I never thought Id say this but...


May 27, 2007
news to me that Enfuego is theRx resident muslim...

I have spent several years in the Middle East yes, but I am not a Muslim nor do I condone the acts of radical terrorists. If you knew what I did for a living, you'd understand I'm the furthest thing from a man that justifies the act of a terrorist. That's not what I was doing in this thread.

May 27, 2007
Fair enough. But you know who might have a clue? Fatih Terim (Turkey's manager) --- born in Turkey, played for the national team 51 times (35 times as the team captain).

He thought the whistling/jeering was inappropriate --- but who knows, maybe he doesn't understand Muslim/Turkish culture.

And you sir make a good point but was the manager upset at the interference with the moment of silence or what they were saying? I think it's the disruption of the observance.
Oct 26, 2003
Donald Trump in 2011

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/fWzDAvemJG8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>

A very, very small part of me wants to see what this POS would do in a crisis....but then I woke up and slapped myself silly....

New member
Sep 21, 2004
And you sir make a good point but was the manager upset at the interference with the moment of silence or what they were saying? I think it's the disruption of the observance.

I'll give you that --- whether intentional or not, Terim's statement does provide some wiggle-room. He criticized the behavior of fans, without *directly* wading into the terror/Islam/Allahu debate.

Who knows, maybe Terim has the savvy & diplomacy to enter politics?
Sep 21, 2004
A very, very small part of me wants to see what this POS would do in a crisis....but then I woke up and slapped myself silly....

That's what I think about Obama.


Nov 4, 2009
The cited rabbi offered this wisdom within close proximity of Roman soldiers nailing him to a wooden cross to die from dehydration, an act some might suggest leans towards barbaric.

So yes, it's useful counsel for 10th graders and equally useful for grownups, provided one can lift oneself above the emotions of vengance & hatred.

As Christ demonstrated, in 'the end' what humans refer to as death is only an illusion. So for those of similar enlightenment there's nothing that ISIS or even state-sponsored soldiers can do that is all that scary

A possible exception to the "nothing that ISIS or even state-sponsored soldiers can do that is all that scary" might be causing a Mother to lie dying writhing in pain with the vision of her 6 year old daughter's eyes and the remembrance of her tiny heartbeat the first time she felt it beat within her the feel of her skin the sound of her laughter which was a sound most precious to her in all the world the last thing she hears as her Life ends.

You expect this daughter to live her life free of hatred because of some words in a Book that you have no idea is an accurate representation of what happened or not. A Book which also says that same rabbi supposedly declared "I am THE Way to The Father" when what he really said was "I am A Way to..... "

"Transcendence" is the closest word to the Essene Term he used....pronounced "A-Vee-ock"...with the "Vee" part pronounced more like: "fee" with a sorta "f" sound on top of the strong "v" sound.

Who did changing that from "A Way" to "The Way" serve?

It served only Man....particular greedy & power hungry Men, that is.

That rabbi...and no true rabbi for that matter would ever make a declaration that would seal the fate of mankind to misery, war and inescapable suffering which is the only place declaring a "monopoly" on the road (and thus declaring all other routes to be invalid) to heaven could lead to....with the attributed statement "I am The Way blah blah blah".

"I am a way....." thats rabbi-speak. Suggesting we present our sisters & daughters up to them for their further slaughter so their own daughters too can grow up without their Mothers i.e. "turning the other cheek" may be a Noble seeming approach to you because of words that men have written to lead you to relinquish control of your Life to them, brainwashing you with the delusion that to not strike back is gonna please some invisible dude in the sky & make you more pious but the pain of losing a child never ever goes away. And a child that loses her mother is forever changed, overwhelmingly not for the better.

You'd have us lay down for these Barbarians, allow them to trample over us give us a death you suspect is "not real" totally and completely because you feel like you know some stuff based upon words you've read in a book.

Or what Men have led you to believe.

The very Barbarians themselves have arrived where they have because of words in a book as well....and what Men have told them to believe...about what "God" wants.

