I won my Steelers bet, but.........


Sep 20, 2004
I won my 1st half bet...so I was only rooting for a close game......but, THAT game was poorly officiated.

I am left with one of three conclusions: either the game was rigged or the referees are truly influenced by the crowd and emotion of the game or they just happened to suck more than normal in one team's favor.

That said, how can the only two holding calls of the game follow Seattle completions that put them inside the 15?

How can you call the 1st Quarter TD back for OPI? You need to take at least half of the touchdowns that Randy Moss or TO have ever scored off the board if you take that one away.

Why wasn't Porter called for his OBVIOUS horse-collar tackle on Alexander.....which would have put Seattle on the 20 yard line with 1st down, instead of a 50-yard field goal attempt?

How does a quarterback get called for an illegal block when he is tackling an interceptor?

Did anybody else notice how far offsides the ROLB was on the phantom holding call in the fourth quarter?

How can you call the Rothlestberger phantom TD a score? Me and the other 25 guys I watched the game with were shocked, simply shocked. SHIT, if you're reviewing the play, at least review the official's reaction to the play. The official initially called that NO TD and was marking the ball....until Ben moved the ball across the goal line...after he was down.

I just cant believe that Tagliabue fixed this game, because I refuse to believe that my favorite game is that corrupt, but how do you explain this. Please, someone tell me how to fix the officiating problem in the NFL.

New member
Jan 15, 2006
LSUpete said:
I won my 1st half bet...so I was only rooting for a close game......but, THAT game was poorly officiated.

I am left with one of three conclusions: either the game was rigged or the referees are truly influenced by the crowd and emotion of the game or they just happened to suck more than normal in one team's favor.

That said, how can the only two holding calls of the game follow Seattle completions that put them inside the 15?

How can you call the 1st Quarter TD back for OPI? You need to take at least half of the touchdowns that Randy Moss or TO have ever scored off the board if you take that one away.

Why wasn't Porter called for his OBVIOUS horse-collar tackle on Alexander.....which would have put Seattle on the 20 yard line with 1st down, instead of a 50-yard field goal attempt?

How does a quarterback get called for an illegal block when he is tackling an interceptor?

Did anybody else notice how far offsides the ROLB was on the phantom holding call in the fourth quarter?

How can you call the Rothlestberger phantom TD a score? Me and the other 25 guys I watched the game with were shocked, simply shocked. SHIT, if you're reviewing the play, at least review the official's reaction to the play. The official initially called that NO TD and was marking the ball....until Ben moved the ball across the goal line...after he was down.

I just cant believe that Tagliabue fixed this game, because I refuse to believe that my favorite game is that corrupt, but how do you explain this. Please, someone tell me how to fix the officiating problem in the NFL.

While I agree there is a problem with NFL officiating that needs addressed.
I have NEVER seen a more aggregious call than the interception by Polamalu against the colts overturned by someone with an obvious "agenda". Far and away, much worse than any call I witnessed in this super bowl. Thay ref, should NEVER work another game, PERIOD!

Sep 20, 2004

I was just congradulating MFG on a good win....nothing else....No need to be an ass..

Please stop whinning the SB is over already...Contribute something of value.....Unreal.

This is not another site promotion area......
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Sep 20, 2004

Hey man...its a new year...so lets bury the hatchet already...Your here, I am here...and WE both been here for awhile now and have both contributed in our own ways...

I apologize for all any stupid comments or childish remarks made...and again, lets bury the hatchet..

GL to you in All your battles against the Man...and thanks for sharing with everyone your experience, knowledge, and capping ability, not to mention you time as well......Best of luck and Aloha as always, CC.

New member
Oct 9, 2004
Co Captain maybe I am missing something but his comments appear to be that he won and but thought the officals did a poor job. His comments appear correct. I wouldn't call any of your winners ez. Fortunate maybe but not easy. Was this just an attempt to promote your service? I don't get it.

On another note, did the network give Seattle no respect? What were there 6 Pittsburgh players holding the trophy during the game to only two Seattle players. The receptionist at work said she noticed that during the game. I noticed the same thing.

It was not one of the better moments for the NFL.

Siempre vive RX
Sep 20, 2004
Very well said, LSUPete.

Many questionable calls against Seattle all night. Could be coincidence, but in any event very sad that SB was decided by poor officiating as much as they play on the field. A team can overcome a bad call or two, but that many game-changing calls was a backbreaker.

Sep 20, 2004
Northern Star said:
Co Captain maybe I am missing something but his comments appear to be that he won and but thought the officals did a poor job. His comments appear correct. I wouldn't call any of your winners ez. Fortunate maybe but not easy. Was this just an attempt to promote your service? I don't get it.

On another note, did the network give Seattle no respect? What were there 6 Pittsburgh players holding the trophy during the game to only two Seattle players. The receptionist at work said she noticed that during the game. I noticed the same thing.

It was not one of the better moments for the NFL.

NS....this is regarding something else and not regarding his comments in this thread...and it is between me and LSU..and that is why you are getting confused...

As far as your opinion on whether the games was ez winners...well in my opinion it was...I had all the confidence in all those plays, especially Pitt which I played as soon as the line came out...But, it is my opinion...Not to mention that Steelers win by 8 pts over the spread...The Teaser Pitt wins with a 14 pt cushion and the Under w/ a 23 pt cushion...Pitt 2nd Hf ML win w/ a 7 pt cushion...Pitt team total over 2nd Hf wins with a 3.5 pt cushion....And my CBB play on the Over wins by 18 pts over....Pitt could of possibly won by more if not for the Int.....But this is my opinion...and you have the right to yours..

