I need help...Tonite


Can you even imagine a guy who does not even know me..He lives 3000 miles away.. and its raining like cats and dogs........... and i post just for the hell of it for help..Knowing no one cares and would help..I called a friend who was going to drive 50 miles to pick me up and Bamn sickgambler helps me..I was thinking it was a joke right??No the second post he made..I knew this was no joke..In that time i called my friend and told him help was on its way..I now have a big problem..He does not want his money back..I owe the guy something..I don't know how to send him something.. i don't even know the guys name..I owe the guy something..He has showed true class and i have no idea why..

New member
Sep 21, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> He has showed true class and i have no idea why.. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Because he is a great guy. He is giving you a x-mas gift, there's not a lot of people like him.

He just did it for the hell of helping you, he didn't do it to look great in the forum or anything, and I understand that he doesn't want his money back. It's just a special treat for oldfriend /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif
I have been giving this thread some thought, and have decided what you did was admirable and generous, BUT. Do you realise that by helping a degenerate, trifecta betting, horse junkie like Oldfriend, you, Sickgambler, have become an enabler? Yes, an enabler, a person who helps an addict to continue his or her habit for another day. Check out AA, NA, GA, or any other 12 step program, this is not a good thing, you do more damage than good to the degenerate. I know in the past that Oldfriend has broken into his kid´s piggy banks to support his habit. Do yourself and that degenerate, trifecta box addict, Oldfriend, a favor, show some tuff love, and say no, just say no. Believe me, I know track rats like Oldfriend, they act like your friend, when all the time they are on the scam for $12 (enough for a 3 horse tri box), it´s sad, they can´t help themselves. Maybe it will help if we can get one of the Mods to change Oldfriend´s tagline to Degenerate Track Rat, this will be a constant reminder to all of us, that he needs help badly.

Your Pal, Wil.
>helping a degenerate, trifecta betting

Really! All of us 'wiseguys' know to bet the Superfecta!

- - -
"This is the business we've chosen." - Hyman Roth

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I am not dumb you ass. I don't read all the psots. How you get internet access? You walked home, than posted, don't understand.

Self 2

New member
Feb 21, 2002
enjoyed this thread immensely,always love a
good mystery/whodunit.one problem though,but
let me digress first.I attended uni in berkeley
followed by a stint at uc-santa cruz sometime
ago.anyway,for two semesters--the length of
my study in berkeley--i minored in thoroughbred
pari-mutuel study at Golden Gate Fields.Without
boring with more details of the track and the
lovely view of the bezerkeley hills from the grandstand,i travelled that stretch of gilman
(below san pablo ave) many times,and it is
a rather drab industrial street all the way to
the 580 highway.on a trip last year,i made
a sojurn to golden gate fields(nostalgia and
all)and the area is still very industrial and
there is no coffee shop or restaurant of
any kind on that part of gilman st.in fact train
tracks are virtually adjacent to 4th st in that
location.The closest place is up next to san pablo
ave.a donut shop run by a vietnamese couple
i believe,and i highly doubt it has internet access.I went back and did a search on oldfriend's
posts and three minutes before his "help me" post,
he posted at 12.59 a.m. in regards to a thread
about betehorse and rebates or something.Hey your
car is broken down,but first you post about offshore rebate/promos on horses! what dedication!
anyway,just to make sure i checked the albany
yellow pages and the closest coffee shop is about
1/2 mile away from where you claim to have called
from.Doubt it was open either.
Don't take this wrong way.I love threads such
as this one.mysteries are a beautiful thing
Ciao from maria /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif

[This message was edited by Maria Sharapova on 12-15-02 at 05:15 PM.]

New member
Feb 21, 2002
maybe more accurate than industrial area would
be refer to it as an area with a lot of warehouses
Not for nothing, but my post was only a little dig at Oldfriend, a complete joke. It´s a little game we play. I want to say that I do enjoy your always intelligent, albeit rare, posts.


Darling..When was the last time you walk around gilman..Are you just dumb or plain stupid?? Did i say i open the car door and there was a coffee shop??Did i say i went east 4 blocks or west 4 blocks ..Do yourself a favor.. and buy a dildo with all that extra time you have..Now about me posting something about ehorse??Show us darling...Who else is tired of chicks who think they have a brain and don't..Send the shink $500 and i will too..THEN DARLING I WILL LET HIM CALL ME AT THE COFFEE SHOP..
Yes maria smart ass... now put the cash up baby..I got $500 for this..I would never scam my friend Sickgambler..I did say i called a friend and was waiting for him..and then posted my thread knowing no one would help... I will send $500 for my wager with you..Put you money up or shut up!
I am sure Sickgambler likes easy money..He will want to add $500 to this bet..His proff will be the towing charge..please don't post in my thank you thread unless you would like to make a small $500-$1000 bet here....
Looks like Markdel is posting in this thread..I will be more then happy to take you own bro..You me and beantown....I need him with me..I hate fags like you who also have nothing but time on your sholder..Ok, I connfess i scammed Sickgambler and now have his credit card number..WATCHOUT SICKGAMBLER....

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I guess that's a no OLD DRIED UP PIECE OF SHIT!

All I did was make a LEGITIMATE call out on your CREDIBILITY and you run for the hills. I love how losers like yourself run and cower after they have been caught!!!

All you had to do was say OK to the bet, save the receipt and meet me for $1000. But instead you are now confirmed to be a piece of SHIT and I hope you Christmas is filled with ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!! Like your life.

A man's crediblity is all he has and you OLD TIME LOSER NOW HAVE NOTHING!!

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