I won my Steelers bet, but.........


The Block is Hot
Sep 21, 2004
LSU Pete,

I don't agree with you regarding the offensive pass interference. The rules right now already favor receivers way too much. With the way they've been calling illegal contact over the past couple years, I feel it's only fair to call it the same the other way.

I thought Seattle missed a big replay opportunity with the Darrell Jackson catch on the sideline. His second foot clearly hit the pile-on (spelling??) before landing out, and that should have been a TD.

The QB sneak was impossible to overturn, you have to go with the call on the field, but I agree I don't know how the ref saw enough to call it a TD.... but no way Cowher kicks a field goal and they score on 4th down anyway.

Overall you are correct the refs were total garbage, no difference from the rest of the playoffs. I'm glad we both won our 1H bets. Personally after watching football for 20 years I have come to the conclusion that something fishy is going on and maybe has been for a while. I'm not going to go as far as saying the games are fixed..... but all I know is Seattle looked like they didn't want to cover the 1H spread, and did everything possible not to. When I saw that I hammered Pitt for even more money in the 2H. Overall it's still fun to watch the great athletes and I won more money this year then ever before. So I look at it like finding out Santa Claus doesn't exist from an uncle who also gave you $20K to make it hurt a little less. Take the money and invest it in something.

Side note: I'm still trying to figure out why a walk on 10th string WR who's never played in a game in his career suddenly ends up on the field in the Rose Bowl for USC?? When I saw that I knew right then that my Trojans were going down and was forced to bet against them at halftime and start drinking heavily.

We are pawns in a greater game, all we can do is to make ourselves rich pawns.

GL Slammy

Sep 21, 2004
TheHardWay said:
Now I get this. I just noticed. You're from Cleveland. You have an inherited hard-on for Pittsburgh. Pitt has been beating the shit out of the browns since forever. They ran them out of Cleveland and they tried to hide by becoming the Ravens. Now they rise up from the ashes, surface in Clev again, and what happens? Pitt beats them like a red headed step-child all over again. You are excused, you can't help but hate Pitt.

Hey goofball, I could care less about the Browns. It's who covers fool. However, if the integrety of the game is compromised as evidenced on Sunday, well..................figure it out bubblehead.
Sep 20, 2004
You can't say for sure they would have scored on 4th down since they were stopped 3 times previously including going backwards. The way their offense was struggling to move the ball, they might have settled for the FG just to put points on the board.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Pete, I saw that horsecollar too, that was clearly the shoulder pads. You're the first one to mention it. You did omit the non-hold on Warrick's punt return and the non delay of game call when Big Ben called time out two seconds after the 30 expired, but then, I'm sure there's more and you made your point.

Another way to do it is to say the Refs were trying to balance it out with those two illegal motion calls on Pittsburgh.

What would the score have been if the Refs called a phontom hold on Pittsburgh's 79 yard run AND reverse pass for TD's?

I won money on the game too. I thought Pittsburgh was going to win by three touchdowns. But dammit, anytime you can win when your QB has a rating of 22, gain less yards than your opponent, and turn the ball over more than your opponent, God, or maybe the devil himself, has got to be on your side.

Fuck the NFL, less than 7 months until the real football season starts.

New member
Feb 6, 2006
Althouigh the refs did a horrible job, one thing that I can assure you of is that there is no way that the gamed was fixed.

The refs choked just like some players choke, that is big time football. The worst call that bothered me was the low block call on Hasslebeck. To make that call is proof that the refs did not have a clue. The least they could have done was acknowledged that they made a mistake and picked up the flag, but since all of them were clueless they let it stand.

I bet Pitt for the full game but bet Seattle for the second half because in my estimation Seatlle was taking it to Pitt all game. I just knew that the refs would get their asses chewed at half and things would be OK. Wrong .....it just got worse. I acually won a small amount but I am pissed too.

Best advise....FORGET ABOUT IT. It could affect your future capping, shit happens.

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