<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> What bogus email did you send her that she quoted?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

The truth?

I have never e-mailed clevfan. Ever.

I was just playing off a hunch that she was being tricked into posting bs info, as i knew for a fact there were 2 or 3 things for sure that were posted by her that were NEVER posted in the AB room.

Figured i would either be proven right, or the post would be ignored, or it would be denied.

Appears as though i was right.
What's your email address?

I IM'd Russ about the info - he knows EXACTLY what I'm talking about ...we had a long converstation about it.

I'll write you tomorrow - I'm off to bed.
Good Night.

Was it today? When I spoke to him earlier about it he had no idea.. and there would be no reason to tell me that if it wasn't true? anyway.. looking forward to hearing from you.

Uncle B, I hope you can understand my assuming what I did. Doesn't it seem like a huge coincidence to you, too?

I have a feeling this will all blow over soon. Goodnight all.

New member
Dec 21, 1999
Ffic has increased? Big whoop. With all this increase one might expect some more influence, but it is the same old stale rehashed stuff over and over.

This on going "fued" always seem to flare up during the slow times of the year. Once again adding to my theories the whole thing is an act to do just what it has done...increase traffic with a soap opera atmosphere.

Whatever sells I guess. This is an INTERNET forum people. Personal atacks are about as meaningful as a third grade name calling session. Who gives a shit?

Even IF any of it is true who cares, and who can prove it? People can claim a lot of things, but what does it prove?

Why lower yourselves to that level? That is why I have long held that it is all an act. It has been clear for a long time that these forums have ceased to be sports focused, and have turned to cheap theatrics to increase traffic.

Remember way back when, when the whole innuendos were made about letting a certain book post here? A lot of people said that it was just a ploy to increase traffic, and everyone here came out of the woodwork to say that increased traffic didn't mean a whole hell of a lot?

Well what is it? Is traffic important or not? A typical twisting of words/facts/situations to make it look more relevant than it actually is.

I try not to comment in threads like this, but I was basically wondering if anyone else saw the same things I did.
I don't like this thread Wantitall4moi.

But traffic does drive the site, of course it is important. I don't think this thread is even good for that.

Any vehicle that depends upon advertising revenue for it's existence is traffic driven. Economics 101.
It's a good thing we don't count on traffic flow from that site...

We got 6 different IPS from there yesterday, with 2 million views!

Today, I was HORRIFIED when I learned that CLEVFAN posted a FAKE thread about our Boardroom which she claims was emailed to her in an effort to discredit us.

How much LOWER can she get?

And don't their moderators have to accept some responsibility for allowing slanderous posts about people that were not ever mentioned in our board room?


So the next time I get an email about Jackie being an alcoholic who neglects her son, I have the right to post it on our forum because it must be true?

I don't think so...

Well, i think all points have been made, and many funloving opinions shared.

Off to RubberRoom we go now, where the fun can continue endlessly.

Thanks for sharing everyone, it was fun.
I agree Uncle, so unlike them, we will lock our ONE thread and move forward to gambling related things, and not personal vendettas!

So now I can post in the thread too.

I havent't been to mw much, but I do know that Grandfather has a very short fuse.

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