The owners have no power. It would work in college sports. Sure as hell won't work in professional sports. The players the top tier stars dictate everything. Maybe one owner might take a stand. But in the end it's about money. An owner won't take that kind of stand if it means they'll lose out on a superstar athlete or subsequent teammates not playing for their said team and ultimately losing out on billions of revenue and marketing dollars. Can you imagine Jerry Jones or even Robert Kraft and say "my way or the highway", while they field a team of scrubs and empty stadiums?
Maybe hockey. Don't see it anywhere else.
I disagree, 3peet.
The owners need to make policy that pleases the fans. The fans spend the money that both the owners and players make.
You can never let the inmates run the asylum. That devolves into sure failure for all. That's what is beginning to happen here.
I still gamble on sports, play Fantasy Football etc. But I'm doing it without watching anything. What I do is all numbers and stats based anyway.
But I'm not gonna put up with these player shenanigans. That is true for a lot of people I know, most non-gamblers.
If the leagues can't control their players the whole thing stands a chance of imploding.
There are a ton of us who are tired of being called "racist".
There are a ton of us who want to be protected by the police and are tired of Mob's Blue Isis shit.
The benefit of the doubt should always go to the guys who protect, not the guys who are causing trouble for them. Mistakes are inevitable. But the guys who make them cannot be crucified or no policeman (woman) will do their job. You are witnessing that right now in many of our cities. Then what?
But there is no room for these discussions on our fields or courts.
Keep the sports clean of the cancer or the whole thing will implode.