I Love it when LeBron Loses


Sep 21, 2001
What's your point sheriff blow? Being vaccinated protects you from seriously effects of COVID. That's the protection of the vaccine.

With you're idiotic comment and username, I'm pretty sure you don't have a post secondary education. I'm not even sure if your broke ass little hick town had a high school lol. You're so cringe.

That's the newest theory being touted - the vaccine was supposed to stop the spread of COVID - President Biden was going to "CRUSH" COVID in the first 100 days (combined with masking while you shower) - the vaccines were also slightly over 90% effective - this has proven all to be bullshit - what has happened is that the virus has mutated and become more contagious - while becoming more contagious it has also become much milder - and docs from South Africa are reporting the newest strain is mild - so we are getting lucky - I would imagine the vaccines work decent several months at best

Active member
Nov 23, 2011

Oct 13, 2021
This is no different from our own politicians. Both Republicants and Democrats. Don't kid yourselves. Said it before and I'll say it again...fucken evil China has the U.S by the balls. They are looking for world domination and most powerful superpower and nothing will stop them. The old champion always get knocked off by a more hungry, younger fighter.

I shudder to think of them as the dominant superpower in the world..if they aren't already.

Oct 13, 2021
No experimental clot shot means I'm not exposing myself to god-knows-what side effects which end in tragedy. Case in point:

Even the New England of Journal of Medicine concedes clot shot efficacy wanes after 2 months, so good luck to your compromised immune system as you overload it with booster after booster. To wit, the only thing you're "protecting" are Big Pharma profits - record profits!

The way I see it, I'm 100% immune from these unreported horror stories and have a 99.7% chance of survival if I'm ever infected with the Wuhan Flu. Not to mention, all the effective therapeutic options available which aren't reported by Fake News.

Oh, and it's YOUR not "you're"...ignorant bloviating monosyllabic millennial.
Oh you got me on a typo when I was busy typing out a quick response to morons who aren't worth my time. YA GOT ME! LOL. Dumbass. I can guarantee I've got a better education at a more prestigious college than you did. YOU'RE catching me on minor typos. Good job. You still lose on all YOUR other points boomer. Lol.

Oct 13, 2021
That's the newest theory being touted - the vaccine was supposed to stop the spread of COVID - President Biden was going to "CRUSH" COVID in the first 100 days (combined with masking while you shower) - the vaccines were also slightly over 90% effective - this has proven all to be bullshit - what has happened is that the virus has mutated and become more contagious - while becoming more contagious it has also become much milder - and docs from South Africa are reporting the newest strain is mild - so we are getting lucky - I would imagine the vaccines work decent several months at best
They were plenty of people that clogged up the hospitals all over the world that had serious complications from COVID. Many of them wouldn't have been there if they had taken the vaccine. It's that simple.

Having said that, I just want to move on and never hear about this china virus again. Things are open, clubs etc. My sports leagues. Parties. Life is good again. I just want it completely over with.

One thing we must all agree on. We've been lied to. By our government, both right and left. And especially by China. Right from the beginning. But we won't do shit about it because cowards that we are, the U.S only likes to pick on weaker mostly middle eastern countries for lame reasons like imaginary weapons of mass destruction or for oil etc but we wouldn't dare stand up to China. Not aggressively. Or else we would have real answers by now.

Fuck China. Fuck the china virus. Fuck our government both left and right.

Nov 7, 2008
That's the newest theory being touted - the vaccine was supposed to stop the spread of COVID - President Biden was going to "CRUSH" COVID in the first 100 days (combined with masking while you shower) - the vaccines were also slightly over 90% effective - this has proven all to be bullshit - what has happened is that the virus has mutated and become more contagious - while becoming more contagious it has also become much milder - and docs from South Africa are reporting the newest strain is mild - so we are getting lucky - I would imagine the vaccines work decent several months at best
How are we “Getting lucky”

Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
Are YOU fucken kidding ME? You and the other Lebron haters in here (I can't stand the guy either but he's not a bad person like you all make him out to be) are the only drama queens in here and you're really reaching here with the clowns getting kicked out of the game thing here and all the other nonsense.

I bet the clowns had it coming and gone are the days when rich fucks get to sit court side and act like it's their daddy's house and not handle their liquor and say what they want and act like savages. They're going to learn some respect and good on the King for delivering it. This isn't the 1980's anymore. White people need to learn that being white or rich doesn't mean shit anymore. Lol. Some of them are learning the hard way.

