general - real men dont 'fight.' in my opinion, it shows a sense of insecurity, a lack of confidence. if i had a 16 year old son, I would teach him to walk away from a fight, not to try to beat the chit out of someone. You can raise your kid however you want. I just think the upbringing of peace and compromise is more effective than fight and defend your name!!! you were in the marines. i was not.
so we come from different places.
i would tell your kid to just stay away.
one more thing, if you live in a home, which i don't know that you do, you have to be careful that your son's actions might end up a claim against your homeowner's insurance policy. oftentimes they include lawsuits arising out of your kid's actions. if your kid tries to kill this other kid and puts him in the hospital, youre damn right he is going to hire a lawyer to get paid.