I used to hoop with Laurent Robinson....

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Home Sweet Home
Jan 27, 2006
Stop acting like a pu$$y. Next thing you'll say is that I have an agenda. I have nothing against you personally. You seem like a nice enough guy. Naive and cocky, yes. Cold-hearted, no. I just call out people that say irrelevant bullshit to put themselves in the best possible light. Look at me, look at me..........

Actually I started this off saying how good of an athlete this guy was and saying how cool it was that I balled with him when I didn't even know he was a star. I never said look at me... People then proceeded to attack my story when we can hear about what Skins, Joey, and Dsethi are going to do next weekend and no one will charm in with we don't give a fuck... But I make a story and people do it... just a nice target on me for some reason.

Home Sweet Home
Jan 27, 2006
no not good for me.

you wore tube socks, wristbands, AND a headband. That is the gayest thing I have ever heard of in my entire life. If you were a starter MAYBE you could have gotten away with it. You weren't. You were a 3 point specialist. That makes you even more gay for wearing that shit.

Yeah sorry we didn't dress like you. I could say wearing a fucking turbin for a wedding is some gay ass shit. Nice opinion thanks for lending it... You are a dick head as usual so I am just getting used to it...

Do something else with your life besides thinking of new ways to bash me... Sorry my attire didn't suit you... Maybe next time I will ask for your opinion on what to wear before I wear it....

Home Sweet Home
Jan 27, 2006


that picture had nothing to do with this thread but it's great.
and quit your whining, no one attacks you just cause it's you, they attack you cause you wear headbands, wristbands, and tubesocks when you ride the pine on your basketball team.

Yeah man.. You attack my fashion whats next you going to attack my skin complexion. I am sorry, as I said, that i didn't dress like you wished... Grow the fuck up I mean I am one immature fuck... But yes you do attack me... if you don't think you do you have problems...

hey at least you get a few online laughs that must help you sleep at night...

Sep 21, 2004
Actually I started this off saying how good of an athlete this guy was and saying how cool it was that I balled with him when I didn't even know he was a star. I never said look at me... People then proceeded to attack my story when we can hear about what Skins, Joey, and Dsethi are going to do next weekend and no one will charm in with we don't give a fuck... But I make a story and people do it... just a nice target on me for some reason.
Maybe you will mature with age. Since you're 19, maybe you still care about things like little league, college dreams that didn't come true, high school athletics.......that's okay. Most of us have lived the glory days, moved on, don't think about them, don't care about them, don't care about anyone else's glory days. You get the picture. You have a little bit of gyno in you. Nice enough guy, but just blend in. People will like you because you are a nice guy. Not because of how good of a capper you are or how good of an athlete you were.

Home Sweet Home
Jan 27, 2006
Maybe you will mature with age. Since you're 19, maybe you still care about things like little league, college dreams that didn't come true, high school athletics.......that's okay. Most of us have lived the glory days, moved on, don't think about them, don't care about them, don't care about anyone else's glory days. You get the picture. You have a little bit of gyno in you. Nice enough guy, but just blend in. People will like you because you are a nice guy. Not because of how good of a capper you are or how good of an athlete you were.

I'm sorry... so people hold a grudge against me because I am still living the glory days and my stories don't consist of fucking strippers, ripping off sports books, or cheating on my wife...

My stories consist of things I do in college and things I did three years ago in high school... So people have a problem with me because I am enjoying my youth and they are to busy worrying about every little thing in life, while i haven't hit the point of my life where I have worries.

Home Sweet Home
Jan 27, 2006
you perceive every disagreement or comment made in jest directed towards you as "attacking" you. I told you numerous times i don't have an issue with you really, but you're a fucking baby on this site.
Attacking your skin complexion? the fuck are u talking about?
I didn't wish you dressed any way, I just thought it was blatantly homosexual and hilarious that you wore tube socks, wrist bands and a headband as a 3 point specialist. So sue me. Looks like some others thought it was funny too. Stop crying and learn how to laugh at yourself sometimes.

I laugh at myself on here all the time... But it gets old when everything I say is examined by about 10 posters... in which they all find something wrong with it and critique it... I mean that shit gets really old... everyone of my threads is ripped and hijacked... Even if it caused no harm to anyone and wasn't ripping anyone...

if you can't see that then you must be blind. I have a good sense of humor and things can be funny, but it gets old when everything is turned into a how gay or young or stupid are you... that shit gets old

Sep 21, 2004
Exactly, Dsethi. Stop with the insecurities, themanej.

Buried Alive after week 2 of the NFL
May 12, 2006
Why stop with tube socks and headbands? You know his ass wore a Iverson sleeve and was a part of the "tights" fad...hahaha. (dont take it serious manej, relax. You've left yourself wide open.)

Sep 21, 2004
I laugh at myself on here all the time... But it gets old when everything I say is examined by about 10 posters... in which they all find something wrong with it and critique it... I mean that shit gets really old... everyone of my threads is ripped and hijacked... Even if it caused no harm to anyone and wasn't ripping anyone...

if you can't see that then you must be blind. I have a good sense of humor and things can be funny, but it gets old when everything is turned into a how gay or young or stupid are you... that shit gets old
Dude, you started a thread about playing ball with a NFL player, and you turned it into talking how good you were in high school. Leave it at rec center, tell a funny story, etc. Don't use it as an opportunity to broadcast how good you were, which may or may not be true, and is irrelevant anyway. Attention whores take every opportunity to elevate themselves. Stop being an attention whore, and you will be cool. No grudges here.