If you continue to insist that we lay down for them, let them kill innocent people as much as they desire and that the world's response to this should be to "turn the other cheek" I'm going to start addressing you as Afkar Al Abalah and suggest you change your legal name to Afkar Al Abalah.

Sep 21, 2004
Taken from a great post in the hellhole of the Polly Forum by Scott L.


As an ordinary British Muslim, here's what I plan to do to tackle Isis

Apparently, I have some form of responsibility to actively do something to tackle terrorism – who knew?


People show posters reading 'No to terrorists' and 'Islam is not terrorism' during a demonstration, called by the IBN Battuta Foundation on behalf of the Muslim community LLUIS GENE/AFP/Getty Images

When the news of the Paris attacks reached me, like most, I was shocked. But then came the moment that I had been dreading. Isis took responsibility for the atrocities, and used Islam – my religion - as justification for their actions.

Cue every Muslim in the world being suddenly connected to a crime that has nothing to do with us, being forced to make statements, whether to friends and colleagues or on social media about their thoughts and opinions of the attacks and having to prove that their faith wasn’t evil despite others using it to reap horror.

I tweeted my condolences and sympathy very early on Saturday and on the whole the response I got was heart-warming. It was amazing to see the world collectively pulling together to show their support for Paris, but as soon as Isis took responsibility, the tone shifted slightly. Someone almost instantly tweeted me asking what I, as a Muslim in the UK, was doing to tackle the problem of Islamic State (albeit in much harsher words).

I was initially dumbfounded by the premise. Apparently, I have some form of responsibility to actively do something to tackle Isis – who knew? I have to say, Isis is an organisation I have very little in common with, and don’t really encounter in my day-to-day life, so I’m not really sure where to start. Like the majority of the 2.7 million Muslims in the UK, Isis doesn’t really affect me, so I’m at a loss as to how to tackle it.

Collectively Muslim organisations are going out of their way to condemn the attacks and distance themselves from the group, just in case anyone was under the impression that they implicitly supported it.

The Muslim Council of Britain released a statement saying “there is nothing Islamic about such people [Isis terrorists] and their actions are evil, and outside the boundaries set by our faith.” This statement sums up the sentiments of 99.99% of Muslims in the UK. The community has also been working with the government to prevent radicalisation, and imams around the country came together to show their united defiance against Isis in a YouTube video.

These are steps the community as a whole are taking - but apparently that’s not enough. British Muslims are being incredibly vocal about denouncing Isis in their groups, but people expect individual Muslims to do more.

For some, making it clear you don’t agree with the attackers, you hold nothing in common with them and that you have nothing against the society you live in doesn’t quite cut it. But what more can realistically be done by a “normal” Muslim?

The answer is fairly straightforward: just live your life. Isis has a very simple strategy. They want to split the world into two camps, Muslims and non-Muslims. They want the world to fear them and for societies in the west to turn against the Muslims that live amongst them.

Once that happens and Muslims are vilified and treated as an enemy, Isis lives in the hope that Muslims will have nowhere to go but into their arms.

Continuing with your daily routine, living your life in the West, supporting freedom, liberty and democracy is battling Isis. Being a law-abiding citizen who contributes to the wider community is exactly what Isis doesn’t want.
And you know what? Most British Muslims are doing that already. You don’t need to scream and shout to fight extremist ideology; you can set an example by refusing to be swayed by hatred. For Isis, that’s scary enough.

