I Think I've Been Scammed! Please Help...


Retired; APRIL 2014 Thank You Gambling
Sep 20, 2004
good luck Lugar,,,
Hey,,, what sports do you like??? are you betting at all??? even small monies???

Bases is about to get started,,,

Hey,,, the more you post and interact,,, the more you will learn,,,

good luck

New member
Sep 21, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> ....as well as contacting major newspapers for an expose on what happened to me.... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

We too are ready and willing to publish this story on our site. In fact we can even market your story to be found when people search for "Wayn Root"

I can't imagine they would like to see a an article exposing them for who they are listed right under their site at Google.

Please keep us all informed.

Good Luck!

Retired; APRIL 2014 Thank You Gambling
Sep 20, 2004
TOP 10,,, YOUR A CLASS ACT,,,thats really a stand up thing to do,,,,,

all thebest,,,

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Top 10, I agree with Tatehill2000. Thank you for the offer. I gave GWIN until April 1st before disclosing what happened to me with details to the world.

Thanks again.

I am sorry for using the "R" word - and NOTHING EL
Oct 21, 1999
agree here with others - contact the media - this makes a GREAT story - and once root gets wind of it - he will back down ASAP (or at least - should). the massive amount of negative publicity he would get would be infinite times the amount you are asking for. he would lose so many future customers and when word got out how much he sucked at picking games - he would then be forced to spin this so many ways it would drive him batty. as mnay people as there are who loathe this "man" finding media to help you out here won't be hard to do. for the longest amount of time rumors have been floating about root wanting to run for some political office - be it mayor of vegas or governor or senator of the state. this would put an end to any chances he would have of winning any election.

go after this loser and go after him hard. DO NOT let him bully you around. he might talk tough - but i have found people who talk tough back down the second someone talks tough TO THEM!


New member
Sep 21, 2004
The guys are correct inthe sense that it is likely within the law (as the laws are very cloudy in this field) but it was TOTALLY unethical.
Here is what I personally would do at this point. I would contact my credit card company and tell them that you were defrauded. Don' t go into any heavy details - just tell them that you are not paying the account in full. If you owe $15,000 on the card now ,tell them they will get $3,000 max (or whatever you are comfortable with). You tell them that you will be pursuing this in court with the offending parties but this sudden credit card bill will put you into bankruptcy - and they will get ZERO from you if that happens. Inform them that something is better than nothing and they best not get involved with this lawsuit as they too may become implicated.
I think you may find that they will write off much of the debt (just my experience with the credit industry on behalf of some clients)
Good luck either way


New member
Sep 21, 2004
THIS POST JUSTIFIES ALL CAPS, but I'll refrain!!!!!!

B4 I give you boys the good news I want to thank all of you for your input and for supporting me during this difficult time in my life.

My last post was informing you that I had faxed Root a letter informing him that if my CC was not credited by April 1st I would be notifying the authorities. Well, I had not heard from them. I received a new CC in the mail yesterday because I cancelled the card I used when signing up with Root. So the new card had to be activated. I called the 800 #, activated the card, and then I heard this voice in my head say, "call their customer service department and see if the CC had been credited."

I called... Automated messages... Navigated to the automated portion for my balance, "YOU HAVE ZERO BALANCE." What?!?!? Too good to be true... Pressed zero, operator... I asked them if they had received any credits to my card in the last week? The operator said, "I don't see any credit made to your account, but my records show that you have a zero balance." I asked her how could I have a zero balance?" She said, "there's no details but there was a credit." I'M FREAKING OUT! I said, "Are you sure!" "Are you positive!" "Yes sir," she said.

So sometime between the 21st and yesterday Root called my CC company and credited my card!!!!! I'm so happy!! I cannot believe it!!! I was prepared to go to battle, but it looks like I {David) has won against Root (Goliath). Chalk one up for the little guy.

Now, what should I do? I got my money back, but what about the next guy who calls Root and gets sucked in? I can't go to the authorities now after they gave my money back. I'm open for suggestions.

Thanks again for everything. Now can you help me win some money? Since the 28th of February I'm down 25 units :-( Still have 25 units left so I'm still in the game, but on a TERRIBLE losing streak.