Home Sweet Home
Jan 27, 2006
Dude, you started a thread about playing ball with a NFL player, and you turned it into talking how good you were in high school. Leave it at rec center, tell a funny story, etc. Don't use it as an opportunity to broadcast how good you were, which may or may not be true, and is irrelevant anyway. Attention whores take every opportunity to elevate themselves. Stop being an attention whore, and you will be cool. No grudges here.

You could not have been reading the same thread... NOT ONCE did I start saying how good I was... I didn't create the thread to say that... People came in to rip the story for a reason I still don't know and then this was said...

There's no way the dude in that pic floating around the RX that's supposed to be themanej can hoop.

I'd love to punch on themanej just for the funk of it!


In which I replied with

And I played three years of Varsity Basketball at my high school who is in the same conference as Proviso East. Although I am not a great driver because I am kind of short, I was the sixth man on the team and I was the shooter on the squad. And I played decent defense. I am far from amazing but I thought it was crazy that he got drafted and I didn't even know he was that good....

So not once did I say how great I was... I defended myself against another post... Fuck it this thread is a waste of my time... Whenever I defend myself I'm being a bitch to... haha life couldn't get funnier

Old School
Nov 8, 2006
Guys leave the guy alone. Sincerely its getting to the point where its too much. He told a story. It didnt go over well. I personally didnt give a fuck about skins girl peeing all over the bed but I didnt fuck with him all day and night.

A jab here or there but enough. Nothing worse than bullies

Sep 21, 2004
You could not have been reading the same thread... NOT ONCE did I start saying how good I was... I didn't create the thread to say that... People came in to rip the story for a reason I still don't know and then this was said...

There's no way the dude in that pic floating around the RX that's supposed to be themanej can hoop.

I'd love to punch on themanej just for the funk of it!


In which I replied with

And I played three years of Varsity Basketball at my high school who is in the same conference as Proviso East. Although I am not a great driver because I am kind of short, I was the sixth man on the team and I was the shooter on the squad. And I played decent defense. I am far from amazing but I thought it was crazy that he got drafted and I didn't even know he was that good....

So not once did I say how great I was... I defended myself against another post... Fuck it this thread is a waste of my time... Whenever I defend myself I'm being a bitch to... haha life couldn't get funnier
If you ever want to have a 3 point contest for money, let me know. :thumbsup:

Sep 21, 2004
I personally have no problem with EJ, and I already said that in this thread. He just needs to quit being an attention whore, and quit being so sensitive. Skins, Dsethi, myself, and pretty much everyone on here call each other homos and joke around all the time. EJ will blend in when he learns to trade jabs and have fun. Most people on here don't take most of the threads very seriously.

Home Sweet Home
Jan 27, 2006
If you ever want to have a 3 point contest for money, let me know. :thumbsup:

Lets do it one day... Maybe if I ever go to a Bash... not looking like it now but you never know...

That would be sweet...

I was a decent practice shooter... IDK if I can say this without being called arrogant...

I have participated in a few of them... One in middle school but I was young came in second...

My high school one i came in second but probably should have won... My last shot didn't count because they said it came after the buzzer but I debate it to this day haha...

If I am on I am pretty sick... if I am off I struggle to get into it...

Hit like 45% in high school in my three years or something... Thought I was approaching a school record and joked with my coach one day... he laughed and said yeah only 15% away... this kid apparently made like 60 of 100 the year before I got there haha... I was like shit I suck (in his career by the way not one year.)

That was all I could ever beat my teammates at was three point contest's so we had them a lot in practice

Old School
Nov 8, 2006
You can bring it with some but you guys obviously have manej rattled(if you cant tell) Going on with it is just trying to bury the kid.Thats bullying in my book.

Also nice of the mods to keep this in the offshore instead of moving it to rubber room but god forbid Desthi ask for 100 buck transfer on tilt.

Old School
Nov 8, 2006
I personally have no problem with EJ, and I already said that in this thread. He just needs to quit being an attention whore, and quit being so sensitive. Skins, Dsethi, myself, and pretty much everyone on here call each other homos and joke around all the time. EJ will blend in when he learns to trade jabs and have fun. Most people on here don't take most of the threads very seriously.

Agreed. Those Brown Brothers of goo can bring it with me whenever but I just felt Manej has had enough here.

Sep 21, 2004
Lets do it one day... Maybe if I ever go to a Bash... not looking like it now but you never know...

That would be sweet...

I was a decent practice shooter... IDK if I can say this without being called arrogant...

I have participated in a few of them... One in middle school but I was young came in second...

My high school one i came in second but probably should have won... My last shot didn't count because they said it came after the buzzer but I debate it to this day haha...

If I am on I am pretty sick... if I am off I struggle to get into it...

Hit like 45% in high school in my three years or something... Thought I was approaching a school record and joked with my coach one day... he laughed and said yeah only 15% away... this kid apparently made like 60 of 100 the year before I got there haha... I was like shit I suck (in his career by the way not one year.)

That was all I could ever beat my teammates at was three point contest's so we had them a lot in practice
How far did you go in the Country Companies shootout?
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