i need help guys i am separated and want to ask a girl to bengals game this stays


just for the taste of it "diet coke" 8 cans a day
Nov 18, 2004
main forum the other day come on and you move my timmy thread.

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Tang, please don't tell me you are one of those they moved my thread whiners...

Next time make the thread at least a little bit civil and it will stay.


just for the taste of it "diet coke" 8 cans a day
Nov 18, 2004
wil i am just bored at work man. My systems are down and can't do what i am suppose to be doing. So any time is timmy bashing time. I will not complain further about this. you can move this now if you want this thread should have been moved quicker than the timmy one.

just for the taste of it "diet coke" 8 cans a day
Nov 18, 2004
Its Timmy Chang Mr Wilheim And He Has Cost Me Way Too Much Money In The Past Year I Have Never Had More Heartbreaking Losses Because Of Him. I Do Not Have Time To Go Into It But Check My Post On How I Did Betting Hawaii Games Last Yr. I Posted It About A Month Ago If You Want To Check It Out.

I am sorry for using the "R" word - and NOTHING EL
Oct 21, 1999
so let me get this straight?

this is a female you are interested in. you want to make a good impression on her so you offer to take her to a BENGALS game?

Are you out of your mind!

"Hey, if you're not doing anything this Sunday wanna go to the Bengals game with me?"

Unless she is a -1 on a 1-10 look scale NO WAY will she say "YES!" Think a "10" will agree to go to a BENGALS game with you? If she does - all I wanna know is "Does she have any sisters?"

If she is hot - and agrees to go with you - i put it at about 80% chance she is a lesbo! NO "straight" female would ever agree to go on a date to a BENGALS game

I don't know why you and your (soon-to-be) ex are no longer together - but this might help explain a lot!

If you REALLY want to make a good impression on this woman - DO NOT take her to a Bengals' game!

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
winkyduck said:
so let me get this straight?

this is a female you are interested in. you want to make a good impression on her so you offer to take her to a BENGALS game?

Are you out of your mind!

"Hey, if you're not doing anything this Sunday wanna go to the Bengals game with me?"

Unless she is a -1 on a 1-10 look scale NO WAY will she say "YES!" Think a "10" will agree to go to a BENGALS game with you? If she does - all I wanna know is "Does she have any sisters?"

If she is hot - and agrees to go with you - i put it at about 80% chance she is a lesbo! NO "straight" female would ever agree to go on a date to a BENGALS game

I don't know why you and your (soon-to-be) ex are no longer together - but this might help explain a lot!

If you REALLY want to make a good impression on this woman - DO NOT take her to a Bengals' game!

I agree about not taking her to the Bengals game, but for a completely different reason: girls aren't good fans. I am 99% sure I will NEVER take a girl to a Skins game with me, for the sole reason that I need someone who's gonna stand up with me on every play and scream their lungs out and lose their voice and root the Skins to victory, and quite frankly, girls are generally unwilling to do that. I won't take ANYONE, girl or guy, to a game with me if they're unwilling to stand up and scream for 60 minutes. If that girl's a hardcore fan and willing to lose her voice for the Bengals, then by all means, take her. Fuck impressions; she'll get to know the real you at a game, see you at your highest and lowest, etc. And she might even be into that. Some girls like to see emotion, regardless of the cause, so maybe you'll be able to hit that quicker if you DO bring her. Especially if the Bengals lose(sympathy ass). But if she ain't willing to yell at the top of her lungs on every third down, don't you dare bring her with you.

What am I talking about...I know nothing about girls. But nonetheless, you need a real fan with you. Good luck.

New member
Oct 1, 2004
After reading your second post in 2 or 3 days, I would recommend to turn gay and get it all over with.

Just "joking" my friend, hope it all goes well for you.

Good luck,

There's always next year, like in 75, 90-93, 99 &
Sep 20, 2004
You seem like a cool cat -- PLEASE tell me "girl" is not code for "BigBet1234" ;)

j/k sir

Home of the Cincinnati Criminals.
Sep 20, 2004

I take offense to this post. First off get your facts straight. Secondly, you have bashed Shrink, and others on this forum. And you are a far cry from what I would call attractive.

As a matter of fact, you are one freaky and extremely odd, ugly SOB, and I have many that will confirm this. You act as if you are gods gift to women, but still live in your parents basement jerking off to porn.