Retired; APRIL 2014 Thank You Gambling
Sep 20, 2004
As much as I hate to say it,,,, He did keep his end up,,,, I would champion the cause anytime a Newbie comes around,,,, and tell them your story,,,, I have been on this site for over 2 years now,,,, sooooo there have been a hundred Lugars come through here,,, and 99% of them Lose,,,,,
you won,,,
my advice,,,,
keep asking questions,,,, there are a few Legitimate services out there,,,, there are more that arent,,,,
go to the forum of the sport you like,,then Interact,,, ask questions,,,, watch the live lines,,,, geta a FEEL as to how games move when there is SMART money ona game,, and when its CHASEING STUPID MONEY,,,, ahhah,hah you will see the difference,,,

then bet very small and very carefully,,,, if this is a hobby you want to pursue,,,,
1-2% of yoru bankroll,,, if you have a thousand dollar BR,,then make 10-20 dollar bets,,,, its not glamerous,,, but it will keep you from making any HUGE stupid mistakes,,

good luck,,


New member
Sep 21, 2004
And if you like Horses, there are a few of us that do well in that room. I cover Harness and Mazeltrick is strong on the thoroughbreds. (Cerveza as well)

Check it out.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Like i have said before they are like drug dalers, they sell but do not use, do not use your handicap man, i lost my legs in Nam and would never ask for my money back for being dumb enogh to gamble, no offence to anyone but we alll know there are no saints in this business. Especially me.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I'm sorry, but you almost put you and your family in financial ruin by using a sports advising service -- and the are shocked that they aren't the most reputable people in the world. How about do a little bit of research before investing a lot of money in someone's word?

And now, by pure luck you get money credited back to your account (which, in all honesty I don't think it shoudl have been) -- and you turn around and ask if some people can help you win some money gambling?

Good lord, the stupidity and recklessness of people never ceases to amaze me.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Well.... I am glad to see that your situation has been resolved.

Although, I think you should slow down! Any good capper here, including myself, would NEVER recomend a bet of more than 1-3% of your bankroll.

If you want more specific information on money management, don't be affraid to ask!

But by all means, please do not go thinking that gambling is a guaranteed path to riches.

Though.... It is your money.... And you are not the first, nor last person with a gambling problem.... So all I can say is - Be safe, take your time, and have fun!

Good luck to you

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Top10> Thanks for the advise. I'm applying everything you've suggested to the way I wager. Before I called Root I was applying a STRICT MM strategy, but after I called them it was like I lost my mind. I know everyone is responsible for their own actions, but my actions were swayed by a fancy sales pitch, false promises, and guarantees their company couldn't make. At the time, I didn't know any better. I was new to sports betting, and made a mistake.

I am very embarrassed that I got caught up in the moment, but thankful I found this group which helped cement my suspicion that this was a scam.

BTW, "Sound of Silence" thanks for the flame-job. Your rude comments were exactly what I was afraid of before I posted. Fortunately, everyone else who posted to my topic had more integrity and tact than you. I will never understand people like you who seem to get a boner from kicking a guy when they are already down. I have a suggestion, maybe you should abide by your moniker and keep silent or at least consider the persons feelings before posting your verbal diarrhea. "Stupidity and recklessness," I was reckless yes, but I'm not stupid. It's posts like yours which taint forums like this and make people like me not want to share my thoughts for fear some lame-brain such as yourself is going to take their frustrations out on us.

Thanks for the words of encouragement you pretentious piece of bovine excrement.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I see no need for me to give any kind of encouragement to someone who believes there are any kind of guarantees in sports gambling, and then after getting totally bailed out wants to dive back into it and is soliciting advice for "helping me win back some money".


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Luger - I would be careful approaching this from a high-visibility stance. It could land you in some trouble AND it puts another arrow in the DOJs quiver as they fight to make online "gaming" illegal. You might actually hurt the industry and yourself. Just a friendly FYI. Keep negotiaiting. Patience has always paid off for me.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
It's been a while since I posted, but I need anyone's help who is willing. Please go back from the beginning of my post and I'll update you on my situation.

On May 25th, I was notified that I was now responsible for the charges with Root because I authorized them. Back in March when I thought this whole nightmare was over with Root the credit card company was reviewing a dispute I filed with them disputing the charges with Root which was why my credit card balance had a zero balance. Even though their customer service department told me over the phone, on three separate occasions, the merchant [Root] had credited my card they said the zero balance was due to the charges being disputed by me.

Shocked, I called the CC company and they apologized if I felt this mislead me in anyway but I owed them the money.

I called Root and asked them if they credited my credit card and they said, "why would we do that, all sales are final." I did not argue, and wrote several letters to Root asking a credit. They did not reply to any of my correspondences.

I contacted a lawyer, who sent letters to both my CC company and Root, but neither company contacted him.

In June, while I was still trying to get my money back from Root, I developed a pressure sore which has required me to be in bed for the last three months, including a three month hospital stay.

