can they sue us for telling the truth ? All of this was in the News
Damn. I wonder how I missed
New York News, I guess, is how.
All the news talks about out here is Constitutional Crisis, bringing down a President, crying babies at various Colleges and Si Se Puede stuff
but yeah...they can sue us, if we make a movie about them without their permission and its not based on established facts.
I Imagine he is
denying taking the waitress up there and fucking her.
Which would be, like, 7/10 of the plotline Theme that I personally had envisioned for this Movie
50 Shades with really great sandwiches
Has it been Legally Established in a Court of Law that he took the Waitress Upstairs and had Sex with Her?
If so then Definitely: GREEN LIGHT and firstly we'd wanna make The Set: Deli with an Apartment Upstairs and start auditioning Actresses, Hot Chicks that are Waitresses know.
That would be Our First Move. IMO anyways