I'm just done responding to you... I already dominated and owned you and you just avoided the thread... You will never just shut ur mouth... You got owned dude... Just get back on your knees and finish the job you started with all the guys you would love to blow here.
Also I could bump 100 of my threads where it says... i will not act like I am going to beat someone's ass because i probably won't so nice interpretation... You are a dog show.
Got owned? Whatever. Everytime you open your mouth you get owned around here. Hooping with Mr. Robinson. Look how that turned out. Proclaming the 19 year old has started 3-1. Look how that turned out. How about your nice little RR cry for help that when I read it has many people basically saying please leave like you said you would? Look how that turned out.
How about that thread when Skin called you out on how to use the word "there, their, and they're". Who got owned there?
Get the idea when you try and brag about whatever you have going on in your life, it turns into a thread about making fun of you. I think we know who eventually gets owned.
And you probably hate me the most, which is a first because my normal demeanor does not make me any enemies in real life, because I'm the only one that really responds and gets into these lame arguments with you. And I point out your flaw so then you have to defend them and you of course get angrier and angrier.
How do you type so fast with fat fingers? I know you're fat even though you eat like one meal a day cause you have some sort of disease.