war. I think many anti-Trumpers resent, his grasp of the obvious, "its obscene to continue to throw away the lives of America's youth, in a never ending string of unending wars. I think JFK saw it, and thats why he was killed.

I'm 74, and this is the first election, I can recall, where the outcome really, really makes a difference. Changes in almost every sector of our lives.

Lastly, isn't it amazing that 90%+ of the media in the U.S. is not much more than a publicity wing for the democrats. Tuesday, cross your fingers that we get a repeat of 2016. Overconfident dems, and beaten down republicans reluctant to tell pollsters what they really think for fear of retribution.

Makes me want to dive back into this weeks games.

BOL to all.........especially America.

Spot on
Aug 17, 2019
Best case scenario is you have what you have now
Riots, tribalism....leftist terrorism and maybe some pushback from the right
America as we knew it is over
Take that to the bank

If you live in NY, PA, MI, OR, WA or CA it would be easy to understand why one might lose hope.

BUT there are major moves coming immediately after Trump wins Tuesday.

It will make America safer than ever!

New member
Apr 7, 2016
As a person 76 years old, all I am going to say is that I disagree with op 100%.

Like him I have been through it all and all the dire consequences predicted re: who gets elected in a given year.

For me both sides have used it as scare tactics to get folks to vote for their side.

Of late I heard the same bs before Obama was elected, and now with both Biden and Trump if he is re-elected.

I don't believe this Election is really any more important than any other no matter what folks say.

Maybe I am looking at from my point of view only but, I am still here at age 76 and doing quite well in all aspects of life.

With a much younger family, I worry more about my health over the next four years even though it is very good now.

I also believe that nothing is essentially going to change no matter whether Biden is elected or miraculously Trump is.

I will continue to have ups and downs in my life as will the country,, the stock market will go up and down, the sun will rise and fall and shine, etc.

Saying that the USA will turn into a socialist or communist state if Biden is elected as I stated above is a lot of bs.

Even if the House and Senate are controlled by Democrats, the people who serve in this capacity are not robots and would not

allow Biden or anyone else to go off of the deep end if he goes to far which I doubt in any event.

Don't forget also that the Republicans control the Supreme Court, which also would allow the dire stuff being predicted to occur.

Also Biden has his Cabinet and advisors, who are not robots either, meaning that they will have an influence on what he does.

What I say goes for the country also.

If that sounds too philosophical, well so be it-I speak from a long historical perspective and as a person who has been around as long as I have.

That is a summary of my point of view, which I am not going to debate.

As the old saying goes, "Each to their own!"
so what you're saying is...joe's big guy price.. skyrockets

New member
Jan 18, 2005
As a person 76 years old, all I am going to say is that I disagree with op 100%.

Like him I have been through it all and all the dire consequences predicted re: who gets elected in a given year.

For me both sides have used it as scare tactics to get folks to vote for their side.

Of late I heard the same bs before Obama was elected, and now with both Biden and Trump if he is re-elected.

I don't believe this Election is really any more important than any other no matter what folks say.

Maybe I am looking at from my point of view only but, I am still here at age 76 and doing quite well in all aspects of life.

With a much younger family, I worry more about my health over the next four years even though it is very good now.

I also believe that nothing is essentially going to change no matter whether Biden is elected or miraculously Trump is.

I will continue to have ups and downs in my life as will the country,, the stock market will go up and down, the sun will rise and fall and shine, etc.

Saying that the USA will turn into a socialist or communist state if Biden is elected as I stated above is a lot of bs.

Even if the House and Senate are controlled by Democrats, the people who serve in this capacity are not robots and would not

allow Biden or anyone else to go off of the deep end if he goes to far which I doubt in any event.

Don't forget also that the Republicans control the Supreme Court, which also would allow the dire stuff being predicted to occur.

Also Biden has his Cabinet and advisors, who are not robots either, meaning that they will have an influence on what he does.

What I say goes for the country also.

If that sounds too philosophical, well so be it-I speak from a long historical perspective and as a person who has been around as long as I have.

That is a summary of my point of view, which I am not going to debate.

As the old saying goes, "Each to their own!"

You sir are a fool. It is all right there in black and white, the Dems have put out their agenda that they will implement as soon as possible once Biden wins.
So either you are lying or you are totally clueless.

Nov 11, 2007
so what you're saying is...joe's big guy price.. skyrockets

Sorry-I don't get what you are saying-you have to be more specific.

To be clear, what I am saying in a nutshell is that I don't rely on INTENDED SCARE TACTICS as the basis by which I conduct my life, and especially

so by those whose opinion is no better or worse than my own, and in most cases, folks who are much younger than I have, and

thus have not as much to draw from in life's experiences as I do-it is that simple.