Oct 12, 2008
[h=1]Paris attacks: Husband pays touching tribute to 'love of his life' in defiant message to attackers[/h]

“Friday night, you took an exceptional life - the love of my life, the mother of my son - but you will not have my hatred. I don't know who you are and I don't want to know, you are dead souls. If this God, for whom you kill blindly, made us in his image, every bullet in the body of my wife would have been one more wound in his heart.
So, no, I will not grant you the gift of my hatred. You're asking for it, but responding to hatred with anger is falling victim to the same ignorance that has made you what you are. You want me to be scared, to view my countrymen with mistrust, to sacrifice my liberty for my security. You lost.
I saw her this morning. Finally, after nights and days of waiting. She was just as beautiful as when she left on Friday night, just as beautiful as when I fell hopelessly in love over 12 years ago. Of course I am devastated by this pain, I give you this little victory, but the pain will be short-lived. I know that she will be with us every day and that we will find ourselves again in this paradise of free love to which you have no access.
We are just two, my son and me, but we are stronger than all the armies in the world. I don't have any more time to devote to you, I have to join Melvil who is waking up from his nap. He is barely 17-months-old. He will eat his meals as usual, and then we are going to play as usual, and for his whole life this little boy will threaten you by being happy and free. Because no, you will not have his hatred either.”

May 27, 2007
Paris attacks: Husband pays touching tribute to 'love of his life' in defiant message to attackers

“Friday night, you took an exceptional life - the love of my life, the mother of my son - but you will not have my hatred. I don't know who you are and I don't want to know, you are dead souls. If this God, for whom you kill blindly, made us in his image, every bullet in the body of my wife would have been one more wound in his heart.
So, no, I will not grant you the gift of my hatred. You're asking for it, but responding to hatred with anger is falling victim to the same ignorance that has made you what you are. You want me to be scared, to view my countrymen with mistrust, to sacrifice my liberty for my security. You lost.
I saw her this morning. Finally, after nights and days of waiting. She was just as beautiful as when she left on Friday night, just as beautiful as when I fell hopelessly in love over 12 years ago. Of course I am devastated by this pain, I give you this little victory, but the pain will be short-lived. I know that she will be with us every day and that we will find ourselves again in this paradise of free love to which you have no access.
We are just two, my son and me, but we are stronger than all the armies in the world. I don't have any more time to devote to you, I have to join Melvil who is waking up from his nap. He is barely 17-months-old. He will eat his meals as usual, and then we are going to play as usual, and for his whole life this little boy will threaten you by being happy and free. Because no, you will not have his hatred either.”

But this is the issue with the French. Yes guy, get angry please. Get mad at the innocent loss of life of your wife and do something about it. All of you rise up and act like the first world country you're supposed to be.

Oct 12, 2008
to make peace between ears following the devastating loss of his wife and to raise a son not ever to know who mom was he's chosen Jesus Christ's path. His choice.

as for France, the country's reaction post-attack ? .......................Mr Hollande has declared war :)

May 27, 2007
to make peace between ears following the devastating loss of his wife and to raise a son not ever to know who mom was he's chosen Jesus Christ's path. His choice.

as for France, the country's reaction post-attack ? .......................Mr Hollande has declared war :)

Mr. Hollande's Opus declaring war is the equivalent of a physical game of hoops down at the YMCA

Oct 12, 2008
glad you think so. That was cute btw

Oct 12, 2008

'step aside Jesus Christ, we have some work to do. You'll likely be needed in the infirmary, stay near.............'

May 27, 2007
glad you think so. That was cute btw

Not think, I know.

Sat in Afghanistan a total of 18 months. When I would leave the gates on a convoy, the French were sitting in the restaurant smoking. Said their country prohibited them from leaving the compound.

Oct 12, 2008
okay , you KNOW

thank you

Dec 21, 2008
"Whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also."

Reasonable advice for a 10th-grade cafeteria scuffle. Not always practical when it comes to foreign policy.

Sooner or later, somebody needs to save the philosophers from the barbarians.


The Funk Monkey gets it. Another sharp post. Being an idealistic pacifist is all fun and games until your wife dies shot in a Paris restaurant while dining with coworkers.

Jan 16, 2010
"Whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also."

Reasonable advice for a 10th-grade cafeteria scuffle. Not always practical when it comes to foreign policy.

Sooner or later, somebody needs to save the philosophers from the barbarians.

