I like TheRx better now...


you are the only person who is asking for details on limits. everyone else seems to be grown up enough to handle this on their own.

YOU asked for a rule. i gave YOU a rule.

Big Deal, you were correct!!

- - -
"This is the business we've chosen." - Hyman Roth
Hey Fat,

What will it take for you to cry your way out of the forum again ? Once I thought you were a standup guy but the shit you pulled last night in here just goes to show that you're a crybaby when you don't get your way !

Don't let the door hit you on your way out AGAIN


Uncle Butternuts is locked in my basement

no need for namecalling o.k. hung?.

[This message was edited by RPM on 01-29-03 at 11:58 AM.]
RPM, is hungover's post a 'personal attack'? Are they allowed?

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"This is the business we've chosen." - Hyman Roth
FF, has become another actuary. Hell bent on screwing up this forum. Its funny, he would never try this shit at MW. No, he does it here because people are nicer here, and he is an asshole who wants to take advantage of it...

It has absolutely nothing to do with your politics...
>he would never try this shit at MW

I hate to tell ya... But MW does NOT a wacky LEFT WING AGENDA perpetrated by the Mods / owner.

- - -
"This is the business we've chosen." - Hyman Roth
yeah, basically F**F*** is a little piece of **** that is mad because he is **** the whole **** forum, but nobody ***** cares that the **** little ***** ***** needs the attention.

Maybe the **** little **** should cry like the *** that she is and ***** threaten to **** leave (again).

[edited by Lander to save RPM the time]
Rpm is just doing his job when locking threads in offshore about politics or other unrelated stuff. The Mods have done a great job cleaning up THE RX, and I would be the last person to defend Rpm, as I usually dont see eye to eye with him, but in response to your question, which is now locked in offshore, the answer is-
Because he is enforcing the rules set forth by The Shrink , his boss.
Have a good day

Butternuts is a genius

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