Fact of the matter is, most of you the guys here got penis/wallet envy that's all. I don't like him for legit reasons. Sports reasons. Like how he self proclaimed himself the GOAT etc. You guys here just plain hating and envious and n basically hate him for being outspoken on political views.

He's not a bad person overall and he's a devoted father and with all the scrutiny on him his whole bball career in this age of social media he did a damn fine job carrying himself.

Most of you act like you are saints and I can guarantee you are worse people than he is. Lol.

That's all. Get a grip with the drama nonsense. You people are the drama queens. He never did anything so unforgivable or so terrible that warrants the kind of hate you people foaming from. Lol. The fact that a Lebron hater is saying this to you guys shows how objective you people are not. It all comes down to political views which is why you guys hate him so much. Add in some penis and wallet envy...

Also, he's got tens of millions and won championships and had the life all of us can only dream of for ourselves and our families. These kinds of threads smell badly of jealousy.

Have a nice day. The fact that you waited this long to reply and used that weak ejection as an example says its all. Very weak.
Hes a racist fu¢k and it sounds exactly like you are too by bringing up "white ppl"

Ppl of all colors can't stand his azz even past & present players

And by the way if every white person stopped buying tickets then they'd all be working at McDonald's.
Hopefully it will come to that one day when everyone has had enough of the bullsh!t

Aug 4, 2013
Hes a racist fu¢k and it sounds exactly like you are too by bringing up "white ppl"

Ppl of all colors can't stand his azz even past & present players

And by the way if every white person stopped buying tickets then they'd all be working at McDonald's.
Hopefully it will come to that one day when everyone has had enough of the bullsh!t
That’s the difference between you and me. I’m of no opinion either way some like him some hate him l just really have no opinion just keep making me money kid. Right now l need Texas tech under 138 1/2 that’s my opinion.

Dec 13, 2007
Hes a racist fu¢k and it sounds exactly like you are too by bringing up "white ppl"

Ppl of all colors can't stand his azz even past & present players
Hopefully it will come to that one day when everyone has had enough of the bullsh!t

"And by the way if every white person stopped buying tickets then they'd all be working at McDonald's."

If I can get a quicker burger...Do it, take up a cause ...lol

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Getting lucky that the current prevailing variant Delta is not as lethal as the original Covids - and Omicron is allegedly even milder
This is how viruses work, mutations become gradually weaker.

This is good news. If these mutations were getting more lethal, I would be very worried because it would mean they were being engineered.

Not that the idiot Chicken Littles masquerading as "journalists" would know the difference...

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005

Rittenhouse Sends LeBron James Some Lemon Drops To Help Him Get Over Covid

Oct 13, 2021
Hes a racist fu¢k and it sounds exactly like you are too by bringing up "white ppl"

Ppl of all colors can't stand his azz even past & present players

And by the way if every white person stopped buying tickets then they'd all be working at McDonald's.
Hopefully it will come to that one day when everyone has had enough of the bullsh!t
That day will NEVER come because thankfully racist white people are the MINORITY in America, So don't hold your breath, It's a very farfetched notion. The show always goes on with pro sports and always will.

The only racists and bigots are the ones infesting this site with their hate and jealousy. But luckily most of them are old as fuck and don't matter. Lol.

I maintain my stance. Lebron is not a bad person and given the spotlight/microscope he's been under his whole career he's handled it like a champ and been a decent human being overall. Again, this is coming from a JORDAN is the GOAT guy.

Nothing more to say.

Oct 13, 2021
Hes a racist fu¢k and it sounds exactly like you are too by bringing up "white ppl"

Ppl of all colors can't stand his azz even past & present players

And by the way if every white person stopped buying tickets then they'd all be working at McDonald's.
Hopefully it will come to that one day when everyone has had enough of the bullsh!t
Also, you call me out for being racist over something way less severe compared to some of the blatantly racist comments that goes on at this site, yet you never seem to mention that or bat an eyelash. So that tells me all I need to know about you.

I'll call it like it is.

Oct 13, 2021

Oct 13, 2021

Oct 13, 2021

Oct 13, 2021
Time and time again republicunts prove they are only selectively patriotic or pretend to be anyways. Donald dump sells out America like a cheap whore to Russia and they don't bat an eyelash or deflect and divert. What they always do.

When an NBA players is getting paid (a black one) and getting rich beyond their wildest dreams, they have an issue LOL.

Compare an NBA player to a president. Even if it it the worst president in U.S history who got bitchslapped and voted out after only 4 years lol. And bitched and whined the whole way out much to our amusement lol.

Spin it how you want. Republicunts are born losers and Democrats are in the White House again.


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