A possible exception to the "nothing that ISIS or even state-sponsored soldiers can do that is all that scary" might be causing a Mother to lie dying writhing in pain with the vision of her 6 year old daughter's eyes and the remembrance of her tiny heartbeat the first time she felt it beat within her the feel of her skin the sound of her laughter which was a sound most precious to her in all the world the last thing she hears as her Life ends.

You expect this daughter to live her life free of hatred because of some words in a Book that you have no idea is an accurate representation of what happened or not. A Book which also says that same rabbi supposedly declared "I am THE Way to The Father" when what he really said was "I am A Way to..... "

"Transcendence" is the closest word to the Essene Term he used....pronounced "A-Vee-ock"...with the "Vee" part pronounced more like: "fee" with a sorta "f" sound on top of the strong "v" sound.

Who did changing that from "A Way" to "The Way" serve?

It served only Man....particular greedy & power hungry Men, that is.

That rabbi...and no true rabbi for that matter would ever make a declaration that would seal the fate of mankind to misery, war and inescapable suffering which is the only place declaring a "monopoly" on the road (and thus declaring all other routes to be invalid) to heaven could lead to....with the attributed statement "I am The Way blah blah blah".

"I am a way....." thats rabbi-speak. Suggesting we present our sisters & daughters up to them for their further slaughter so their own daughters too can grow up without their Mothers i.e. "turning the other cheek" may be a Noble seeming approach to you because of words that men have written to lead you to relinquish control of your Life to them, brainwashing you with the delusion that to not strike back is gonna please some invisible dude in the sky & make you more pious but the pain of losing a child never ever goes away. And a child that loses her mother is forever changed, overwhelmingly not for the better.

You'd have us lay down for these Barbarians, allow them to trample over us give us a death you suspect is "not real" totally and completely because you feel like you know some stuff based upon words you've read in a book.

Or what Men have led you to believe.

The very Barbarians themselves have arrived where they have because of words in a book as well....and what Men have told them to believe...about what "God" wants.

If you continue to insist that we lay down for them, let them kill innocent people as much as they desire and that the world's response to this should be to "turn the other cheek" I'm going to start addressing you as Afkar Al Abalah and suggest you change your legal name to Afkar Al Abalah.

Damn good post right here guys. Thanks, I needed this shit!

Nov 4, 2009
Most of those who died were at a Concert. One died in front of the stadium where there was a soccer match going on. These are events that any of us could have been at. Reading guy's post here over the last year were some of us in Paris that night theres a better than average chance at least one of us here on this forum would have been at those places.

It'd be literally impossible to express it any better than this:

"Whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also."

Reasonable advice for a 10th-grade cafeteria scuffle. Not always practical when it comes to foreign policy.

......Sooner or later, somebody needs to save the philosophers from the barbarians.

This video that phdinsports posted to open the other thread is a must see.

Note particularly the 10:28 mark through about 10:35.

Hitler is Back ya'll.

You will recognize the tone.

Its fine to have Existentialism, Spirituality be a part of the debate, this has its place in the discussion. I fully realize that we should strive to be peaceful, to not be brought down to their level but its possible this question of what to do in response to Religious Fanaticism might be the most important question we face during our lives.

Sweden is being Terrorized. 2.7 Muslims are in UK, there are sections of the nation where if you look a Muslim Man in the eye they beat you on the street..and not mano a mano, they gang up. Swedish people are awesome. They are Peaceful beings and their country is on a path to Hell as will be other European Nations.

The deranged dude in the Turban at that 10:28 mark who sounds SO much like Adolph even states at another point within the video that the plan is to accomplish the largest genocide in history by infiltrating countries via "refugees"....he's even got a Power Point Presentation, Black Stick Figures (Muslims made to exist under Sharia Law) replacing White Stick Figures (Non-Muslims who would prefer to not live under Sharia Law) and he explains the timeframe over which he expects the black stick figures to completely overwhelm the white stick figures.

Chilling Stuff, man.


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