Nice game for Cam and the 5-2 Panthers
Newton’s command performance against the Baltimore Ravens pushed the Carolina Panthers to 5-2 and provided an opportunity to appreciate a player who has grown underappreciated. In a 36-21 victory, Newton threw for 219 yards, two touchdowns and no interceptions, adding another score on the ground, recording 52 rushing yards on 10 carries. The Panthers are a contender in the NFC, and Newton is perhaps as essential to their success as he’s ever been, still in his prime, still as dominant as ever.
Despite his success, Newton has faded from the forefront of NFL consciousness. When lists of the NFL’s elite quarterbacks get compiled, Newton’s name isn’t on them. He doesn’t have the slick precision of Aaron Rodgers, the age-defying brilliance of Tom Brady or the incandescent arrival of Patrick Mahomes. His passing numbers, in a league governed by mind-warping passing numbers, do not stand out. His team isn’t undefeated, he didn’t just sign a monster contract and he’s not returning from a major injury. There’s nothing new at this point about Newton. Everyone has a case of Cam Fatigue.