I still feel like I was taken advantage of by Root. I've had no income for the last three months and my lawyer is suggesting bankruptcy, but I still feel I was wronged by Root so I'm wondering if any of you have suggestions on how I can get a credit from him?

I'm looking for others with a similar experience who found a way to obtain their money. I still remember the night I agreed to their offer seems like yesterday. A one-hour phone conversation I'll regret for the rest of my life. The infamous words uttered by Roots sales team, "financial guarantee," "money management." "proven system," and "an investment" [not only an "investment, but the "best investment I'll ever make." At least three sales people used this statement. Oh, and if you come out to Vegas "I'll push you around in your wheelchair, and we'll smoke a cigar together." This was told to me after I pleaded for my money, telling them this was the biggest mistake I ever made and lost $1,000 I had won over the last 12 months using their picks. "Just stick with it," they told me. Yeah, till I am bankrupt, which I'm on the verge of anyway due to them.

I wish I would of found this site before I ever got into this mess. I feel so stupid. I must have told the sales guy no 10 times before an hour of smooth talk saying yes. If I could only turn back time, and use my usual good judgement.

Thanks and good luck on the football season. FYI: I haven't made a bet in 5 months and for the naysayers who think I contacted Root out of despiration or because I had lost money gambling this was not the case. I had just dabbled in sports waggering and had limited exposure to the reality of the whole gambling scene.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
A point to note, I just read on winningedge.com that Root is going to be on John McEnroe's new talk show on Thur, September 16th, and Dennis Miller's show next Friday. I wonder if McEnroe or Miller would be interested in hearing how Root's sales team sold me their service?

Do any of you think Root knows the sales people are using high-pressure and unscrupulous sales tactics to sell his service?

I can't imagine I'm the only person who called his service for a free pick and ended up being convinced his picks were worth thousands of dollars.

I thought of this 1,000 times, and even though what he is doing may be legal there are moral issues at hand as well as fair and ethical business practices to consider. How is a telemarketer calling someone and selling something they cannot guarantee any different than Root selling a service he can't guarantee, but their entire sales pitch is based on something they cannot guarantee but they propose it as though there's a guarantee if you just follow what they say? I'm not a lawyer, but isn't this type of business practice illegal?

Root seems to be so proud of having the "Worlds best handicapping site," and being a great handicapper and businessman but his business is predicated upon getting as much money from zealous people contacting him for sports information. Information we all know he cannot guarantee, but his sales people say winningedge.com can.

Another thing is they sell you this service as an investment and then if you buy what they have to sell they play a recorded contract, which states something to the effect that the information is for "entertainment purposes only."

Oh, the sales people tell you they bet the same games they give their clients, and for supposedly thousands of dollars. I wish I knew if they were betting thousands themselves. A former employee of Root's says that was an outright lie, but who knows maybe he was a disgruntled employee and lying.

Thanks for listening.

Part Bionic and Organic
Feb 21, 2003
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Luger9mm:
I think I've been scammed by GWIN [Wayne Alynn Root's Co.]. I'm new to gambling on sports and this forum so please don't flame me too bad. I know I've made a big mistake so no need to demoralize me.

I signed up for service with GWIN. Was with them a few days, asked them to credit my credit card, they told me to stick with them, "trust them," we'll have your credit card paid off by the weekend," and "guaranteed" me 68%.

I've broken off ties with them, their accounting department was supposed to call me, no call. I'm working with a lawyer but I could really use any input you have regarding getting my money back.

How can they get away with telling people their service is "the best investment you'll ever make" when the service is sports information? They had me TOTALLY convinced they were legit. I'm so embarrased!

The worse part of it is I had a diving accident which has rendered me to a wheelchair. I mentioned to them that the relationship with them was more stressful than my handicap. Two days later they up-sold me saying, "because of your situation [my handicap] we're offering you a discounted rate on our service through 2004! They played on my emotions! How unscrupulous!

I told them from the beginning that I was a small player but they said they would build my bankroll up to $16,000 if I just used "self-disapline" and "money management." I went 3-15-1 following this strategy and loss all my money and had to borrow money to pay my losses.

I'm working with the credit card company's lawyers but I could REALLY use your input. There's got to be some law against what has happened to me.

Thanks in advance. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I had a problem with some offshore casino. they took over 5000 dollars from my bank account using my debit card. My credit union simply charged back the charges to VISA who in turn charged the casino and my money was back. I withdrew that money and closed the account.

Once you give your personal bank account to offshore creeps, you are open to huge losses!!!

I can't believe ppl trust offshore gambling ops with so much money.
My point in all this is why doesnt Visa just charge back the money to GWIN?

Its a routine thing. good luck to ya.

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