He is an idiot and I would think much of the forum knows it. I even
believe he is an embarassment to many of the people that may
believe some of his nonsense. In my lifetime I have encountered
many idiots, please believe me. However, some of the garbage
thrown around by a few really stupid people on this forum far
exceeds even the slowest student I have ever encountered.
We have people that question the motives of scientists,
similar to the dark ages. We have people that make
unfounded and incredible statements, when proven wrong
they name call or change the subject. We have people that
tell us how strong they are and want to slap us around. One
moron was so pissed at me he called me every name he was
able to think of. They don't know how to use logic or how
to argue. When cornered with facts, they react. They are
so predictable it is almost hilarious. Don't allow him to get
under your skin, it is so easy to see the difference in IQ between
yourself and this moron.