Thanks for sharing your heterosexual and somewhat anti-gay opinion on this here matter.
I'll compare and contrast that with the many perspectives shared by actual gay Americans from across the USA and stand by my submission that in upwards of 90% of the USA east of the three west coast states, it remains prudent to be discreet about being gay unless you want problems in your workplace and problems obtaining fair housing.
If you ask a black guy he will tell you "It's because he's black".
Just because you see no shop signs that says "We welcome gays" it doesn't mean that all hell will break out if you man up or queer up and live a public gay life.
It sounds like your gay friends across the country have more of a problem with themselves having to look someone in the eye that they have been lying to the majority of their life. Then it being the other way around.
I forgot if you are gay and need some southern comfort living just move to the big easy. They are friendly to their fags and dykes. Texas in a whole is making its transition to the gay life choice too. From what I hear is Dallas and Austin are full of fudgepackers. Shit even Puerto Rico and Hawaii are openly gay populated areas. Like I said Utah, Nebraska and the bible belt are the states to stay away from if you are gay.