I understand coming to grips with your odd appearance, and assholish personality must be tough, but go get some thearpy, and become satisfied with yourself before bashing others.

winkyduck said:
so let me get this straight?

this is a female you are interested in. you want to make a good impression on her so you offer to take her to a BENGALS game?

Are you out of your mind!

"Hey, if you're not doing anything this Sunday wanna go to the Bengals game with me?"

Unless she is a -1 on a 1-10 look scale NO WAY will she say "YES!" Think a "10" will agree to go to a BENGALS game with you? If she does - all I wanna know is "Does she have any sisters?"

If she is hot - and agrees to go with you - i put it at about 80% chance she is a lesbo! NO "straight" female would ever agree to go on a date to a BENGALS game

I don't know why you and your (soon-to-be) ex are no longer together - but this might help explain a lot!

If you REALLY want to make a good impression on this woman - DO NOT take her to a Bengals' game!

Rx Post Doc
Feb 8, 2005
I thought I was following along and the BAM!!! Like Emeril (sp?)...I didn't know there would be diced crab in that!!! BAM!!! What? I'm freaking lost!

SkinsRaj, believe me or not, I am good with women, AND my advice is to never show a woman you are dating the full Monty (all your tricks)...ok? You will be better off if you get nicely settled in before she sees the ink/dye on the belly for the game type stunts...women are not men.

In fact, I want you all to remember (this is not aimed at SkinsRaj...this is aimed at all of you that hope to find women to marry) and repeat this if you are dating...'Women are not men...they do not appreciate the man way...do not show them the man way.... In fact, first rule of man club is not to speak about man club....' You win women by doing what women like to do...dinner, theater, movies, holding off on chasing for sex until the relationship is very late to married..(women are crazy about you slowing them down...I know it's hard.)

Always be separate from their emotion: makes them like you. Always empathize with their emotion: makes them like you. Always stand your ground in arguments nicely and quietly and abstain (sex) from them for as long as you can...seriously, if you like them then this actually helps them believe you like them....oddly this is true, too. If you don't like them, fuck them six times in a week and drop them. tulsa

Rx Post Doc
Feb 8, 2005
OK...I know women that read this will not believe this and this will piss off many (if any) women that do read this: Pretend you are the woman's father and love her like a father would....don't give in to crazy bouts of crying with her...say "I understand that you feel badly about the X, but you must understand that Y" That's empathizing, right there my friend. Be firm. Be kind. Be gentle.

You must love a woman like a father figure...women love their Dad (usually and in a healthy way) and like a father, sex is not the first step to finding out if you actually LIKE her enough to make commitment. Sex is sadly, I know, secondary, but our society and men in general have placed Sex as primary (it is to us, in many cases, I know) BUT that will not build a healthy relationship. Actually, I give up as it would take a book to teach this stuff and I like you guys but you aren't paying for the copy! Good luck! tulsa

RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
ummm guys. . tang isnt asking for advice here, he's talking about his thread being moved

you are all cracking me up!!

I am sorry for using the "R" word - and NOTHING EL
Oct 21, 1999
bigbet1234 said:

I take offense to this post. First off get your facts straight. Secondly, you have bashed Shrink, and others on this forum. And you are a far cry from what I would call attractive.

As a matter of fact, you are one freaky and extremely odd, ugly SOB, and I have many that will confirm this. You act as if you are gods gift to women, but still live in your parents basement jerking off to porn.

I understand coming to grips with your odd appearance, and assholish personality must be tough, but go get some thearpy, and become satisfied with yourself before bashing others.


BB - i would agree if i was serious or even close to it. this was a joke and i think most got it here. this is like the old joke about the guy who calls the ballpark asking what time the Royals' home game starts and the box office asks him, "What time can you get here?"

am i ugly - no argument. sadly - no argument

just for the taste of it "diet coke" 8 cans a day
Nov 18, 2004
robfunk this is the funniest thread i have read in awhile.

RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
It's funny all the paragraphs of stuff these guys are typing up, people calling each other names and poor tang just wants to know about thread moves. :lolBIG:

Rx Post Doc
Feb 8, 2005
I have to say: I love TANG, I really do, but the

i need help guys i am separated and want to ask a girl to bengals game this stays main forum the other day come on and you move my timmy thread.

is not that clear. What I posted still stands. tulsa

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