Did it really past post a game?


She has to be in the Hall at some point DickyW..
for all yous idiots....the lakers were losing by 4 when i posted it. i KNEW it was a lock, so i posted it for all of you to see

Yeah, ok, sure, uh-uh, whatever, no doubt, yep,
you betcha, and of course...

It must be tough being a masochist and an idiot.
max (LUCY), if i am an idiot, is there a reason you spend so much time reading my posts and commenting on them??? read a book!!! put on some clothes!!! go outside away from the computer!!! get some fresh air!!! read the news!!! please do something with your life you little maggot!!!!!!
I guess it's the same reason people watch NASCAR ( for the wrecks ) or hockey ( for the fights ). I think the real reason is that I can't believe someone can be so f*cking stupid and want other people to know about it. It just amazes me. I bet you have to drop bread crumbs when you leave your house just so you can find your way back.

BTW.... It doesn't take that long to read your posts. About the same amount of time it takes me to wipe my ass. Hmmmm, what an interesting analogy.

One more thing, I was just reading all the supportive posts concerning your return to the RX.....ROFLMFAO!!!!!!

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