New member
Apr 7, 2016
don't get what i'm saying...why must libs lie about everything...you know and i know...that his price goes up.. if he becomes prez

Nov 11, 2007
don't get what i'm saying...why must libs lie about everything...you know and i know...that his price goes up.. if he becomes prez

Again and pardon my ignorance, but again please state SPECIFICALLY what you mean by "his price goes up?" with an example.


Member Emeritus
Sep 21, 2004
"Riots" will end right after the election. The mega buck Trump haters who are funding all of this out of state anarchy, will bail, once theres nothing to gain by creating insecurity among the populace. Add to that, theres no downside for those wanting law and order. Local ideally, federal if need be.

You can also anticipate schools opening and business closure mandates to disappear. "Just following the science ma'am." BS! An administrator of the largest school district in California, said to a group of board members, "we don't expect to examine the school opening issue any further, until the 1st week of Nov." Really?

Without covid, Trump might have come close to 1972, Nixon winning 49/50 states. Economically every one was winning. Rich or poor, every household was ahead financially. Then covid. And all the dems could do was drag their feet, keep everything closed, including schools so moms couldn't work. Do anything/everything to postpone the economic recovery thats well underway. Unemployment is down to 9%. The projected deficit, for 3rd and 4th quarter won't materialize. Back to the riots, another way to maim those regions financially.

I don't mean to be impolite Savage 1, but if you don't see Biden as a doorway to socialism, then imo you haven't been listening to anything but cnn.

open borders
medicare for everyone, including illegal aliens
eliminate bail
do away with the oil and gas industries. (and our oil independence)
take several key businesses under government control
drastic increase in gun control.
projections of 35 trillion dollar deficit at a minimum over the next 4-8 years
tax increases for everyone.

I could go on, but I suspect that most of us know where we are going to vote on Tuesday.

Few last points. Joe Biden has never worked. His wife is a teacher. Yet his net worth is in the 10's of millions. I suspect the recent revelations suggest a way, Joe has pocketed money, perhaps at the expense of whats best for America. Look no further than his cozy dealings with China. LOL, he says Hunter is the smartest man he knows. Who leaves a laptop full of sensitive info at a repair shop. Essentially forfeiting it. Really? Why when it was turned over to the fib a year ago did Comey, the crook, the democratic shill, do nothing?

Lastly, Joes only claim to fame, his saving grace (sic) is he K.O. covid. Like half a dozen other things hes refuel to tell us the details of his plan. If you recall, hes been on both sides of every covid related issue. Stopping flights from china was xenophobic, then he said it was the right thing to do.
Biden like Pelosi and Coumo, all but laughed at covid in the first few months. Remember Pelosi inviting everyone to Chinatown, and Coumo, the elder killer, boasting "New Yorkers are made of tougher stuff." Point is, once China manipulated the virus in their virology institute, it was a nightmare, and one with no good answers. One we had to invent responses to, on the fly. I honestly don't believe any president, ever.....any of the 45, could have done a significantly better job.

Remember initial projections were up to 2 million dead. We are now seeing the countries in Europe that locked down the strictest, that ruined their economies didn't avoid tragedy, that only postponed it. We need to sequester/protect the old and the sick. And let everyone else, decide for themselves what they want to do. How much risk they are comfortable with. Its part of what goes along with being free. I throw up in my mouth, a little every time I hear about a democratic governor or mayor, pontificating, rules about what can/can't be done. Then hearing they went ahead and did the exact opposite. You can't go in the ocean. You have to wear a mask, if you are walking alone on a desolate beach.

Freedoms hard won, can be forfeited very quickly. Bottom line, which candidate do you trust more to safeguard your families standard of living. Who will do a better job of getting us back to wear we were in Jan 2020 financially. Trump takes no salary, hes made money in the real world. I wouldn't buy a used car from Biden much less trust him to steer our country.

One last point. what will happen if Joe needs to take a position, in opposition to China. What happens when they threaten to out him, for his corruption. Do you really think, old slippery Joe will do the right thing?

On to fb.

Nov 11, 2007
"Riots" will end right after the election. The mega buck Trump haters who are funding all of this out of state anarchy, will bail, once theres nothing to gain by creating insecurity among the populace. Add to that, theres no downside for those wanting law and order. Local ideally, federal if need be.

You can also anticipate schools opening and business closure mandates to disappear. "Just following the science ma'am." BS! An administrator of the largest school district in California, said to a group of board members, "we don't expect to examine the school opening issue any further, until the 1st week of Nov." Really?