BTW...as far as an attempt to promote...well again, this was between me and LSU so dont read into things....Furthermore...these plays were given out to everyone in the sports forums...just like I have been doing for over 3 years now....Not to mention that FB is over..so what's there to promote?

Dont worry though...just ignore my post as I stated its between me and LSUpete.....Aloha CC.

New member
Oct 9, 2004
If there is something going on between you two I will stay out of it.

Good luck to both in the future.

New member
Feb 9, 2005
hey coco.... go jerk off on your own threads.

This is an OBVIOUS promotion of your service. Go choke your chicken in the site promotions forum, retard.

Sep 20, 2004
Co-Captain said:

Hey man...its a new year...so lets bury the hatchet already...Your here, I am here...and WE both been here for awhile now and have both contributed in our own ways...

I apologize for all any stupid comments or childish remarks made...and again, lets bury the hatchet..

GL to you in All your battles against the Man...and thanks for sharing with everyone your experience, knowledge, and capping ability, not to mention you time as well......Best of luck and Aloha as always, CC.

That is acceptable to me. I appreciate the attempt at harmony.

Good Luck with your capping during basketball season.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I am dumbfounded by the complaints about the officiating!!!!! The Hasselbeck block was ridiculous but every other call could have agone either way.....If these calls weren't made the Steelers fans would have been crying about the no calls.... I bet on Seattle so don't call me a Steeler homer...

The push off in the endzone was a definite push off... It may have been a ticking tack call but it was a good call.

The Roethlisberger TD.....If it wasn't in....it would have been marked a millimeter short and they would have scored the next play, because it was only 3rd down....

The holding calls.....You can call holding on every play if you want....The only complaint anyone could have here was that Pitt wasn;t called for any holding penalties... Like it or not the reason some plays turn into big plays is because of some illegal action.....

Pittsburgh was the better team and they deserved to win...

Sep 21, 2004
KMAN said:
I am dumbfounded by the complaints about the officiating!!!!! The Hasselbeck block was ridiculous but every other call could have agone either way.....If these calls weren't made the Steelers fans would have been crying about the no calls.... I bet on Seattle so don't call me a Steeler homer...

The push off in the endzone was a definite push off... It may have been a ticking tack call but it was a good call.

The Roethlisberger TD.....If it wasn't in....it would have been marked a millimeter short and they would have scored the next play, because it was only 3rd down....

The holding calls.....You can call holding on every play if you want....The only complaint anyone could have here was that Pitt wasn;t called for any holding penalties... Like it or not the reason some plays turn into big plays is because of some illegal action.....

Pittsburgh was the better team and they deserved to win...

you're an idiot

Jan 28, 2006
Football is entertainment and a business, they want a major feelgood story to run with and market their product with. The fact that Bettis wins his first superbowl in his hometown and then retires gives a great watercooler story and one that the media will be talking about for a long time. It was pure marketing strategy and a smart one at that. I'm not saying it was a big fix from the start of the season, the Colts were the leagues first choice. Manning is the nice boy nextdoor and they are a good team to represent the NFL. They tried to give them that game against the Steelers but it did not work. I believe at that point they made it an issue to make sure the Steelers won the superbowl. Or it is just a major conspiracy for me to lose all of my money. One or the other.

Bear Down!!!
Sep 21, 2005
KMAN said:
The Roethlisberger TD.....If it wasn't in....it would have been marked a millimeter short and they would have scored the next play, because it was only 3rd down....

Pretty sure that was 3rd down... The Bus had two tries and got denied before that. During the review I was wondering if they'd go for it on 4th down, and well, we know what happened.

Sep 21, 2004
TheHardWay said:
Why? Because his opinion differs from yours? Don't tell me, let me guess.
Voted for Bush, didn't you?

no, it's people like you who voted for Bush, just swallow the party line. this game was legit, right?

New member
Jan 15, 2006
Sal santorre said:
no, it's people like you who voted for Bush, just swallow the party line. this game was legit, right?

Listen Dickie
First, I didn't vote for Bush. Second, just because you dont agree with someone elses opinion, doesnt make them an idiot.

New member
Jan 15, 2006
Sal santorre said:
no, it's people like you who voted for Bush, just swallow the party line. this game was legit, right?

Now I get this. I just noticed. You're from Cleveland. You have an inherited hard-on for Pittsburgh. Pitt has been beating the shit out of the browns since forever. They ran them out of Cleveland and they tried to hide by becoming the Ravens. Now they rise up from the ashes, surface in Clev again, and what happens? Pitt beats them like a red headed step-child all over again. You are excused, you can't help but hate Pitt.

New member
Apr 10, 2005
KMAN said:
I am dumbfounded by the complaints about the officiating!!!!! The Hasselbeck block was ridiculous but every other call could have agone either way.....If these calls weren't made the Steelers fans would have been crying about the no calls.... I bet on Seattle so don't call me a Steeler homer...

The push off in the endzone was a definite push off... It may have been a ticking tack call but it was a good call.

The Roethlisberger TD.....If it wasn't in....it would have been marked a millimeter short and they would have scored the next play, because it was only 3rd down....

The holding calls.....You can call holding on every play if you want....The only complaint anyone could have here was that Pitt wasn;t called for any holding penalties... Like it or not the reason some plays turn into big plays is because of some illegal action.....

Pittsburgh was the better team and they deserved to win...


Sep 20, 2004
they didn't earn it? I didn't see the Seahawks bust out the longest TD run in Superbowl history.

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