Without covid, Trump might have come close to 1972, Nixon winning 49/50 states. Economically every one was winning. Rich or poor, every household was ahead financially. Then covid. And all the dems could do was drag their feet, keep everything closed, including schools so moms couldn't work. Do anything/everything to postpone the economic recovery thats well underway. Unemployment is down to 9%. The projected deficit, for 3rd and 4th quarter won't materialize. Back to the riots, another way to maim those regions financially.

I don't mean to be impolite Savage 1, but if you don't see Biden as a doorway to socialism, then imo you haven't been listening to anything but cnn.

open borders
medicare for everyone, including illegal aliens
eliminate bail
do away with the oil and gas industries. (and our oil independence)
take several key businesses under government control
drastic increase in gun control.
projections of 35 trillion dollar deficit at a minimum over the next 4-8 years
tax increases for everyone.

I could go on, but I suspect that most of us know where we are going to vote on Tuesday.

Few last points. Joe Biden has never worked. His wife is a teacher. Yet his net worth is in the 10's of millions. I suspect the recent revelations suggest a way, Joe has pocketed money, perhaps at the expense of whats best for America. Look no further than his cozy dealings with China. LOL, he says Hunter is the smartest man he knows. Who leaves a laptop full of sensitive info at a repair shop. Essentially forfeiting it. Really? Why when it was turned over to the fib a year ago did Comey, the crook, the democratic shill, do nothing?

Lastly, Joes only claim to fame, his saving grace (sic) is he K.O. covid. Like half a dozen other things hes refuel to tell us the details of his plan. If you recall, hes been on both sides of every covid related issue. Stopping flights from china was xenophobic, then he said it was the right thing to do.
Biden like Pelosi and Coumo, all but laughed at covid in the first few months. Remember Pelosi inviting everyone to Chinatown, and Coumo, the elder killer, boasting "New Yorkers are made of tougher stuff." Point is, once China manipulated the virus in their virology institute, it was a nightmare, and one with no good answers. One we had to invent responses to, on the fly. I honestly don't believe any president, ever.....any of the 45, could have done a significantly better job.

Remember initial projections were up to 2 million dead. We are now seeing the countries in Europe that locked down the strictest, that ruined their economies didn't avoid tragedy, that only postponed it. We need to sequester/protect the old and the sick. And let everyone else, decide for themselves what they want to do. How much risk they are comfortable with. Its part of what goes along with being free. I throw up in my mouth, a little every time I hear about a democratic governor or mayor, pontificating, rules about what can/can't be done. Then hearing they went ahead and did the exact opposite. You can't go in the ocean. You have to wear a mask, if you are walking alone on a desolate beach.

Freedoms hard won, can be forfeited very quickly. Bottom line, which candidate do you trust more to safeguard your families standard of living. Who will do a better job of getting us back to wear we were in Jan 2020 financially. Trump takes no salary, hes made money in the real world. I wouldn't buy a used car from Biden much less trust him to steer our country.

One last point. what will happen if Joe needs to take a position, in opposition to China. What happens when they threaten to out him, for his corruption. Do you really think, old slippery Joe will do the right thing?

On to fb.

I stand by what I said in post 3-each to their own.

Also imo what you say here is pure delusion:

"Without covid, Trump might have come close to 1972, Nixon winning 49/50 states."

Even before covid, at best Trump was a slight favorite to win, and might very well win today, but please 49 out of 50 states is just

pure fantasy/imagination and to blunt, is without any basis whatsoever except of course your opinion, which you have a right to just as I do mine, which

is 180 degrees opposed to yours.

For one thing, the majority of women have despised him since they found out what he is as a human being,

and imo there is no reason to believe that that would have changed, covid or no covid.

Also, show me the documentation that Biden is worth as one poster said 250 million or even in the tens of millions.

Circumstantial evidence doesn't do it for me-sorry!

Most of what you say is in any event your slanted opinion, and your perspective and again is far, far from mine and imo most Americans.

We will find out in a few days what the prevailing opinion is and this who wins the Election.

Jun 4, 2018
TRUMP HAS 2 WIN .... bottom line

Nov 11, 2007
TRUMP HAS 2 WIN .... bottom line

Imo the REAL reason that Trump has to win is to prevent being hauled into court for tax evasion and lots of criminal and civil lawsuits which he cannot by

law be prosecuted for while he is serving as POTUS!

Jan 13, 2019
imo the real reason that trump has to win is to prevent being hauled into court for tax evasion and lots of criminal and civil lawsuits which he cannot by

law be prosecuted for while he is serving as potus!


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